Sample Body Paragraphs Thesis Statement: Capital punishment, legal in 37 states, is actually a failed policy that is inefficient, expensive, and does not lower crime. Body paragraph: 1. Capital punishment is expensive for a number of reasons, chief among them the cost of the American appeals process. The topic sentence should "echo" the thesis statement by using similar words and phrases. 2. Each death row inmate is entitled to years of appeals and court appearances. Sentence 2 should further explain the topic sentence. + In fact, many appeals cost well into the millions of dollars by the time the process is over. You may need more than one sentence to explain the topic and lead in to the citation 3. "The legal system is becoming bankrupt as a result of the death penalty" (Reynoso 57). Citation 4. Eliminating the death penalty and giving life sentences to the worst criminals would save the legal system billions of dollars that could go to larger, more efficient and effective prisons. +. Also, this would eliminate the possibility of innocent people being executed, which has occurred numerous times. One or two sentences that explain the citation and the point of the paragraph. 5. In addition to saving money on appeals, eliminating capital punishment will save millions in prisoner care. Transition sentence that both summarizes the previous paragraph and previews the next paragraph *Transitions in gray highlight* Thesis Statement: Cloning, a scientific and medical procedure since 1958, hould not be allowed in society because it is unethical, dangerous, and reduces genetic diversity. Body paragraph: 1. Topic Sentence: If human cloning were to routinely occur, the world would become overpopulated. 2. Expanding on Topic Sentence: As a result, famine, global warming, and poverty would become even more significant problems than they are already. 3. Intro to Citation: Research indicates that these problems are directly connected to the world's population. 4. The Citation: Research stated, "Cloning, among its many other drawbacks, would directly affect our ability as a people to live on this planet's resources (Evans, 30)." 5. The Explanation in Your Words: Even without cloning, these are problems that the world currently must address; allowing cloning to occur would be irresponsible and would result in death and suffering on a global scale. 6. Transition Sentence (Connects this paragraph with the next): In addition to problems with overpopulation, cloning also would greatly reduce genetic diversity. Thesis Statement: Teenage pregnancy, which can affect both teens and their parents, could be prevented if schools joined parents in educating children about safe sex. Body Paragraph: 1. Topic Sentence: Sex education classes help decrease the number of teenage pregnancies. 2. Expanding on Topic Sentence: Teenagers learning about sex from adults in a professional environment are better educated than if their only education comes from parents or friends. 3. 3. Intro to Citation: In fact, classes authorized by the government have been successful in educating teenagers about sex in a respectful and productive manner. 4. The Citation: They stated, "In 1981, Congress passed the Adolescent Family Life Act, also known as the 'chastity law,' which funded educational programs nationwide" ( Bell , 98). 5. The Explanation in Your Words: The addition of this law, and of sex education classes to schools has been useful in preventing teen pregnancy. Students feel more comfortable learning about sex without their parents present, and are more informed than if they acquired the information from their peers. 6. Transition Sentence (Connects this paragraph with the next): Along with the advantages that come from sex education classes in schools, students have also benefited from contraceptive distribution.