preparing for the imaginative landscape context sac

Things to address in your reflective commentary…
• Form (opinion piece, expository essay, etc)
• Audience (who you’re writing for- ideal audience)
• Language (tone, techniques, approach, and reasons why)
• Purpose (what are you trying to convey and why?)
• Context (reason for writing- place of publication)
• Content (texts that you are drawing on, the approach that you will takewithout just summarising everything that you’re going to write) and this can
also include supplementary texts
REMEMBER – prompt –text/s – your own ideas – the world
YOUR WORK and that it should include some modifying during the writing
process of the SAC
* From the prompt will come your reaction / response / contention and include
history / knowledge / interests / affinity to nature, landscape and imagination
* Topic sentences should be strong, direct and in line with the prompt and then
evidence from the texts to support your reaction to prompt
* Vocabulary and language should be indicative of the form and structure in
conjunction of the prompt
* Ensure that your understanding of responding to either expository or
persuasive essays is clear and defined and that associated literary techniques
support the content
* Stay focused on who the selected audience is and why
* Form – pieces of writing include a title / heading / subheading
* Practice makes perfect – that means homework!!!
* Word limit, handwriting (and spacing) and time frames are also important
The 10 point plan of attack for your response…
1. Context aspects, ideas and or issues addressed
2. Language suits audience
3. Conventions of form have been followed
4. Audience and purpose are consistent
5. Contains references to selected text/s
6. Point of view is supported by evidence
7. Engages reader
8. Uses a strong voice
9. Structure is logical and clear
10. Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation
Be confident with your writing and GOOD LUCK!!!
# what is your definition of ‘imaginative’ and ‘landscape’ and why?
# look up the words ‘imaginative’ and ‘landscape’ in the dictionary and make a
list of meanings and / or synonyms!! This will assist the development of an
effective word bank for vocabulary in your response
# list the different types of landscapes explored within the text/s and give
descriptive examples
# list key events in the texts and what they reveal about the landscape and
identify and describe the role that the setting/s play in the texts’ exploration of
the landscape
# be aware of the scope of the landscape – the physical and metaphysical,
symbolic, metaphorical etc
# what are the significant ideas / aspects that are explored in the texts and why
# remember key terms associated with the texts and their particular style /
genre and its conventions
# go through all class notes from our discussions to refresh memory
# think beyond the texts ie the greater world – social, political, cultural etc
# remind yourself of the texts’ characters and why the poet / director / author
etc include them. What constitutes these characters and why? What do the
characters do and say and why? What impact does the landscape have on
them, vice versa and why?