Grade 7 Heat & Environment Unit Plan

Grade 7 Unit Plan:
Heat and the Environment
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
Science within the classroom is a phenomenal subject unlike any other. It
allows the student to view both objectively and subjectively observable events that
based on opinion can seem significant or insignificant. Remarkably, it seems that as
we view science all around us and we focus on recreating a lot of the environmental
and universal phenomenon through our classroom teaching and demonstrations. A
major feat that is constantly being spun about the wheel of change and reform is the
innovation of technology and its implications on shaping the framework of the
world we live in today. The unit within the grade 7 curriculum to focus on these
changes is Heat and the Environment.
Every year global warming is getting worst in every part of the world. That
we experience here also in Canada. Summer is getting hotter and hotter every year
and result a drastic change in our environment. Grade 7 will have a deeper
understanding of how heat affects the world and everything on it. The study will be
focused in the topics of cause and effect of heat, investigating properties of heat,
relate it to geological and meteorological processes, and use their new-found
knowledge to design a device to minimize heat transfer. Practical theory will be use
for explain some observation.
Safety will be one of the concerns of the subject the students will be required
to explain safety practices for themselves and other people. This includes the proper
handling of hot objects and protecting themselves from heat and objects that are
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
heated. Students will utilize their learning both inside and outside of the classroom;
however, safety will be paramount concern throughout all lessons.
Heat and the Environment at a Glance:
Overall Expectations
By the end of Grade 7, students will:
 Assess the costs and benefits of technologies that reduce heat loss or heatrelated impacts on the environment;
 Investigate ways in which heat changes substances, and describe how heat is
 Demonstrate an understanding of heat as a form of energy that is associated
with the movement of particles and is essential to many processes within the
Earth’s systems.
Specific Expectations
By the end of Grade 7, students will:
1.0 - Relating Science and Technology to Society and the Environment
 1.1 - Assess the social and environment benefits of technologies that reduce
heat loss or transfer
 1.2 - Assess the environmental and economical impact using conventional
strategies and knowledge.
2.0 - Developing Investigation and Communication Skills
 2.1 - Follow established safety productions for using heating appliances and
handling hot materials
 2.2 - Investigate the effect of heating and cooling on the volume of solid, a
liquid and a gas
 2.3 - Use technology problem- solving skills to identify ways to minimize heat
 2.4 - Use scientific inquiry/ experimentation skills to investigate heat
transfer through conduction, convection, and radiation.
 2.5 - Use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, including heat,
temperature, conduction, convection, and radiation, in oral and written
 2.6 - Use a variety of forms to communicate with different audiences and for
a variety of purposes
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
3.0 - Understanding Basic Concepts
 3.1 - Use the practice theory to compare how heat affects the motion of
practices in a solid, a liquid, and a gas
 3.2 - Identify ways in which heat is produced
 3.3 - Use the particle theory to explain the effects of heat on volume in solids,
liquids, and gases
 3.4 - Explain how heat is transmitted through conduction, and describe
natural processes that are affected by conduction
 3.5 - Explain how heat is transmitted through convection; describe natural
processes that depend on convection
 3.6 - Explain how heat is transmitted through radiation, describe the effects
of radiation from the sun on different kinds surfaces
 3.7 - Describe the role of radiation in heating and cooling of the earth, and
explain how greenhouse gases effect the transmission of radiated heat
through heat atmosphere
 3.8 - Identify common sources of greenhouse gases
Fundamental Concept
Big Idea
Heat is a form of energy that can be
transformed and transferred. These
processes can be explained using the
particle theory of matter. (Overall
Expectations 2 and 3)
Sustainability and
There are many sources of heat. (Overall
expectation 3)
Systems and
Heat has both positive and negative
effects on the environment. (Overall
expectation 1)
Scientific Literacy goals
 As identified within the curriculum expectations, students will engage in a
language that includes special terms that are recognized by the field of
science and technology.
 Many of the activities that the students engage in will involve written, oral
and visual communication skills. Students in turn will use these skills to
describe their inquiries in both formal and informal contexts, and present
their findings in oral presentations and written reports.
Social goals (Character)
 Students as they progress through the elementary grades are subjected to
more responsibilities within both their learning and extra-curricular
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
activities. Students who are willing to make the effort and are persistent with
application and awareness of theoretical knowledge will undoubtedly
succeed. This direct relationship becomes inherent upon the following
Students acknowledge the need to learn and obtain new concepts
Students recognize and facilitate the need for scientific discovery and it’s
Students are able to illicit intrinsic motivational strategies to improve their
success with observational patience, attention and encouragement of others’
Table Chart for Unit Plan Overview:
Lesson Title and
Code(s) for
Timing and
Duration of
Lesson Overview and Assessment Criteria
Evaluations Based on
Connections to the
Achievement Chart
Code 2.5
60 minutes
1.2 – HEAT CAN
Code 2.2
60 minutes
1.3 – HEAT CAN
Code 3.1
Diagnostic assessment given utilizing the
vocabulary terms listed at the end of this
Students will be given a handout on the
states of matter to copy notes and review
and informational video outlining the topic.
Students will share their observations in a
think/pair/share exercise.
Inquiry activity using the expansion of water
when frozen. Students will look at different
substances when subjected to drastic
changes in temperature.
Investigation links to boiling, hot, cold and
freezing temperatures
Lab handouts will be given. Definitions and
terminology for ELL students can be
30-60 minutes
Online video showing the expansion and
contraction of solids. Making connections to
building and design when considering
Students will do an observational lab with
Knowledge and
Thinking, Application
and Communication
Thinking and
Knowledge and
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
the burning of candles. They will observe the
changes of state occurring.
Code 3.1
60 minutes
Code 3.2
(2 Class
Students will identify the purpose of
electrons and movement that occurs.
Students will perform a movement activity
around the classroom simulating expansion
and contraction of particles within a
Students will discover what happens to
particles within a substance as they are
subjected to different temperatures
Brainstorming and Response Journals will
be used as assessment pieces. Focus will be
made on scientific vocabulary to
communicate procedures and ideas.
Students will work on creating a concept
map or poster for the classroom outlining
the changes of state that occur due to heat.
Students will work in groups and illustrate
the different levels (sublimation,
evaporation, condensation…etc.)
Students will perform a gallery walk
afterwards to view their classmate’s work.
Posters will be left up as references for the
rest of the year.
Science Text (Math Power or other) can be
used for reinforcement
Knowledge and
Knowledge and
Thinking and
3.1 – HEAT &
Code 1.1
60-80 minutes
3.2 –
Code 2.2
60 minutes
Students will begin to learn the concepts of
heat and it’s relationship to temperature.
Video will be shown in class (10 minutes)
outlining these principles.
Students will gather data using
thermometers of different temperatures
within and around the school for
independent study and evaluation.
Results will be tabled and students will
formulate questions relating to different
Students will reflect on the particle theory of
Knowledge and
Thinking and
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
3.3 – HLDING
Code 2.1
matter and conduct in-class investigations
as to where heat is transferred.
Students will use the scientific method to
predict, observe and identify different
temperatures within changes of state and
look at this process through a number of
different materials (water, alcohol,
Reflections will be done through partnered
lab report write-ups and online blog
postings of findings.
60 minutes
Students will engage in a small role-playing
activity whereby they will physically act out
being particles within different materials
and show the physical characteristics of
each material under different states of heat.
Students will then be given a short lecture
and handouts regarding specific heat
capacity of different materials, outlining
why different substances retain heat longer
than others.
Heating a pot on a Bunsen burner as an
example (metal holds the heat more than
the handle) explain these principles.
Specific heat capacity worksheet to be
completed using mathematical formulas.
Formulas can be reviewed and provided for
students on IEP’s on unit test and in future
lab work if needed.
Communication and
Thinking and
Communication and
Code 3.5, 2.4
60 minutes
Code 2.5, 3.5
60 minutes
Lesson Video and Power-point presentation
outlining the three different methods of heat
Students will observe direct energy transfer
through conduction by heating water to a
Lab experiment in the classroom using
different (non-combustible materials).
Students will check for energy transfer over
time. Data analysis will be done on graph
Observational journal entries supporting
data will be made as a reflective piece.
Students will continue video from previous
class outlining convection and it’s principles.
Students will be given a critical inquiry as to
Knowledge and
Thinking and
Knowledge and
Thinking and
Investigation, and
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
Code 2.5, 3.6
60 minutes
4.4 – HEAT
Code 1.1, 2.4,
(2 Class
why we do not burn our hand when we stick
it in the over?
Question and Answer/Numerical problem
Review answers in a group debate forum
and review the principles of heat and
specific heat capacity of different materials.
Students will have and opportunity this
class to work on the Gizmo’s website to look
at computer simulations regarding
Students will gain a conceptual
understanding of what radiation is and
reflection on the different kinds of radiation.
Compare and contrast questions will be
made through computer simulations and
journal response entries.
Students will use activity to find what
substances absorb energy using different
colored paint cans. Analysis and discovery
will be shared with the class.
Case study and scoring rubric will be made
on a more macro level involving solar
energy and it’s efficiency for home heating.
Students will have an opportunity to present
their findings to the class in an oral
presentation. Computer assistive technology
can be implemented where possible.
Knowledge and
Thinking and
Knowledge and
Thinking and
Communication and
Code 1.2, 3.2
60 minutes
Students will analyze the sun and its
relationship with the Earth warming and
cooling cycles.
Outdoor laboratory will give the students the
chance using prior knowledge and activation
to see who can boil a pot of water using only
sunlight and materials that are known to
reflect light.
Procedures and stipulations of the
experiment will be handed out prior to the
lab for students to prepare and research
“Ticket out the door” exercise will be
completed following the lab. Students write
down what they learned and what they
thought would happen.
Knowledge and
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
5.2 - ENERGY
Code 1.1
60 minutes
Code 1.1, 2.3
(2 class
Students will have a greater understanding
that energy is not lost, simply transferred.
Video simulating the transfer of energy will
be shown 25 minutes.
Students will be given written response
answers to the video.
Students will gain an effective understanding
of heat transfer. This will be a continuation
from the previous lesson with understanding
how heat changes.
Students will look at different materials and
their specific heat capacities and find a way
to develop an insulating device that can be
used to keep a certain item cold.
Students will use trial and error strategies,
activate prior knowledge and use text and
Internet sources to help aid in their
Assessment will be concluded by peer review
and interview of their materials
Knowledge and
Communication and
Thinking and
Communication and
Code 3.7
Half Day
6.2 – COST OF
Code 1.1, 2.1,
60 minutes
Students will move to the outdoor classroom
to see heating and technology hands on. Trip
will be planned for the coal power plant to
see different levels of heat transfer.
Response journal entries will be made that
summarize the trip.
Inquiry question will ask students to reflect
on current heating and cooling industry
practices and how these practices could be
improved (ergonomics, cost, material
Students will make bigger connections to
political agendas and global pricing of heat
and energy transfer.
Computer simulations on the Gizmo website
will serve as tools for students to play with
maximizing energy while minimizing cost.
Greater connections will be made to taxation,
delivery and quantity.
60-80 Minutes
Knowledge and
Communication and
Knowledge and
Thinking and
Communication and
Students will be tested on prior knowledge
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
throughout the unit.
Additional time may be given for students
who are on IEP’s or need additional resource
Background Knowledge
Background Knowledge:
What background knowledge is required by students for them to be successful?
(Concepts, ideas, events, people). Note the background identified here should be part of
Universal Design – important for all students.
Concepts and Terminology that is Important for Student Knowledge and Success
1. Accurate information regarding heat and energy systems
2. Use of previous knowledge and memory recall of science units
3. Awareness of the three states of matter and change of state
4. Interrelationships of heat and sustainability of plant and animal life
5. Changes in state due to weather and man-made environments
6. Resources available to a particular geographical region
7. Design and implications of the technology
8. Using the RAFT technique for point of view analysis
9. Additional information regarding conduction, convection and radiation
10. Specific heat capacities of different materials and elements
11. Expansion and contraction of materials in relation to heat and energy transfer
How can students access the background they will need in different ways?
Accommodations and Modifications:
- Should be noted that accommodations are reflective of the IEP’s, which are
under review or have been identified by the IPRC:
Instructional Accommodations – Changes in teaching strategies, styles of
presentation, methods of organization, or use of technology:
- Use of visual aids including videos, manipulatives and documentaries
- Presentation of information and ideas can be in written text format, oral
report, presentation or debate structure
- Scribe can assist students with motor control issues
- Information sheets and handouts for additional resources should be given,
prior to class for students to review
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
Technological software aids to supplement different learning pathways
learning pathways in addition to aiding motor control issues
Ability to work within groups and collaborate ideas with peers to gain
greater understanding
Peer feedback and critique to be given after debates, inquiry lessons and labs
to facilitate thought provoking content and information towards greater
academic success.
Environmental Accommodations – Changes that the student may require in
the classroom and/or school environment:
- Increased/decreased lighting atmosphere (power point presentations reflect
quite often light from the outside.
- Change of seating for students that are disruptive or require an environment
void of noise and distraction
- Bring student closer or further from media devices
- Use of different temperature controls to make the environment more
suitable for the learner. Temperature in older schools especially becomes
warm during the fall and spring months. This is a good way to engage the
students in the unit as well, by identifying the different temperatures within
the school classrooms.
Assessment Accommodations – Changes in assessment protocols and
procedures that enable a student to demonstrate his or her learning:
- Additional time for completion of assignments and tests
- Differentiated instruction (should be implicit for all learning within the
- Choice of media presentation for debates and concept attainment
Literacy Supports:
What literacy strategies would be most appropriate to support students in
accessing the requisite background knowledge?
Data charts, posters, mind mapping
Use of Venn diagrams to see overlap of technologies
Compare and contrast charts (Student made and teacher resource)
Critical Thinking Vocabulary
Terms relating to thinking need to be unpacked with the students in order for
them to understand experimentation within the unit on heat and energy and
respond appropriately?
Critical Thinking Vocabulary
- Technologies, information
- Analysis, Analyze, data
- Compare and contrast
- Logical
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
- Convection, Conduction, Radiation
- References
- Significance, Statistical, Relevance
- Critical Inquiry
- Environmental (macro, micro)
- Capacity, transferring
Students will use the reference textbook of Science Power 7
Students will be required to have access to the following items:
1. Science Lab Report Folders
2. Pens and pencils and other writing instruments
3. Computer access
4. Science Text
Teachers will use the textbook as a reference guide for all materials
Photocopier or RISO for materials and student resources to be made by teacher
and supplied before the class.
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
Culminating Task Overview:
Throughout the unit of Heat and the Environment, students have been working on a
number of different concepts including the movement of particles when given energy,
understanding the states of matter when heat is applied and the transfer of energy
through the methods of convection, conduction and radiation. As a culminating task it is
challenging to try to encompass all of these elements. However, the task chosen will
reflect upon the greater understanding and implications of these principles on the world
at large and practical application scenarios. The following will look at both
environmental impact on waste and material consumption in addition to the viability of
maintaining heat, minimizing loss to the environment. As I’m sure many teachers' can
attest to, caffeine is a very large component of the morning routine in the form of
coffee and tea. The students will be required in this task to design and develop a new
coffee mug that will be able to hold a hot liquid to the best of the materials ability
without causing heat transfer to the hand holding the mug or escaping to the
surrounding environment. Environmentally, this will serve as a method of eliminating
undue waste from multinational corporate products such as McDonalds, Starbucks, Tim
Horton’s…etc. Although most companies have taken recycling initiatives, the process is
lengthy and financially consuming. Thus, the benefit of undertaking this culminating task
will not only increase student awareness of global environmental and economic issues,
but also reinforce concepts relating to thermal design, heat transfer and specific heat
capacities of different materials. The students will be assessed on their ability to recall
and reinforce concepts attained throughout the unit. In addition, application questions
will provoke further thinking by asking the students to understand the economic
feasibility of reproducing their mug on a greater industrial scale for consumer
purchasing and reflect upon these practices. Furthermore, understanding the concept of
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
energy transfer through to the Earth by means of waste production will be reinforced in
cross-curricular areas of biology and ecological sustainability. These subjects will be
revisited later on in the science curriculum.
Curriculum Expectations:
By the end of Grade 7, students will:
1. Assess the costs and benefits of technologies that reduce heat loss or heat-related
impacts on the environment;
2. Investigate ways in which heat changes substances, and describe how heat is
3. Demonstrate an understanding of heat as a form of energy that is associated with the
movement of particles and is essential to many processes within the earth’s systems.
2.5 use a variety of forms (e.g., oral, written, graphic, multimedia) to communicate with
different audiences and for a variety of purposes (e.g., design a multimedia presentation
explaining the interrelationships between biotic and abiotic components in a specific
3.5 describe how matter is cycled within the environment and explain how it promotes
sustain- ability (e.g., bears carry salmon into the forest, where the remains decompose
and add nutrients to the soil, thus supporting plant growth; through crop rotation,
nutrients for future crops are created from the decomposition of the waste matter of
previous crops)
3.8 describe ways in which human activities and technologies alter balances and
interactions in the environment (e.g., clear-cutting a forest, overusing motorized water
vehicles, managing wolf-killings in Yukon)
1.1 assess the social and environmental benefits of technologies that reduce heat loss or
transfer (e.g., insulated clothing, building insulation, green roofs, energy-efficient
2.1 follow established safety procedures for using heating appliances and handling hot
materials (e.g., use protective gloves when removing items from hot plates)
2.4 use scientific inquiry/experimentation skills (see page 12) to investigate heat
transfer through conduction, convection, and radiation
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
2.5 use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, including heat, temperature,
conduction, convection, and radiation, in oral and written communication
2.6 use a variety of forms (e.g., oral, written, graphic, multimedia) to communicate with
different audiences and for a variety of purposes (e.g., using the conventions of science,
create a labeled diagram to illustrate convection in a liquid or a gas)
3.3 use the particle theory to explain the effects of heat on volume in solids (e.g., rails,
sidewalks, and bridge segments expand in hot weather), liquids (e.g., sea levels are
rising partly because global warming is making the oceans warmer and the water in
them is expanding), and gases (e.g., the air in car tires expands on hot pavement)
3.4 explain how heat is transmitted through conduction (e.g., the transmission of heat
from a stove burner to a pot and from the pot to the pot handle), and describe natural
processes that are affected by conduction (e.g., the formation of igneous and
metamorphic rocks and diamonds)
Required Materials:
For this experiment, the instructor should supply as many materials as possible to
alleviate student time searching for resources and focus on the primary goal of
completing the assignment. Students are welcome to add or supplement materials they
hypothesize will yield better results. The following should be provided:
 A number of mugs of various materials (ceramic, glass, Styrofoam…etc)
 Materials to be used as insulators (cloth of different makes (polyester, cotton,
nylon, fur))
 Tape, scissors, glue and other craft material necessary
 Kettle to boil water
 Water outlet
 Thermometers
 Stopwatch (used to record the time of maintaining heat within the mug)
Students are required to have:
 Lab handouts with culminating activity procedures
 Pens, pencils and other writing instruments
 Extra paper for data recording
Teacher Guide for Procedures:
The culminating task may take 3-4 class periods depending on length of time allotted on
that particular day of study. Students should first work on developing their design of the
mug and thinking of the resources they which to use for their experiment. Secondly, the
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
students will move to the design and implementation phase where they will build the
mug. Finally, students will assess their work and analyze the data collected from the
experiment. Conclusions will be drawn and submitted for assessment purposes. The
students will work on the project in the following procedural steps to maximize
efficiency and productivity:
Step #1
Students will be given the handout stating their objective. They will work in partners or
groups of three to enhance collaborative efforts and increase socialization within the
Step #2
Students will use one class period to come up with a design for their mug with a writeup explaining their methodology and reasoning for the materials used and design of the
m mug. The reasoning will be based from prior lessons in the classroom, information
from field trips, notes and other texts supplementing the subject area.
Step #3
Once designed and built, the mug will undergo stress tests using hot water to test for
heat transfer to the environment around it. Pouring the hot water into the mugs and
checking the temperature of the water within them over a period of calculated time
intervals will do this. Students will observe, record the data and calculate their
conclusions and errors.
Step #4
Students will then present their mug and findings to the rest of the class in an oral
presentation using a form of multimedia, prezi, power point, Google doc…etc. to
illustrate their findings and correlations to other products on the market currently.
Step #5
If time permits, students can use additional class time to work artistically on their
project and make it more marketable to the consumer if they have not already done so.
Prior Knowledge:
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
As this is a culminating task, the students should have obtained a satisfactory level of
knowledge throughout the unit. Such concepts include:
 The particle theory and the changes in state that occur through the transfer of
heat and energy
 Transmission of energy by convection, conduction and radiation
 Purposes of insulation and the properties of different materials
 Specific heat capacities of different materials
 Understanding how to perform a lab minimizing bias (controlled variables,
methodology, data recording and observation)
Accommodations and Modifications:
 Modifications to students on IEP’s can be made specific as identified within their
 Use of visual aids including videos, manipulatives and documentaries
 Presentation of culminating task can be given with visual aids on the overhead to
assist understanding of the handouts given
 Scribe can assist students with motor control issues
 Information sheets and handouts for additional resources should be given, prior to
class for students to review
 Peer feedback and critique to be given after the oral presentations to highlight
elements of success
 Change of seating for students that are disruptive or require an environment void
of noise and distraction. Lab work and design of the mugs can be done outside the
 Bring student closer or further from media devices for better focus and attention
 Additional time for completion of the assignment
 Students can be placed in ability to grouping to increase self-efficacy and
perceived ability for success
Student Safety:
There are a number of inherent safety concerns for this lab experiment. The following
precautions should be maintained and understood at all times before/during and after
the lab is completed:
 Students need to have a signed safety form along with a signature from their
parent or guardian in relation to the lab.
 Students will be working with water, which is a hazard for slipping if spilled onto
the floor. Precautions will be taken to ensure that they will not run in the
 The water will be boiling so there is a chance of burning. Students will be advised
before the lab begins on the procedure of how to handle burns and that the
teacher should be notified immediately.
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
 Students will be working with scissors and other tools for development of their
mug. These tools possess a risk for cuts and scrapes. A first aid kit will be present
in the classroom at all times and students will be familiarized with its location
and contents.
 Students are to advise the teacher immediately if there are any incidents that
occur within the classroom, no matter how minor.
 Records should be maintained of any injuries and constant communication be
maintained with the appropriate students body, parents and office staff.
Assessment Tools:
Assessment will be broken down into a number of different areas and weighted
Diagram and Procedure Write-Up of Mug
- 25%
Data Recording and Observations
- 25%
Oral Presentation
- 25%
Use of Multimedia for presentation
- 10%
Final document outlining environmental issues
- 15%
- 100%
Assessment Rubric:
 Student is able to
accurately display
information relating to
the particle theory of
 Students addresses the
issue of heat transfer
through means of
convection and
 Student uses appropriate
materials with regard to
safety procedures
The student, with
some teacher
prompting and
assistance is able to
provided a limited
outline of the particle
theory and the
means of heat
transfer through
their experimental
The student is
partially able to
identify the primary
components of the
particle theory and
explains heat
transfer with some
The student is able
to effectively able
to state
connections to the
particle theory and
demonstrates heat
transfer effectively
The student is able to
completely identify all
components of the
particle theory and
their interrelationship
to heat transfer. The
student masterfully
develops proper
experimental design
and illustrates these
principles with great
Follows lab and
safety procedures
with limited
Follows lab and
safety procedures
with some
Follows lab and
safety procedures
Follows lab and safety
procedures with
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
Student is able to
formulate a hypothesis
and procedure relating
to the experiment and
carry it through.
Observations are noted
with reference to design
success and flaws
 Student is able to convey
ideas using scientific
 Student is able to orally
articulate their argument
and procedure with
creativity and originality
Student is able to
cultivate a
sustainable design
and procedure with
limited effectiveness
Student is able to
cultivate a
sustainable design
and procedure with
some effectiveness
Student is able to
cultivate a
sustainable design
and procedure with
Student is able to
cultivate a sustainable
design and procedure
with considerable
Student completes
testing and data
analysis with limited
effectiveness and
with a number of
errors and omissions
The student, with
teacher assistance,
provides limited
details through the
oral presentation
including clarity of
voice, projection and
physical demeanor
Student completes
testing and data
analysis with some
effectiveness with
some errors and
The student is
partially able to
provide details of
their experiment
with some errors
and/or omissions
using adequate
clarity of voice,
projection and
physical demeanor
The student uses
adequate scientific
Student completes
testing and data
analysis with
effectiveness with no
errors and omissions
The student is able to
masterfully provide
details of their
experiment with no
errors or omissions.
Student uses
exceptional clarity of
voice, projection and
physical demeanor
The student is able
to show some
connections to
awareness and
Student completes
testing and data
analysis with strong
effectiveness with
limited errors and
The student is able
to effectively
provide details of
their experiment
with limited errors
or omissions using
clarity of voice,
projection and
proper physical
The student often
and effectively uses
The student is able
to show effective
connections to
awareness and
Student is able to
form some
connections to
impact and
Student is able to
form some
connections to
impact and
Student is able to form
connections to
environmental impact
and sustainability
The student uses
limited scientific
 Student is able to reflect
on their design in regards
to ergonomics and cost
 Student is able to
articulate ecological
impact of currently used
materials and draw
conclusions from the
newly designed mug
Student is able to
show limited
connections to
economic awareness
and ergonomics
Student is able to
form limited
connections to
impact and
The student frequently
uses exceptional
scientific terminology
The student is able to
show considerable
connections to
economic awareness
and ergonomics
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
Student Handout
Many of your instructors are finding it difficult to maintain the temperature of their
beverage in the morning. Using what we know of heat and the environment, work in
groups of 2-3 people to design a new mug for your teacher to use that will best hold
the temperature of the beverage. Use any materials provided by the instructor.
Title of Project - __________________________________________________________________
Group Members - _________________________________________________________________
Problem/Objective ________________________________________________________________________________
Hypothesis ________________________________________________________________________________
Testing Variables ________________________________________________________________________________
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
Procedure –
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
Design – Below, draw your mug. Be sure to label all materials being used. Underneath your design,
state your rationale for the materials. Be sure to reference what we have review so far throughout
the unit.
Evidence/Rationale ________________________________________________________________________________
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
Data Collection and Observation: Using the kettle and hot water test your design. Choose your
time increments for your heat measurements over a 30 minute period. Use the table below to
graph your results (Be sure to label all axis):
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
Results and Conclusion: State the results of your experiment. Was your hypothesis correct?
Application: Cost analysis of product ________________________________________________________________________________
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
Bosack, S.V. (2000). Science Is. A source book of fascinating facts, projects and activities.
Scholastic Canada Ltd, pg 62-63.
Ontario Ministry of Education (2010). Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and
Reporting in Ontario Schools, First Edition. Queen’s Printer for Ontario.
Ontario Ministry of Education (2008). The Ontario Curriculum Grades 1-8 Science.
Purdue University GK-12 Program. (2006-07). Travel mug design activity. Retrieved July
16, 2012, from
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
Unit Test Overview:
After thorough studying the unit of Heat and the Environment, students will be
assess through a written test that will measure what they understand and how will
they apply it in their daily living. The students will answer questions from the topics
about the causes of heat changes in solids, liquids and gases. They will also impart
the important role of heat in nature. And heat technologies offer benefits but require
proper use so it will not cause bad effect in the environment.
Curriculum Expectations:
By the end of Grade 7, students will:
1. Assess the costs and benefits of technologies that reduce heat loss or heat-related
impacts on the environment;
2. Investigate ways in which heat changes substances, and describe how heat is
3. Demonstrate an understanding of heat as a form of energy that is associated with
the movement of particles and is essential to many processes within the earth’s
1.1 assess the social and environmental benefits of technologies that reduce heat
loss or transfer (e.g., insulated clothing, building insulation, green roofs, energyefficient buildings) Sample guiding questions: (a) Insulated clothing protects our
bodies and increases our ability to enjoy outdoor activities in winter. What science
and technology concepts are at work in coats designed for use in cold weather? Who
might be interested in such designs? (b) A wellinsulated home is more comfortable
and costs
less to heat. Reducing heat loss saves energy, and saving energy reduces the
environmental impact of energy production. What are some areas of your home
where heat might be lost? How can this heat loss be counteracted? What are the
benefits of doing so? (c) Green roofs save on heating and cooling costs and reduce
the amount of insulation that is needed. But they have not gained wide acceptance in
Ontario. What might be some deterrents to having a green roof? How might these
deterrents be overcome? (d) Energy-efficient buildings are extremely airtight
compared to conventionally constructed buildings. This minimizes the amount of
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
warm (or cool) air that can pass through the structure. What are some of
thedisadvantages to having airtight buildings (e.g., lack of fresh air, moisture
buildup)? How can these problems be solved (e.g., through mechanical ventilation
systems with heat recovery and humidity control), and how effective are the
1.2 assess the environmental and economic impacts of using conventional (e.g.,
fossil fuel, nuclear) and alternative forms of energy (e.g., geothermal, solar, wind,
wave, biofuel) Sample issues: (a) Your family is building a new home. Present a
case for installing a geothermal heat pump. In your discussion, be sure to include the
benefits and costs from both an environmental perspective and an economic
perspective. (b) Make a case for (or against) using rural land or marginal land-use
areas for wind turbine farms..
2.1 follow established safety procedures for using heating appliances and handling
hot materials (e.g., use protective gloves when removing items from hot plates)
2.2 investigate the effects of heating and cooling on the volume of a solid, a liquid,
and a gas
2.3 use technological problem-solving skills (see page 16) to identify ways to
heat loss
Sample problem: Use the materials provided to create a product (e.g., a model of a
piece of winter clothing, a model of a wet suit, a model travel mug for a hot beverage
or food item) that will minimize heat loss
2.4 use scientific inquiry/experimentation skills (see page 12) to investigate heat
transfer through conduction, convection, and radiation
Sample problem (conduction): After letting spoons made of different materials sit
partially submerged in a container of hot water, measure the temperature of the
parts sticking out of the water. What conclusions can you draw from your findings?
2.5 use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, including heat,
temperature, conduction, convection, and radiation, in oral and written
2.6 use a variety of forms (e.g., oral, written, graphic,multimedia) to communicate
with different audiences and for a variety of purposes (e.g., using the conventions
of science, create a labelled diagram to illustrate convection in a liquid or a gas)
3.1 use the particle theory to compare how heat affects the motion of particles in a
solid, a liquid, and a gas
3.2 identify ways in which heat is produced (e.g., burning fossil and renewable
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
electrical resistance, physical activity)2. Developing Investigation
aommunication Skill1. Relating Science and Technolog
3.3 use the particle theory to explain the effects of heat on volume in solids (e.g.,
rails, sidewalks, and bridge segments expand in hot weather), liquids (e.g., sea
levels are rising partly because global warming is making the oceans warmer
and the water in them is expanding), and gases (e.g., the air in car tires expands
on hot pavement)
3.4 explain how heat is transmitted through conduction (e.g., the transmission of
heat from a stove burner to a pot and from the pot to the pothandle), and
describe natural processes that are affected by conduction (e.g., the formation of
igneous and metamorphic rocks and diamonds)
3.5 explain how heat is transmitted through convection, and describe natural
processes that depend on convection (e.g., thunderstorms, land and sea breezes)
3.6 explain how heat is transmitted through radiation, and describe the effects of
radiation from the sun on different kinds of surfaces (e.g., an ice-covered lake, a
forest, an ocean, an asphalt road)
3.7 describe the role of radiation in heating and cooling the earth, and explain how
greenhouse gases affect the transmission of radiated heat through the atmosphere
(e.g.,The earth is warmed by absorbing radiation from the sun. It cools by
radiating thermal energy back to space. Greenhouse gases absorb some of the
radiation that the earth emits to space and reradiate it back to the earth’s
surface. If the quantity of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases, they
absorb more outgoing radiation, and the earth becomes warmer.)
3.8 identify common sources of greenhouse gases (e.g., carbon dioxide comes from
plant and animal respiration and the burning of fossil fuels; methane comes
from wetlands, grazing livestock, termites, fossil fuel extraction, and landfills;
oxide comes from soils and nitrogen fertilizers), and describe ways of reducing
Required Time 75 minutes:
Number of Items 50
Assessment Tools:
Assessment will be broken down into two parts:
Knowledge and Understanding
- 50%
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
- 50%
- 100%
Test Questions
I. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer for the following questions and
write your answer in the space provided before the numbers.
_____1. When we boil water we are transferring energy to all particles of the water
and _________ the total energy of the water. [K]
_____2. What is the major source of greenhouse gas here in Canada? [K]
Commercial and Residential Heating
_____3. As you hold a cup of ice cream, heat transfers from your hand to the surface
of the ice cream touching the cup. What type of heat transfer does this describe?
Ans. [K]
_____4. Materials or devices to inhibit or prevent the conduction of heat [K]
_____5. When invisible waves or infrared waves of radiant energy come with contact
with a solid, the particles in the solid vibrates _______. [K]
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
II. Identification: Identify the following words that best describe by the following
statements and write your answer in the space provided before the
number. Choose the best answer that correspond the statements or
question from the word bank.
_______________1. A gas turning into a solid (condensation) [K]
_______________2. The blanket of gases that surrounds the earth (Atmosphere) [K]
_______________ 3. The stored energy at the central of particles of matter (Nuclear
Energy) [K]
_______________ 4. Is a theory that explains the behavior of solids, liquids and gases
(Particle theory of matter) [K]
_______________ 5. A change from liquid to gas (evaporation) [K]
_______________ 6. The transfer of heat through a solid to another solid, a liquid, or a
gas that is in contact with it (Conduction) [K]
_______________ 7. The transfer of thermal energy by moving particles within a fluid
(Convection). [K]
______________8. The movement in the nature of water from the surface of Earth and
back (water cycle) [K]
______________ 9. Any device that transforms energy from one form to another (Energy
Converter). [K]
_____________10. Scientific data includes that Earth’s climate has become warmer over
the past hundred years. This worldwide average increase in temperature of earth
atmosphere is called? (global warming). [K]
Word Bank
Energy Converter
Particle theory of matter
Water Cycle
Global Warming
Nuclear Energy
III. Enumeration: Enumerate the following answer to given questions.
Follow the given instructions in each question.
1-3 What are the three forms of energy that you use often and give examples
of each [A]
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
4-6 What are the three types of energy transfer and provide example of each ?
[ K]
7-8 What are two human activities that produce CO2 [A] ?
9-10 What are the two sources of heat that we use in our daily activities and
give example of each? [K]
IV. Answer the following questions in paragraph form.
1. After studying this unit about heat in the environment what are the things
that you have done to help lessen the use of carbon dioxide? (5pts) [A]
2. What are the importance’s of heat in our lives? (3 pts) [A]
3. Explain why we need to protect our hands and use pot holders when
holding a hot pot or any heated materials. (2 pts) [A]
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
4. Explain the effect of using too much carbon dioxide in our environment.
(5pts) [A]
V. Draw diagrams
1. Choose two from the following cycles of change and draw a diagram for
each cycles. A.) solid to liquid, liquid to solid, B.) liquid to gas, gas to liquid,
C.) gas to solid and solid to gas. Include the right process of change. (10
pts) [K]
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
Test Answers
Multiple Choice (5 pts)
1. A
2. B
3. B
4. D
5. A
II. Identification (10 pts)
1. Condensation
2. Atmosphere
3. Nuclear Energy
4. Particle theory of matter
5. Evaporation
6. Conduction
7. Convection
8. Water cycle
9. Energy converter
10. Global Warming
III. Enumeration
1-3 What are the three forms of energy that you use often and give examples
of each? [A]
1. (Chemical energy/ Mechanical) transportations- cars, bus, trains, plane
2. (Electrical energy) electricity- home appliances, phones
3. ( Light energy) – sun, light bulb, flash light
4-6 What are the three energy transfers and provide example of each? [ K]
4. Conduction - pot heated from the stove, spoon placed in a hot water,
5. Convection - hot air balloon, wind current, warm water in the pool,
6. Radiation – solar power, a light bulb, camp fire, microwave oven
7-8 What are two human activities that produce CO2? [A]
7. Driving your car
8. Heating and cooling of your house
9-10 What are the two sources of heat that we use in our daily activities and
give example of each? [K]
9. Fossil Fuels or non renewable energy resources ex. - coal, oil, natural gas
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
10. Renewable Energy Source ex. – suns energy, wind, and flowing water
IV. Paragraph Answer
1. After studying this unit about heat in the environment what are the things
that you have done to help lessen the use of carbon dioxide? (5pts) [A]
Possible answers
- walk or use bicycle instead of driving
- lessen the use of cooling heating the house
- turn off the light when not in use
- buy products that are carbon safe free
2. What are the importances of heat in our lives? (3 pts) [A]
Heat helps us in our daily living. Heat and cook our food, heat our house when it’s
cold, give us light, help industrial businesses, helps the transportation and
electricity to work.
3. Explain why we need to protect our hands and use pot holders when
holding a hot pot or any heated materials. (2 pts) [A]
We need to protect our hand in holding hot object because of the heat transfer that
we can feel. Heat can be transfer from a hot object by means of conduction of heat to
our hand and can cause burn or injuries.
4. Explain the effect of using too much carbon dioxide in our environment.
(5pts) [A]
Too much of production of carbon dioxide can cause harm to our environment it
destroy the layer of the atmosphere that help us in getting too much UV rays that
can damage our skin. It is one of the major factors that cause global warming.
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
V. Draw A Diagram.
2. Choose two from the following cycles of change and draw a diagram for
each cycles. A.) solid to liquid, liquid to solid, B.) liquid to gas, gas to liquid,
C.) gas to solid and solid to gas. Include the right process of change. (10
pts) [K]
A.) solid to liquid, liquid to solid
B.) liquid to gas, gas to liquid
C.) gas to solid and solid to gas
Grade 7 Unit: Heat and the Environment
Ontario Ministry of Education (2008). The Ontario Curriculum Grades 1-8 Science.
Reid M. (2009). Investigating Science 7. Canada