Сценарий мероприятия: «Сказка «Три медведя

Сценарий мероприятия: «Сказка «Три медведя»
Разработала учитель английского языка Хисамова Ландыш Фоатовна
Цель мероприятия:
1. Формирование коммуникативных умений в устной речи на английском
языке в условиях, приближенных к естественному общению;
2. Расширение лексико-грамматического запаса школьников;
3. Прививать интерес учащихся к изучению иностранного языка.
Three Bears
Characters: Masha (a little girl),Grandmother, Grandfather, Masha s friend, Father
Bear, Mother Bear, Baby Bear.
Scene 1
Masha: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you.
My name is Masha. I am Russian. I am 8. I am
not from Moscow, I am from a village. I ve got a
grandmother and a grandfather. They are very nice.
Grandmother: I am Masha s grandmother. I am
60. My hobby is cooking.
Grandfather: I am Masha s grandfather. I am 65.
My hobby is fishing.
Masha: It s my grandmother s birthday today
and I need some flowers for her.
( стук в дверь.)
Masha s friend: May I come in? Masha, let s go
to the forest!
Masha: Yes, let s go!
Scene 2
Три медведя сидят за столом, завтракают.
Mother Bear: Can I pour you some more milk?
Baby Bear: Yes, please.
Father Bear: Could you pass me some honey, please?
Mother Bear: Yes, here you are. Hoy about some jam, Baby?
Baby Bear: No, let s go for a walk.
Выходят из комнаты.
Scene 3
Маша в лесу собирает цветы и поет.
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday, dear Granny,
Happy birthday to you!
Маша зовет подругу, но та не откликается.
Маша подходит к домику, где живут медведи,
стучится в дверь.
Masha: What a nice house! There is a window in
the room. There are curtain on the window. There
is a window in the room. There are curtain on the
window. There is a table in the room. There are three
chairs near plates and spoons, a kettle and a bread bin on the table.
Oh, I d like some milk.
Маша садится и пробует молоко из разных чашек.
Masha: This milk is very hot. This milk is very cold. This milk
is just right.
Слышен шум. Медведи возвращаются. Маша прячется под стол.
Scene 4
Father Bear: Sit down. Could l have a cup of tea with milk, please?
Mother Bear: Certainly! Oh, l am afraid there isn t any milk!
Baby Bear: Look! Who is this? A little girl!
Father Bear, Mother Bear, Baby Bear (вместе):
Let s eat her up.
Masha: No, you won t!
Медведи спешат к Маше, спотыкаются, толкают друг друга.
Father Bear: Oh, sorry!
Mother Bear: That s OK!
Baby Bear: Oh, sorry!
Father Bear: That s all right!
Маша убегает.
Scene 5
Grandfather, Grandmother: Come in, Masha!
You are back home. We love you very much!
Masha: this is a present for you, granny.
Маша дарит бабушке цветы.
Grandfather, Grandmother, Masha(вместе поют):
L am happy. He is happy. We are happy.
You are happy. She is happy. You are happy.
They are happy, too!