The punk rock work ethic has expanded my mind dramatically since I first introduced it into my lifestyle. At first, these two ideas might seem strange coupled together, even contradictory. But, in reality they go together like bread and butter. Punk rock found its origin in the streets of New York in the early seventies and evolved into the exciting, original art form we know today. At its underground peak in the 1980’s no major record label would touch it because they didn’t believe it could sell in the synthesized music world of the day. So it was up to the musicians, the artist, and the fan’s who loved it to keep it alive and producing. They established their own record labels, started their own venues, and lived on their own terms. I try to take this do-it-yourself ethic and apply it to my every endeavor. The DIY punk rock bands of the 1980’s are what gave me the confidence to pursue my own music. I mean, if they could do it, why couldn’t I? They taught me that you don’t need pre-established institutions to make powerful art; they taught me that you don’t need a three-thousand dollar electric guitar and a wall of Marshall Amplifiers to be loud and be heard, they taught me that you can do anything you are passionate about where ever you want, when ever you want, and how ever you want. I have even been able to apply this to other areas of my life, like athletics. I was raised by a single mother and was never exposed to conventional sports early in my life. And because of that it has been difficult for me to become involved in many of my school’s athletics programs, which require dedication and endless hours of practice, from an early age. This is something I respect and admire but, nevertheless something I was not exposed to. But that all changed when I was exposed to the sport of Ultimate. What started as an off-and-on hobby has turned into one of my most passionate undertakings. I run and bike everyday, perform basic strength training in the morning and in the evening, spend hours on the weekend perfecting throwing, all for the love of the game. Here there is no push from coaches or athletic directors, no school pride on the line, only the driving force behind the individual, the drive to constantly be improving. In the future I hope to see this mind set applied to American politics at large. The two party system by which we elect out state and national representatives is wrought with flaws and contradicts the very principles upon which out nation was founded. The American people should not be forced to choose between the “lesser of two evils”. National and state level leadership roles should not be limited to those who can afford to campaign for them. The American people should not have to believe that they cannot have an impact, on a more instrumental scale than they already do. Anything someone dedicates sweat, blood, and time into can have a profound impact on society. Music is one of the most powerful forces in my life. I love to read and study the musical movements of latter half of the 20th century, of these, punk rock and the youth movement surrounding it is perhaps the most influential. It has helped to shape my perspective on the world and my place in it. I am confident that it will continue to be a positive force for the remainder of my time on earth.