Chinese Invention Research Paper

Chapter 8 Research Paper
Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia
Choose a topic that you feel left a mark on medieval Japan (or other
country from Chapter 8) and is still important today. Look at the provided list
of suggested topics. If you are going to choose a topic not from this list, you
must get it approved.
Should you not get it approved (and do it in time), you
risk not receiving credit.
Once you choose your topic, you will need to research and gather
information. You should look at what is required in each paragraph in order to
focus your research. Keep track of your sources on easybib as you research.
This research paper must be completed individually; an exception might
be made to work with a partner with teacher approval.
Due Date: Wednesday, February 11th
Each day late= 10%
Do NOT use 1st person anywhere in this essay; proofread for
1. Format: Typed (double spaced, size 12 font, Times New Roman, 2 pages
2. Cover page
 Title (create a title that best reflects your topic)
 Your name
 Class Period, Course Name, Teacher Name
 Due date
 Picture that best exemplifies your topic over time
Annotated Works Cited page with a minimum of two sources (staple to
the back)
*Use and remember to
sign in!
Paragraph One: Introduction (Do not use 1st person)
Introduce the paper. Do this by beginning with a quote or startling
statistic about your topic. Then connect your ICD to your topic, discussing
what your topic is.
Next, using a transition word for each, provide the
three ideas you will cover in each body paragraph. Finally, end with a thesis
Your thesis statement (one sentence) should state that your topic
influenced medieval ______(Japan/Korea/SEAsia) and its influence can be seen
*Thesis Example (about China): “Without the
invention of gunpowder by the Chinese, the world today would not be such a
dangerous place.”
Paragraph Two: Why _________(your topic) Was Needed
this paragraph give background information about this period of history.
Include belief system(s) in place, information about daily life, and government.
Then…discuss: Why was _______(your topic) needed? What problem(s) did
it solve? Consider the six themes of history in your answer and cover as many as
you possibly can.
Paragraph Three: How Has ______(topic) Changed Over Time
Through your research, you will see that all ideas/inventions/systems change
over time based on the needs of the people. In this paragraph, you will discuss
the changes that occurred between medieval ___________(your topic) until now.
Paragraph Four: Impact on Society
For this paragraph, you will discuss the impact _________(your topic) has had on
the world. Tie this to your thesis. In addition, include if the world is a better or
worse place because of _______________(your topic). Why?
Paragraph Five: Conclusion
Wrap up your paper! Explain why ____________ (topic) influenced the world.
Restate or rephrase your thesis!
Possible Topics
Mt. Fuji
Prince Shotoku
Japanese forms of Buddhism Zen Gardens
Japanese Writing Systems
Tale of Genji
Japanese calligraphy
Japanese brush painting
Japanese Castles
Samurai Armor
Feudalism in Japan
Warrior Code
Samurai Sword
Angkor Wat
Rice Paddies
Japan’s fishermen