Greenwich High School American History Sophomore Research Paper A Step-by-Step Guide 2010-2011 Name ____________________________________________________ Block ______ Research Question __________________________________________________________ Name:___________________________ FOLLOW THE STEPS BELOW AND COMPLETE ALL RELATED TASKS TO SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETE THE SOPHOMORE RESEARCH PAPER. 1. QUESTION PRE-RESEARCH TOPICS TO FINALIZE YOUR QUESTION CHOICE. Investigate possible topics. (Read a book, an article in a reference book, a magazine, or a web site on your topic. Discuss the topic with an expert or watch a movie or documentary on your topic.) Complete Handout #1 – Question Selection Due_________________ DECIDE WHAT PRIMARY QUESTION YOU WILL ANSWER. GENERATE SUB QUESTIONS TO GUIDE YOUR RESEARCH. Complete Handout #2 – Preliminary Research Due_________________ 2. PLAN HOW WILL YOU TAKE YOUR NOTES? Your note taking method must include all vital elements of any note taking system and be approved by your teacher. Use Appendix 2: Notes Check Rubric as a guide to develop your system. WHAT SOURCES ARE AVAILABLE TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION? Use at least seven sources, six of which must be from the following categories. See Appendix 1: Required Sources for the Sophomore Research Paper for detailed definitions. Reference Primary Source Non-reference Book Web Site (secondary) Periodical Magazine/Journal Newspaper WHAT KEYWORDS WILL YOU USE AS SEARCH TERMS THROUGHOUT RESEARCH? Complete Handout #3 – Keywords Due _________________ 2 Name:___________________________ 3. SEARCH, EVALUATE & TAKE NOTES AS YOU SEARCH AND TAKE NOTES, ASK YOURSELF: Am I using the right source at the right time? Is the source reliable? Is the information relevant? (i.e. Does it answer my subquestions?) First Notes Check Date/Time ___________ See Appendix 2: Notes Check Rubric to prepare for your notes evaluation. Attend Required Conference 1 (with AH teacher) Date/Time ___________ Discuss progress to date. Bring all notes to the conference. 4. SYNTHESIZE ORGANIZE YOUR NOTES. Second Notes Check Due_________________ See Appendix 2: Notes Check Rubric to prepare for your notes evaluation. Your teacher will place an emphasis on checking that you’ve used a variety of sources to support well balanced research and that you’ve started to organize your notes according to sub question for your Formal Outline. CREATE AN OUTLINE. Complete Handout #4 – Formal Outline Due_________________ 3 Name:___________________________ 5. REFLECT WRITE A FIRST DRAFT OF YOUR PAPER AND GENERATE A TURNITIN REPORT. Required Conference 2 – *First Draft Due* Date/Time____________________ (Content check with AH Teacher) Bring: o a completed, typed, double-spaced first draft of your paper with: citations and Works Consulted page Turnitin first draft report o all notes Be prepared to discuss the specific areas where you would like help. REVISE AND EDIT. Required Conference 3 Date and time_____________________ (Grammar and composition check with English Teacher) Bring: o a completed, typed, double-spaced first draft of your paper with: citations and Works Consulted page Turnitin first draft report o all notes Be prepared to discuss the specific areas where you would like help. Before writing a final draft, ask yourself: o Have I fully answered my primary and sub questions? o Have I avoided plagiarism? o Have I used proper grammar? 6. COMMUNICATE Turn in your final draft. Due ______________ The final draft will: o be 7-10 pages typed, double-spaced, 12-point font with 1” margins o have a title page, citations in the text and a Works Consulted page o have a final Turnitin report attached o include Handout #5—Final Paper Submission Checklist o include All-Clear Slip from the Media Center (See directions at the end of the handouts to generate an All-Clear Slip from the Media Center web site.) 4 Name:___________________________ HANDOUT #1 – TOPIC SELECTION List your top three paper topic choices, in order of preference. Indicate in a few sentences why you chose this topic based on background investigation conducted. Also indicate how you conducted your background investigation. (For example, did you watch a movie? Read an article?) 1. 2. 3. 5 Name:___________________________ HANDOUT #2 – PRELIMINARY RESEARCH (Page 1 of 2) Topic Summary – Summarize your specific topic in the space below. Your summary should explain what the topic is about and how it fits into the history of the time it occurred. You should base your summary on background research from a reference source(s). Be sure to take notes and cite sources for all information you find. You will use this information in your final paper, too. History of the Time – Your topic is not an isolated incident, but rather fits into a larger framework: list and briefly explain the major issues/major events facing society at the time. Under the categories (political, social, economic) below, note: 1. significant dates related to your topic 2. dates of other important events that were occurring at the same time as your topic Political Social Economic Reference Source(s) Used: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 6 Name:___________________________ HANDOUT #2 – PRELIMINARY RESEARCH (Page 2 of 2) Primary Question – The answer to this question will provide the thesis for your research project. Sub Questions – The answers to these questions will provide the evidence to prove your thesis and the answers will ultimately be the sub topics of our outline. You will come up with additional questions to be answered as you continue through the research process. This is just a brainstorm session to get you started. 7 Name:___________________________ HANDOUT #3A – KEYWORDS In the bubble below, write the main keywords from your primary research question. Use the space surrounding the bubble to write related keywords such as synonyms or related terms, figures, and dates. These keywords will serve as search terms when using a search engine, a database, a book, or the online catalog. 8 Name:___________________________ HANDOUT #3B – KEYWORDS In the table below, write your sub questions in the left column. Circle the important keywords and then write them in the right hand column to use as search terms throughout your research. sub question keywords 9 Name:___________________________ HANDOUT #4—FORMAL OUTLINE (Page 1 of 3) Create a Research Outline which proposes approximately 5 to 7 major points you plan to address in your paper. If you need to add more supporting points, please do so. You will start with the introduction and finish with the conclusion. Major points should organize the information you have already found (or still hope to find) to fully answer your primary question and support your thesis. Note: as your research progresses, you will revise this outline to fit in new points you discover or to delete old points that you find do not fully support your thesis. The answers to sub questions often become your major points. I. Introduction: Thesis: II. Major Point 1: a. Supporting Point b. Supporting Point c. Supporting Point III. Major Point 2: a. Supporting Point b. Supporting Point 10 Name:___________________________ HANDOUT #4—FORMAL OUTLINE (Page 2 of 3) c. Supporting Point IV. Major Point 3: a. Supporting Point b. Supporting Point c. Supporting Point V. Major Point 4: a. Supporting Point b. Supporting Point c. Supporting Point VI. Major Point 5: a. Supporting Point b. Supporting Point 11 Name:___________________________ HANDOUT #4—FORMAL OUTLINE (Page 3 of 3) c. Supporting Point VII. Major Point 6: a. Supporting Point b. Supporting Point c. Supporting Point VIII. Major Point 7: a. Supporting Point b. Supporting Point c. Supporting Point IX. Conclusion: (Don’t forget to include a modern connection!) 12 Name:___________________________ HANDOUT #5 – FINAL PAPER SUBMISSION CHECKLIST Directions: Complete this form and attach it as the last page of your paper. SECTION ONE: ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION STUDENT NAME: _______________________________________________________ PAPER TOPIC: __________________________________________________________ DATE DUE: _____________________________________________________________ DATE OF SUBMISSION: _________________________________________________ SECTION TWO: ASSIGNMENT CHECKLIST All submissions MUST include the following elements. Staple everything together in the order listed below. Check each element that you have included. _____Title Page _____Research Paper _____Works Consulted page _____Turnitin Originality Report _____Media Center All-Clear Slip _____Final Paper Submission Checklist I hereby state that this paper is a product of my own research and intellect, and is not plagiarized or otherwise unethically written. ________________________________ Student Signature ________________________ Date ALL LATE PAPERS WILL LOSE ONE LETTER GRADE FOR EACH SCHOOL DAY THAT THE PAPER IS LATE. If you think you have a legitimate excuse for a late paper, your parent/guardian must write and sign a note on the back of this form explaining that they are aware that the paper is late and giving the reason why. I will consider excusing all or part of the late penalty depending on the reason given. 13 Name:___________________________ HOW DO I PRINT AN ALL-CLEAR SLIP? (also known as a Media Center Cancellation of Obligations Form) GO TO – GHS website ( > GHS Media Center > Online Catalog / GHS Media Center Online Catalog (to screen above) LOG IN – Your student ID number and your last name (different from GHS computer log in) Click on the My Info tab (above top green line) to see your list PRINT OUT – and turn in to teacher to show you have no sophomore research paper related materials checked out. 14 Name:___________________________ APPENDIX 1: REQUIRED SOURCES FOR THE SOPHOMORE RESEARCH PAPER Students must use a minimum of seven sources. These must include at least one of each of the following categories. Both types of periodical sources – magazines/journals and newspapers - must be used. Additional sources may come from any category. While most of your sources will be secondary sources (ie. books or articles written about a subject after the fact), please note below that you must have at least one primary source (original documents written at the time an event occurred or a person lived). Reference: General or specialized encyclopedias, atlases, dictionaries, biographical works, etc., located in the Reference section of the Media Center or one the Databases page of the GHS Media Center Web Site ( click on Media Center / Databases). Non-reference Book (secondary): A book written about a subject after the fact Periodical: Publications that appear regularly at fixed intervals, including newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals Magazine/Journal: Some magazines/journals can be found on their own website such as, but most are available through the Databases page of the GHS Media Center Web Site ( click on Media Center / Databases). ProQuest Platinum is the most widely used periodical database. Newspaper: Historical newspaper articles can be found through the Databases page of the GHS Media Center Web Site. ( click on Media Center / Databases). ProQuest Historical New York Times is the primary newspaper database. Primary Source: Original documents written at the time an event occurred or a person lived such as speeches, letters, etc. Web Site: Web sites should be authoritative, such as those published by educational institutions, governments, or reputable organizations. Many authoritative web sites are bookmarked on the GHS Media Center Web Site ( click on Media Center / Virtual Library / Social Studies). 15 Name:___________________________ APPENDIX 2: NOTES CHECK RUBRIC 3 CONTENT Reliable Source Relevant Facts 2 1 Source is a recognized Unverified authority on authority on subject and is subject. May or may not up-to-date. be up-to-date. Questionable expertise on subject. Out of date information. Each fact relates directly to Fact relates indirectly to my primary question or my primary and sub sub questions. questions. Selected fact does not relate to my primary or sub questions. Some information to Unclear how notes support Breadth and Depth Sufficient information to support thesis and all sub support thesis and all sub thesis or sub questions. of Information questions. FORMAT Paraphrasing questions, but more is needed. No connections can be made. No full sentences. Ideas Some full sentences. Notes copied directly from restated using own words. Some restating, but some the source. No attempt to copying of text. restate. Organization and Clarity Sub question and source are identified for each note. Notes are clear and understandable. Notes inconsistently attached to a sub question and source. Inconsistently clear and understandable. Sub question or source are unclear for each note. Notes are sloppy and disorganized. Source Credit Properly formatted citations. Citation formatting is inconsistent. No citations. 16 Name:___________________________ APPENDIX 3: SOPHOMORE RESEARCH PAPER SCORING SHEET: RESEARCH PROCESS NAME___________________________________________ BLOCK ________ TOPIC__________________________________________________________________ Max. Point Value Your Score Handout # 1 – Topic Selection 20 Handout #2 – Preliminary Research Handout #3 – Keywords 30 10 First Notes Check 15 Handout #4– Formal Outline 30 Required Conference 1 30 Second Notes Check 20 Required Conference 2 (with AH teacher First Draft Required Conference 3 (with English teacher) Composition check Total Possible Research Process Points 40 30 225 17 Name:___________________________ APPENDIX 4: SOPHOMORE RESEARCH PAPER SCORING SHEET: FINAL PAPER NAME________________________________________ BLOCK ______ TOPIC_______________________________________________________ Max. Point Value Your Score Introduction: Introduces topic States main ideas Moves from general to specific Has clear thesis Thesis answers primary question Organization of Paragraphs: 20 Clear topic sentences Paragraphs maintain clear focus Main ideas are clear Provide supporting details for thesis Content: 20 50 20 Primary Question answered? Information accurate and complete Information reveals the use of a variety of reliable sources Logical flow of paragraphs Demonstrates critical thinking Conclusion: Summarizes main ideas Restates thesis without repeating Includes new idea and/or philosophical point Conventions: Total Title page Proper Works Consulted Proper citations in essay Proper spelling and grammar Turnitin Final Originality Report Media Center All Clear Slip 15 125 18