
ESL 1000 9.0/HUMA 1220 9.0
FALL/WINTER 2004-2005
COURSE DIRECTOR: Courtney Fairweather
Office: Ross South 530
Provisional Outline
Beginning September 9, 2004
1. Academic Writing
Understanding Writing: The Rhetorical Situation
Critical Reading towards Critical Writing
Homework for Tuesday, Sept. 14
 Review “Understanding Writing: The Rhetorical Situation”
 Study and make no more than one page of notes on “Critical Reading
Towards Critical Writing”
 Study and make no more than 2 pages of notes on “The Writing Process
and Paragraphs”, CK 3 -7 & 16 - 23
2. Academic Writing
(no class Thursday, Sept. 16)
 Academic Honesty Course Kit (hereafter CK) 24 - 28
 “The Writing Process and Paragraphs”, CK 3 -7 & 16 - 23
3. Writing and Communication
 Paragraph writing
Finding Your Focus: The Writin g Process
 http://owl.english.purdue.edu/workshops/pp/index.html
 “Nine Ideas About Language, CK 43
Homework: Mitch Robertson: S&P 100 at the Koffler Gallery
4. Language, Communication
 “Ties That Constrict: English as a Trojan Horse”, CK 62
 “ English Rules” CK 66
Homework: Worksheet
Essay: Compare the advantages and disadvantages of English as a
second language for everyone in the world. Double-spaces, Arial 12, 500
5. The Arts
 Popular Culture
Discussion of S&P 100 exhibition: Those who attended will explain to those
who could not come.
Mitch Robertson website: www.artpony.com
Comparative Essay due
6. Research, Essay Writing
 Essay CK 3 - 40
7. Identity and Multiculturalism
 “Canadian Multiculturalism Act” CK 75
 “Mosaic Versus Melting Pot?: Immigration and Ethnicity in Canada
and the United States” CK 79
 “The Other Family” CK 269
8. Research, Essay Writing
Study the following websites:
and the PowerPoint presentation: Organizing Your Argument.
You may disregard the part about Counterarguments.
Essay outline due Oct. 28
9. Gender Relations – CK 121-128
 “My Body is My Own Business” CK 121
 “An Immigrant’s Split Personality” CK 122
 “Minority Homosexuals Invisible to Their World” CK 124
Worksheet Due: Gender and Minorities
10. Oral Presentation Skills; Research, Essay Writing
Essay due Nov. 11
11. Oral Presentations
12. Oral Presentations
13. Oral Presentations
End of First Semester
Homework Read The Jade Peony by Wayson Choy
Second Semester
Beginning January 4, 2005
14. The Jade Peony – Part One
15. The Jade Peony – Part Two
 research essay
16. The Jade Peony – Part Three
 Essay topics due
 Library Orientation
17. The Jade Peony: review
 Small assignment: essay outline and bibliography due Jan. 27/05
 Small assignment: The Jade Peony
18. “Aboriginal People” by John Steckley (CK 138-165) Read Introduction –
Theory pp. 138-141, Demographics – Reserves pp. 145-157, & Native
Education pp. 159 – 161.
19. Research Essay due Feb. 10/05
 “Hello Merry” by Tomson Highway (CK 264 – 268)
 “Nanook of the North”
 “Nanook revisited”
20. “The Dialectics of “Us” and “Other”: Anglican Missionary Photographs
of the Inuit” by Christopher G. Trott (CK 166-189
21. Oral Presentations
22. Oral Presentations
23. Oral Presentations
24. Oral Presentations