Banned Book Research Paper Mrs. Innes After reading your banned book, you will write a 6-8 page research paper, which includes a title page, table of contents, research, and bibliography. . Focus Correction Areas (FCA’s) 1. Creative title (5 pts.) 2. Table of contents (5 points) 3. Thesis Statement (10 points) 4. Correct bibliography citations (10 points) 5. Spelling, grammar, word choice, transitions (20 points) 6. Answer all questions below with support (50 points) Title page: Title, Name, Block Table of Contents: What’s on each page & page # FORMAT Example Table of Contents Banning, Censorship, Challenging Who bans? Harry Potter J.K. Rowling 1 2 3 3-5 pages of research: INTRODUCTION: First statement, preview of essay (include book and author; UNDERLINE or Italics BOOK TITLES), thesis, brief summary of book EXAMPLE THESIS Harry Potter by (author), a novel enjoyed by many, was (banned, challenged, censored) in (year) by (person who banned), because (reasons why book banned, challenged, censored); therefore cannot be read in numerous schools throughout the country. BODY: Answer all questions below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Definitions of banning, censorship, and challenging. Discuss the similarities and differences between the above. Who can challenge, ban, or censor a book? Why do people challenge, censor, or ban a book? Why was your novel banned, censored, or challenged? Where? By who? Give examples (quotes from your novel) to support these reasons. Do you agree/disagree with why your book was banned? EXPLAIN (Use examples from your book) If you agree with the reasons your book was banned – explain the benefits of reading this book. (Think about why this book should be read or why it was published in the first place) Bibliography page USE PARATHETICAL CITATIONS THROUGHOUT YOUR PAPER. (In parenthesis write author and publishing date of source or website title) According to Webster’s Dictionary, banning means “…..” (Webster’s Dictionary 2000) This FCA/Assignment sheet DUE DATES: Rough Draft Due: Final Draft Due: