Back To Home Page Page Image OCR Text Introduction Word processing was one of the first popular applications for the modern personal computer. In the early days it provided little more than the ability to enter and change text on a computer monitor. As time wpnt on, software and hardware improved, and features such as spell-checking and visual type effects were added. The number of users increased. Microsoft Word 2003 for Windows is widely acknowledged as a leader in its field, and is one of the best selling packages in any software category. Let’s face it, with Word 2003, we’re talking about a big package. It has retained its position as market leader by stuffing itself full of useful features, taking it from word processing into the realms of graphical and data-oriented documents, and adding the capacity for easy-to-use Web publishing. At first it may seem to contain a bewildering array of options and controls, but many are there to make life easier providing quick access to the most commonly used features. — Introduction Word proccssing was one of the first popular applications for the modern personal computer. in the early days it provided little more than the ability to enter and change text on a computel monitor. As time went on, software and hardware improved, and features such as spell-checking and visual type effects were added The number of users increased. Microsoft Word 2003 for Windows is widely acknowledged as leader in its held, and is one of the best selling packages is any software category. Let’s face it, with Word 2003, we’re talking about a big package. It has retained its position as market leader by stuffing itself full of useful features, taking it from word processing into the realms of graphical and data—oriented documents, and adding the capacity for easy-to-use Web publishing. At first it may seem to contain a bewildering array of options and controls, but many are there to make life easier — providing quick access to the most commonly used features. Introduction Word processing was one sri dic frsi popular ,sppiscatrOs,s for modern personal corrrpntcr iii tire c.uly (lapin provided little rise •shilsry so elite, sad eis.nsge text on .scsntrirnser reenlists As stile worn on, sni incise ,s,sd lsardw.sresrnproveci rind is spell tires knsg ninsi s’ in pc0 cern were isisied ‘lire is snninen 01 55 cv is sire iv (ned. M sssosssls Wars i 21)113 ‘n, Wsndossssssssdely sckrrosr edged sc .5 leader iii us field, arid IS (rile of slit besssellurg itaekah’essssan, sofare caiegnry. teat facto, veil, Woid 2003, we’re salkirig al,osst a hsg package It has resastred its pnsstross as irsarkes leader by stuffing itself full of sairful features, sakssag it from word prncetssstg (situ rIse reaistis or’ grapisseal and dasa orsessred dneunsersss, and addsssg tire capneiss’ I rasy.rn—usr Wrb publishistg At first is nay seem in contain a array of npsrnns arid cnnsrois, bns many are tune so stsake life easier — provsdssig qisrck access in die moss cnnansonl1 brwsld ertng Page Image OCR Text Introduction Word processing was one of the first popular applications for the modern personal computer. In the early days it provided little more than the ability to enter and change text on a computer monitor. As time wçnt on, software and hardware improved, and features such as spell-checking and visual type effects were added. The number of users increased. Microsoft Word 2003 for Windows is widely acknowledged as a leader in its field, and is one of the best selling packages in any software category. Let’s face it, with Word 2003, we’re talking about a big package. It has retained its position as market leader by stuffing itself full of useful features, taking it from word processing into the realms of graphical and data-oriented documents, and adding the capacity for easy-to-use Web publishing. At first it may seem to contain a bewildering array of options and controls, but many are there to make life easier — providing quick access to the most commonly used features. In trod Word Pro flloder, CCSSII1g Wa more thai1 rso,ial •S Oj of the Ut01• As h abili,Ut. rst POPular time Weii:0 enter and e early days Plovlded for tI tores sucl1 as Spell ,flS0far lange teXt JlIlber Oftiser 1 e and hardw a ter MicrO5f lcreased Vistlal ‘Pe : rovcd a,jd ord 2003 fo itS field and is Wit1do5 i added. categ0, ne of the be Widely aclm Let’5 face selliilg p’iged as a has Witj Word 2 kages iy USeful feat d Its p011 a°’ we’re talk graph lcal a Ures, ta e nd data about a b b StUffing ig Package It orien ted d proces beO Web PUblishing OCunlen a Sing into it5efu1l of array of opti At fir5 it rn nd adding re& of seem to le capaci f01 used featuresler Providing quick access many aOrnt a the most coe there tç mmoniy , • I am handwriting this sentence. ‘ Hand writing is a unique way of recording text. All you have to do is point and write .It is almost as If we are to advanced to noddle paper or pen anymore. The only practical use for this feature would be to male signatures .Onece you get good at using the pen “st is very easy to use.