Definition of comedy then and now


Definition of comedy then and now

Relationship between Jessica and Shylock

Relationship between Antonio and Bassanio

Shylock’s rhetoric (use of language)

Venice v. Belmont

Portia’s character

How Portia relates to men around her

Justice v. mercy

Trials in Shakespeare’s time

Meaning of “A Pound of Flesh”

Roles of women in TMOV

Role of law in TMOV

Religious lessons in TMOV

Parallels between Portia’s agreement with her father and Antonio’s agreement with Shylock

Morocco’s, Arragon’s, and Bassanio’s rationale for choosing caskets

Melancholy then and depression now

Analyze important speeches

Attitudes toward money

Relationship between Christians & Jews

The Merchant of Venice

Possible Topics & Projects

Possible sources for TMOV material: Pecorone

(1378), by Giovanni Fiorentino; Gesta

Romanorum (Latin, 13th Century); oriental tales;

Connection to fairytale themes: the princess in the tower and the bond.

Elizabethan England family relationships

Self-interest v. love


 Three caskets

 Pound of flesh

 Leah’s ring

Examine the relationship between the three storylines: 1) Portia’s pending marriage; 2)

Shylock’s pound of flesh; 3) Antonio’s loss of


How would you portray important characters?

Venetian Ghetto

Usury & the Jews

Story of Jacob & Laban

Exchange of rings

Inter-religious marriage

Religious conversion

What happens if a character would be brought to present day Dodgeville?

Write about what happens after the play.

Compile a list of important quotations from the entire play & analyze

 the Jew of Malta, by Christopher Marlowe


Examine themes:

 Friendship requires sacrifice

 Appearances are deceiving

 Revenge ultimately destroys its perpetrator

Jews suffer bigotry and other forms of mistreatment because of their religion and race

 Women can be just as competent as men, maybe even more so

 Women can be just as ruthless as men, maybe even more so

 Don't count your ships until they're in port

 Great wealth and privilege breed apathy and disquietude

Imagery in TMOV

Anti-Semitism in Shakespeare’s England

Was Shakespeare and anti-Semite?

Title of the play: Why TMOV? Who is the merchant?

In medieval and Renaissance times, why was Venice such an ideal city for a merchant to conduct business?

Rodrigo Lopez & Queen Elizabeth (Jewish doctor accused of poisoning her)

Effect of the knife-sharpening scene?

What happens to Shylock?

Elizabethan England:

 Crime & punishment

 Executions

 Tortures

 Religion

 Queen Elizabeth I

 Queen Elizabeth I – Jews & Catholics

 Sumptuary Laws

 Major figures of the era

 Women

 Daily Life

 Village Life

 Occupations & Jobs

 Marriages & Weddings

 Wedding Dress

 Entertainment

 Customs

 Family Life

 Theatres

 Theatre Costume

 Actors/Acting Troupes

 The Globe Theatre

History of Venice

Renaissance Venice

 Society

 City Geography

 Important people

 Politics

 Art

 Architecture


(All projects will incorporate a written portion)

Create a series of tableaux or still pictures

Director’s notebook

Costume design

Create an Elizabethan Dictionary

Create a webquest

Create a webpage on a topic above

Create a sound track for the play or a character

Act out a scene (live)

Act out a scene (film)

Act out a scene adding original, modern language monologues

TMOV meets Jerry Springer/Dr. Phil




Character diary

Visual aids

Relevant/related art


Compare/contrast versions

TMOV in modern times

Relate fashion of TMOV era & now

Comedy then & now

Family roles




True meaning of the caskets

Loans then & now




Rewrite a scene, causing it to change the outcome of the play.

Create a model

Direct a documentary

Interpretive dance

Rewrite in own words

Write a song/poem

CD mix

Transform into a modern movie







