Rational Course Description Working Document
Template updated 26 March 2010
Course Description and Offering Information
This is an internal working document. The information you provide will be entered into the Elearning
course database record for the course offering. From this information, Production will generate all
standardized offering documents: 1) Course Description, 2) WorldWide Request, and 3) In-country
request forms.
Please complete all sections of the description template:
 1. Basic Course Description
 2. IBM Training Finder Tagging
 3. Lab images (VMware) – ILT/ILO
1. Basic Course Description
All of this information is used in the course description on IBM.com. Blue text in column 2 is
provided to show the correct format for your response.
1.1. Code:
1.2. Title:
IBM Course Code:
Up to 80 characters:
Essentials of IBM
Rational Rhapsody
v7.6 for Software
Engineers (no
Pick one
01 ILT - (Classroom)
01 ILO - (Classroom – remote)
23 WBT - (Self-paced)
Select one
(If you don’t know,
select the ALL
Internal Only
Private Only
External Public/Private
External Public Only
Internal/External Public
1.3. Course Type
1.4. Delivery
1.5. Course
Fill in duration of the
course, either:
3 days
# hours
3 days
1.6. Course
1.7. Course
Owner Delegate:
Name of course
Curriculum Architect
Joanne Scouler
Name of ID or
backup owner (CA or
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Rational Course Description Working Document
Pick one
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1 Basic
2 Intermediate
3 Advanced
1.8. Skill level
AM (Architecture management)
CCRM (Change configuration and release
EAM (Enterprise architecture management)
EM (Enterprise modernization)
PPM (Project and portfolio management)
QM (Quality management)
RDM (Requirements definition and management)
SEC (Security and compliance)
SDA (Software delivery automation)
1.9. Category
"Keywords" is a semicolon-separate list of words used to aid searches on ibm.com.
1.10. Keywords
Choose only the appropriate course delivery type (1.10.1-1.10.4) for this offering (see
1.3) and add search keywords after the required keywords, separated by semicolons.
All course types, except ILT, have required keywords, which have been included for
NOTE: A maximum of 64 CHARACTERS are allowed, including semicolons – do not
leave spaces between keywords. See the following examples:
ILT: "PRJ;Rational Portfolio Manager;RPM,Rational ClearQuest" – 54 characters
ILO: "lvccourse;lvcrational;PRJ;Rational Portfolio Manager;RPM" – 64 characters
Select one:
1.10.1 ILT
Rhapsody, Embedded, Model-driven development, modeling,
software development, Visual modeling
1.10.2 ILO
1.10.3 SPVC
1.10.4 WBT
1.11. Course
Becomes the Course
Overview on
This course
teaches …
Note to Web production: rwbt## refers to the bundle (not collection)
the course is connected to such as rwbt33, etc You can either find out
the full number or alert someone in Production you do not know the
entire code.
This course teaches you Rational Rhapsody's
core capabilities, enabling you to rapidly
develop applications. The course is given in
the C++ language using Rational Rhapsody for
C++. Participants do reverse engineering to
integrate a C programming code example into
a C++ project. Using hands-on exercises that
replicate "real world" applications, participants
forge a strong Rational Rhapsody foundation
and learn how to optimally leverage the
solution's automation of software development
activities and artifact generation capabilities.
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Rational Course Description Working Document
1.12. Objectives
1.13. Topics
Provide a bulleted list
of (about 3-7)
List the main topics
covered in this
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Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
Rapidly educate your team in the best
practices for Rational Rhapsody based
Learn through rapid "hands on" structural
and behavioral code generation and design
level debugging
Apply UML using Rational Rhapsody's
synchronized model and code editors
Master the Rational Rhapsody product
architectural details in order to customize
and fit your specific needs as a software
Reverse engineer a C code library for
visualization in Rational Rhapsody
This course covers the following topics:
Essential Tool Training - Basic Rational
Rhapsody: Behavioral Code Generation,
Complex Reactive Behavior, Structural
Relations in Code
Essential Tool Training - Case Study: A
Fully Deployable Interactive Model
Creation and Debugging Session
Essential Tool Training - Advanced
Rational Rhapsody: Introduction to
Code-centric development and the Rational
Rhapsody Framework, Triggered
Operations, Generating Reports with
ReporterPlus and RPE, Managing
Interrupts, Multicore, Introduction to
Configuration Management, Introduction to
Rational TestConductor
This is a main topic
list and not a whole
course outline.
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Rational Course Description Working Document
1.14. Audience
1.16. IBM
1.17. Related
Provide a bulleted list
of target audiences
for this course.
List any required
prerequisite skills.
This course is intended for the following audience:
Project Managers
Technical Leads
Software Engineers
Software-level system Engineers
To benefit from this course, students should have the
following skills, experience, or have taken the following
Rational courses:
 Knowledge of software engineering concepts and
process is assumed.
 Familiarity with the C++ programming language
is also useful when creating executable models with
Rational Rhapsody.
Products used in the
IBM Rational Rhapsody v7.6 with the Cygwin
Do not include any
product definitions
Provide a list of
related courses,
separated into
self-paced (WBT,
SPVC) and
classroom (ILT, ILO)
For More
Information, see
Rational Education.
1.18. Additional
Student or
Template updated 26 March 2010
Does this course
require the student
to have software or
server connections
not included in the
course for them to
complete the
course and all
For students interested in continuing education in this
field, we recommend the following:
IBM Rational Web Based Training for Telelogic
Rhapsody – QWT02
IBM Rational Web Based Training for Telelogic
Rhapsody Extended – QWT06
 See Rhapsody Software engineer curriculum
path (put a link here)
If yes, complete the following information:
Continued on the next page
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2. IBM Training Finder Tagging
This section has two parts; be sure to select the appropriate tags requested for both:
Technical Areas: Primary and secondary method or tool products your course supports
(For Tech Area 2 and Tech Area 3, see the products you listed in line 1.16).
Supported Tasks: Primary and secondary method/tool tasks covered in the course.
For all choices, indicate your selections by formatting the line in bold underlined.
Technical Areas
Complete Tech Area 3 only if your course is not a methodology course.
2.1. Tech_Area1
2.2. Tech Area 2 (AND CORE PRODUCT)
The Tech area 2 (and Rational training category) is established by the Core Product associated
with the course. Highlight one product below (format the line in bold underlined):
Methodology course for Architecture Management
Methodology course for Change Configuration & Release Management
Methodology course for Enterprise Architecture Management
Methodology course for Enterprise Modernization
Methodology course for Project & Portfolio Management
Methodology course for Quality Management
Methodology course for Requirements definition & management
Methodology course for Security & Compliance
Methodology course for Software delivery automation
Architecture Management (aka Analysis, Design, and Construction (ADC))
Rational Ada Developer
Rational Ada Developer Enterprise Edition
Rational Ada Developer Interface for AXI
Rational Ada Embedded Developer
Rational Ada Embedded Developer Enterprise Edition
Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software
Rational Data Architect
Rational Modeler
Rational Rhapsody
Rational Rose Data Modeler
Rational Rose Data Modeler for UNIX
Rational Rose Technical Developer
Rational Rose XDE Developer for Java
Rational Rose XDE Developer for Visual Studio
Rational Rose XDE Developer Plus
Rational SDL Suite
(Tech Area 2 Options Continued)
Rational Software Architect for WebSphere Software
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Rational Software Architect Standard Edition
Rational Software Modeler
Rational Statemate
Rational Systems Developer
Rational Tau
Rational Team Webtop
Rational Web Developer for WebSphere Software
Change Configuration & Release Management
Rational Change
Rational ClearCase
Rational ClearCase MultiSite
Rational ClearQuest
Rational ClearQuest Multisite
Rational Synergy
Rational Team Concert
Enterprise Architecture Management
Rational Asset Manager
Rational System Architect
Enterprise Modernization
Enterprise COBOL for z/OS
Enterprise PL/I for z/OS
IBM Host Access Client Package
Rational Asset Analyzer
Rational Business Developer
Rational Developer for i for SOA Construction
Rational Developer for System i
Rational Developer for System z
Rational Host Access Transformation Services (HATS)
Rational Host Integration Solution
Rational Team Concert for i
Rational Team Concert for System z
Rational Transformation Workbench
SCLM Advanced Edition for z/OS
WebSphere Development Studio Client
WebSphere Development Studio for System i
WebSphere Studio Asset Analyzer
Project & Portfolio Management
Rational Dashboard
Rational Focal Point
Rational Harmony
Rational Insight
Rational Method Composer
Rational Portfolio Manager
Rational ProjectConsole Web Access Client
Rational Publishing Engine
(Tech Area 2 Options Continue)
Rational SoDA
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Rational Unified Process
Quality Management
Rational Functional Tester
Rational Functional Tester Plus
Rational Manual Tester
Rational Performance Tester
Rational Performance Tester Extension for Citrix Presentation Server
Rational Performance Tester Extension for SAP Solutions
Rational Performance Tester Extension for Siebel Test Automation
Rational Performance Tester Extension for SOA
Rational Professional Bundle
Rational Purify
Rational PurifyPlus
Rational Quality Manager
Rational Robot
Rational Service Tester for SOA Quality
Rational Systems Tester
Rational Team Unifying Platform
Rational Test Lab Manager
Rational Test RealTime
Rational TTCN Suite
Requirements definition & management
Rational DOORS
Rational Requirements Composer
Rational RequisitePro
WebSphere Business Modeler
Security & Compliance
Rational AppScan
Rational Policy Tester
Software delivery automation
Rational Build Forge
Rational Logiscope
Rational Software Analyzer
2.3. Tech Area 3
Complete this section only if your course is not a Methodology Course.
In this section, highlight the following (format the line in bold underlined):
The core product for your course, which you indicated as Tech Area 2
All other related (secondary) products. Highlight as many as you need.
(Tech Area 3 Options Continue)
Architecture Management (aka Analysis, Design, and Construction (ADC))
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Rational Ada Developer
Rational Ada Developer Enterprise Edition
Rational Ada Developer Interface for AXI
Rational Ada Embedded Developer
Rational Ada Embedded Developer Enterprise Edition
Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software
Rational Data Architect
Rational Modeler
Rational Rhapsody
Rational Rose Data Modeler
Rational Rose Data Modeler for UNIX
Rational Rose Technical Developer
Rational Rose XDE Developer for Java
Rational Rose XDE Developer for Visual Studio
Rational Rose XDE Developer Plus
Rational SDL Suite
Rational Software Architect for WebSphere Software
Rational Software Architect Standard Edition
Rational Software Modeler
Rational Statemate
Rational Systems Developer
Rational Tau
Rational Team Webtop
Rational Web Developer for WebSphere Software
Change Configuration & Release Management
Rational Change
Rational ClearCase
Rational ClearCase MultiSite
Rational ClearQuest
Rational ClearQuest Multisite
Rational Synergy
Rational Team Concert
Enterprise Architecture Management
Rational Asset Manager
Rational System Architect
Enterprise Modernization
Enterprise COBOL for z/OS
Enterprise PL/I for z/OS
IBM Host Access Client Package
Rational Asset Analyzer
Rational Business Developer
Rational Developer for i for SOA Construction
Rational Developer for System i
Rational Developer for System z
Rational Host Access Transformation Services (HATS)
Rational Host Integration Solution
(Tech Area 3 Options Continue)
Rational Team Concert for i
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Rational Team Concert for System z
Rational Transformation Workbench
SCLM Advanced Edition for z/OS
WebSphere Development Studio Client
WebSphere Development Studio for System i
WebSphere Studio Asset Analyzer
Project & Portfolio Management
Rational Dashboard
Rational Focal Point
Rational Harmony
Rational Insight
Rational Method Composer
Rational Portfolio Manager
Rational ProjectConsole Web Access Client
Rational Publishing Engine
Rational SoDA
Rational Unified Process
Quality Management
Rational Functional Tester
Rational Functional Tester Plus
Rational Manual Tester
Rational Performance Tester
Rational Performance Tester Extension for Citrix Presentation Server
Rational Performance Tester Extension for SAP Solutions
Rational Performance Tester Extension for Siebel Test Automation
Rational Performance Tester Extension for SOA
Rational Professional Bundle
Rational Purify
Rational PurifyPlus
Rational Quality Manager
Rational Robot
Rational Service Tester for SOA Quality
Rational Systems Tester
Rational Team Unifying Platform
Rational Test Lab Manager
Rational Test RealTime
Rational TTCN Suite
Requirements definition & management
Rational DOORS
Rational Requirements Composer
Rational RequisitePro
WebSphere Business Modeler
Security & Compliance
Rational AppScan
Rational Policy Tester
(Tech Area 3 Options Continue)
Software delivery automation
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Rational Build Forge
Rational Logiscope
Rational Software Analyzer
Supported Tasks
You indicate here:
Task 1: The primary Task area that your course supports
Task 2: A set of secondary tasks the course supports
2.4. Task 1:
Highlight one task below (format the line in bold underlined):
Application development
Data Analytics
Lifecycle management
IT management
Performance management
Project management
Query and reporting
Service Oriented Architecture
Systems management
Usage or operation
Continued on the next page
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2.5. Task 2
Highlight all the tasks that apply (format the line in bold underlined) from one of the
following categories.
If no categories are applicable, highlight the "None are applicable" option.
None are applicable
Application Development:
Autonomic computing
Database design
Grid computing
Open source
Shell programming
Stored procedures
Visual Basic
Web services
Enterprise systems
IP Communications
IP Contact Center
(Task 2 Options Continue)
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Switches and routers
Query and reporting:
Stored procedures
Access control
Identity management
Privacy management
Risk management
Web Application Security
Continued on the next page
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Template updated 26 March 2010
3. Lab Images (VMWare)
Note that availability of the VMware image may impact the offering date. If the VMware image won't
be available before the offering is to be made, additional coordination may be required before the
newly offered class can be scheduled for first teach.
3.1. Lab
Select the
appropriate option(s)
3.1.1 Is there a Lab Image required for this course?
3.1.2 If you indicated Yes to 3.1.1:
Is it a new images or an existing image (pick one):
3.1.3 If you indicated New to 3.1.2:
When will it be provided to the BTO Course Image Vault
for publication?
Date: 5/16/2011
3.1.4 If you indicated Existing to 3.1.2:
Filename of initial lab image file:
License expiration of product within the image:
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