

Greek Mythology: Kamali, English 9

Pride Writing Assignment: Heroes, Gods and Monsters

Prompt: What are the effects of pride in Heroes, Gods and Monsters ?


Is it primarily positive or negative?

How does it effect others (gods or mortals)?

What kinds of actions do the gods take because of their pride?

What actions of pride are justifiable or not justifiable?

If you have an interesting view, by all means explore it!

Make sure you use examples from the book for support. Here are possible instances you can consider. The key is to find instances that have a common theme or similarity.


Cronos eats his children so none could overthrow him (3)


Rhea gets angry with Cronos and protects Zeus (4)


Hera gets angry at Zeus’ infidelity and schemes against him (6-7)


Zeus hangs Hera in the sky because of her schemes (7)


Zeus eats Metis for fear his unborn son will overthrow him (9)


Arachne boasts to be greatest weaver (10)


Athene takes offense at boast (10)


Arachne weaves beautifully to win Athene’s contest (12)


Athene then weaves beautifully to win her contest (13)


Arachne kills herself because her weaving was inferior to Athene’s weaving (13)


Zeus chooses the sky for his domain because it looks high (15)


Poseidon claims Athens for himself (16-17)


Demeter demands a gift from Poseidon when he pursues her (17)


Hades is jealous of his brothers and does not let anyone escape (20-21)


Persephone uproots a bush she doesn’t like (23)


Demeter demands justice for Hades when Hades steals her daughter (24-25)


Zeus toys with Demeter’s demand and patronizes her (24-25)


Persephone secretly enjoys Hades attention and the Underworld ( 27)


Persephone eats the fruit (28-29)


Artemis makes demands of her father, Zeus (32-33)


Apollo becomes jealous of Marsyas’ talent (37-38)


Apollo falls in love with Coronis and insists in his own way with her (40-41)


Aphrodite becomes jealous of what Zeus does for Apollo (42)


Hera kicks Hephaestus out of Olympus because he’s ugly (49)


Aphrodite marries Hephaestus because he’s easy to take advantage of (53)


Zeus’ explanation of why humans do not need fire (Prometheus-nature myths).


Phaethon and the sun chariot (Phaethon-nature myths).

Paragraph 1: Introduction with Thesis

Hook (2-3 sentences)

Not a question, not a quote, not imagine…begin by describing a specific scene that is relevant to your topic. Include sensory details (sight, smell, hear, touch, taste).

Bridge (1-2 sentences)

Transition from your imagery above into your thesis. This is just a sentence or two to smoothly get to your topic. You must use Bernard Evslin and Heroes, Gods and Monsters.

Thesis (1 sentence)

Body 1: First Support

Topic Sentence: First clear, specific reason to support your thesis.

Concrete Detail : quote 1

Commentary: focus only on the quote above

Citation here:( )

Commentary: focus only on the quote above

Concrete Detail: quote 2

Commentary: focus only on the quote above

Commentary : focus only on the quote above

Concluding/Transition Sentence:

Citation here:( )

Body 2: Second Support

Topic Sentence: Second clear, specific reason to support your thesis.

Concrete Detail : quote 1

Commentary: focus only on the quote above

Citation here:( )

Commentary: focus only on the quote above

Concrete Detail: quote 2

Commentary: focus only on the quote above

Commentary : focus only on the quote above

Concluding/Transition Sentence:

Citation here:( )

Body 3: Final Support

Topic Sentence: Third clear, specific reason to support your thesis.

Concrete Detail : quote 1

Citation here:( )

Commentary: focus only on the quote above

Commentary: focus only on the quote above

Concrete Detail : quote 2

Citation here:( )

Commentary: focus only on the quote above

Commentary: focus only on the quote above

Concluding/Transition Sentence:

Paragraph 5: Concluding Paragraph

After careful consideration of ____________________________________________________

______________________________________, one can conclude that ___________________


Loop back to your hook image:

Heroes, Gods and Monsters Pride Essay- Edit


□ Heading (name, due date, class period)

□ Title: (unique, centered, capitalized, no bold/underline/italics)

□ Times New Roman, size 12, double-spaced

□ Paragraphs are indented, and there are no extra spaces between


How many sentences?

□ Hook is an image that clearly conveys; sight, smell, taste, hearing or touch

□ Bridge includes author and Title

□ Thesis Statement addresses the prompt clearly, and it is not a summarizing statement

Body paragraphs:

□ No fewer than 8 sentences/ minimum of two quotes in each paragraph

□ Internal citations used (#).

□ All periods are after the citation (3).

□ There is a lead-in before each quote. Occasion, speaker and a word instead of said,


□ After careful consideration of ______________________, one can conclude that


□ Connect back to hook (new words)


□ RIP words eliminated (unless inside a quote) * three points each!

□ Contractions are written out (will not)

□ Numbers are spelled out (1-10 and one syllable)

□ Topic Sentences are interesting and specific


□ No sentence in a single paragraph starts with the same word

□ Compound, complex and compound-complex sentences are used.

□ Looked at Of Mice and Men essay to avoid the same errors.

Reference the yellow packet.

□ Self assessment on the rubric.

Essay Rubric

An “A” Paper- Brilliant/Excellent

1. Concrete details are well-chosen, set up correctly and cited appropriately

2. Includes insightful commentary

3. Organization is clear and logical


4. Insightful thesis

5. Well-defined topic sentences

6. Very few, if any, mechanical errors

7. Powerful vocabulary

8. Excellent sentence variety

9. Progression of ideas are easy to follow, transitions used well

10. MLA format is perfect

A “B” Paper- Good

1. Concrete details are good- set-up and citations are done correctly

2. Includes solid commentary but not as impressive as an A paper

3. Organization is clear and logical, but may feel slightly choppy

4. Good thesis

5. Closely related topic sentence

6. Some mechanical errors

7. Good vocabulary-little repetition

8. Above average sentence variety

9.Transitions used

10. One mistake on MLA format

A “C” Paper- Adequate

1. Concrete details are present- an attempt at lead-ins and citations are made

2. Commentary is simplistic and/or obvious

3. Organization is present-essay may stray slightly from thesis or topic sentences

4. Workable thesis

5. Workable topic sentences

6.Frequent mechanical errors

7. Limited vocabulary

8. Limited sentence variety

9. Limited use of transitions

10. Two mistakes on MLA format

A “D” or “F” paper- demonstrates problems

1. Weak concrete details- lead-ins or citation missing

2. Weak commentary- mostly summary

3. Organization is unclear/scattered

4. Vague thesis- does not address the prompt

5. Topics sentence do not relate to thesis

6. Too many mechanical errors- interfere with understanding

7. Vocabulary is repetitive and/or inappropriate diction

8. Little to no sentence variety

9. No transitions

10. Three or more MLA errors

RIP words:

Final Score:
