POSC 361 Journals and Position Papers JOURNALS: Maintain a journal entry for your viewing of the nightly news on Monday through Thursday evening. Each entry should be 1 to 2 paragraphs long and must be written in complete sentences. Each entry should begin by summarizing the day’s story and then explain that story’s relevance for your issue. In terms of language acquisition, you are encouraged to make your journal entries in Spanish but you are not required to do so. You are free to make additional journal entries that relate other personal experiences and stories to your issue but this is not required. Your journal is due to my mailbox in Maury 118 no later than 4pm on Wednesday 8/24/02. POSITION PAPERS: DUE Monday 8/26/02 at 4pm -- 2pp. maximum **You will need to e-mail me an electronic copy of your paper as an attachment.** NAME the file after your last name. SEND the message with the attachment to me at BLAKECH@JMU.EDU by the deadline. This essay must be typed and double-spaced. Each page can be no longer than 30 lines and each line cannot exceed 80 characters. The essay cannot be longer than two pages. Please include a separate title page with your name, course number, etc.; do not write your name on the two pages containing the essay itself. You are neither required nor encouraged to consult outside readings in preparing this essay. You are required to write a concise, yet comprehensive essay that reflects your thoughtful consideration of course materials, your journal entries, and any other readings or experiences that you deem relevant. Please manage your schedule so that you have time to proofread and to revise your essay. Everyone wins when you revise... TOPIC: Your topic for the position paper must line up with the issue you have chosen to track for your journal. There are three potential questions: Will a Peronist candidate win the 2003 presidential elections? Why or why not? Will the government be employing a fixed exchange rate in December 2002? Why or why not? Will the Argentine government support a free trade agreement that includes Mercosur and the United States? Why or why not? There is no “correct” answer to any of these questions; I want you to build a reasoned, detailed argument for your point of view. You must take a position on one side or the other of the question posed. No matter which way you argue in your essay, be sure to include at least three major points in favor of your position and three GOOD counterarguments. Do not waste everyone’s time by including the counterarguments that are the easiest to attack while avoiding more persuasive positions. Your essay should make it clear why your reasons are more convincing than the counterarguments. Use specific information from course readings, journal entries, and other materials on Argentina to build your analysis.