SEN 985 Artificial Intelligence CSLO (19 Pts)
Name: _____________________________________ ID: ______________
Course-Student Learning Essay
(19 points) Select one of the following essay topics. Write a 2-3 page
(double-spaced) essay on your selected topic. You must provide your own
words and cannot include portions cut-n-pasted from the internet or other
sources. Provide reference citations for any words, pictures or graphics that
you use from your research sources.
Topic selections: (Select one)
1. Design, implement, and evaluate some simple Semantic web
application for applications such as:
a. Web search querying multiple relational data bases based on
user vocabulary.
b. Discovering and visualizing conceptual relations among
2. Design, implement and evaluate an AI/machine learning algorithm for
use in an application such as:
a. news or email spam filtering
b. personalized information retrieval and recommendation from the
web for news articles, movies, or music
c. a personal assistant for meeting scheduling
d. classification of macromolecular sequences
e. an application of your choice
3. Comparative evaluation of alternative AI-based machine learning
approaches on a broad range of classification tasks
4. Design, implementation, and evaluation of deductive capabilities to a
5. Design and implementation and experimental evaluation of tools for
reasoning with Bayesian networks
6. Design, implementation, and evaluation of a system for organizing and
storing, and context-specific retrieval of life experiences
7. Design, implementation, and evaluation of a system for facilitating
community formation (e.g., on the web)
8. Select a topic of your own where you are designing and implementing
or evaluating a solution to a problem.