2011 4-H Honey Bee Essay Contest Essays are due in the State 4-H Office: February 4, 2011 Send all essays to: Juanita Johnson, P.O. Box 25100, Baton Rouge, LA 70894 State and National Awards: Sponsors State Louisiana Beekeepers Association Awards Plaques to top three and certificates to participants National Awards Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees, Inc. Cash Prizes to 3 Top Winners: 1st Place — $250.00, 2nd Place — $100.00, 3rd Place — $50.00. National winners receive an appropriate book about honey bees, beekeeping, or honey. TOPIC: For the 2011 Honey Bee Essay Contest, the topic is: “U.S. Honey: A Taste for Every Preference” BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The taste and color of honey varies according to the flowers where the bees gather the nectar. Each different type of plant will yield honey with a different taste. The same plants, growing in different soils and climates, can yield different honey. 4-H youth are encouraged to investigate the local/regional honeys of the United States and see how they differ in taste and color. Is a honey dark with a rich flavor, or light in color and mild-tasting? One honey may be the choice for topping your pancakes; another may be best for baking cookies or cakes. Actual access to the honey for tasting is not required – just find out about some of the characteristics and write about them. The scope of the research is an essential judging criterion, accounting for 40% of your score. The number of sources consulted, the authority of the sources, and the variety of the sources are all evaluated. Personal interviews with beekeepers and others familiar with the subject are valued sources of information and should be documented. Sources, which are not cited in the endnotes, should be listed in a “Resources” or “Bibliography” list. Note that “honey bee” is properly spelled as two words, even though many otherwise authoritative references spell it as one word. RULES: 1. Contest is open to active 4-H Club members only. 4-H'ers who have previously placed first, second, or third at the national level are not eligible; but other state winners are eligible to re-enter. 2. Requirements (failure to meet any one requirement disqualifies the essay) - Write on the designated subject only. - All factual statements must be referenced with bibliographical-style endnotes. - A brief biographical sketch of the essayist, including date of birth, gender, complete mailing address, and telephone number, must accompany the essay. - Length – the essay proper: 750 to 1000 words. - The word count does not include the endnotes, the bibliography or references, nor the essayist's biographical sketch – which should be on a separate page. - Preparation for State Judging: TYPED, HARD COPY ONLY. Prepare your essays doublespaced, 12-pt. Times or similar type style, following standard manuscript format. 3. Essays will be judged on (a) scope of research - 40%; (b) accuracy - 30%; (c) creativity 10%; (d) conciseness - 10%; and (e) logical development of the topic - 10%. SCORE SHEET: 2011 HONEY BEE ESSAY (For your information only. Do not include this sheet with essay.) Name_______________________________ Parish ____________________ Part I: Basic Requirements Yes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. NO Biographical Sketch is provided Essay Length (750 to 1000 words) Includes end-notes or foot-notes and Bibliography Typed, double spaced, on one side of paper Has 4-H’er placed 1st, 2nd, or 3rd at national/state? Cover sheet is complete and attached Part II: Judging Criteria 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Scope of Research (Sources: number, authority, variety) Accuracy Creativity Conciseness Logical Development of Topic TOTAL Possible 40 30 10 10 10 Score Comments: Preparation of your essay for the State 4-H Honey Bee Essay Contest: TYPED, HARD COPY ONLY. Prepare your essay double-spaced, 12-pt. Times or similar type style, following standard manuscript format. If you are the 1st Place state winner, you will be required to submit an electronic copy of your essay as a WORD document. 2011 HONEY BEE ESSAY CONTEST Essay Cover Sheet [Attached to your Essay) Type or print neatly 1. Parish 1. 2. Your Name 2. 3. 4-H Agent’s Name 3. 4. Your Date of Birth 5. Your Mailing Address 4. 5. PO Box or Street Address_____________________________ ________________________________, LA _____________ Town Zip Code 6. Your Telephone Number 7. Check One 6. ( ) ______________ - _____________________ 7. ____Female ___Male Essay Checklist: __1. The title and subject of your essay is: “U.S. Honey: A Taste for Every Preference” __2. You included endnotes or footnotes and a Bibliography. __3. You wrote a biographical sketch that is a “short biography” about yourself that includes: your name, date of birth, whether you are a male of female, complete mailing address, telephone number, and any other information to introduce yourself to the judges. __ 4. How many words are there in your essay? _____ The essay must be 750 to 1000 words. Do not count the endnotes, the bibliography or references, or your biographical sketch.