. Mercyline W. Kamande, PhD
Senior Lecturer and Coordinator, School of Post Graduate Studies,
Mount Kenya University, Kigali Campus
P.O. Box 5826, Kigali Rwanda
Tel: +250788203030
Ph.D (Economics); University of Dares Salaam, Tanzania.
Specialization: Public Sector Economics and Econometrics
MA (Economics); University of Dares Salaam, Tanzania
Specialization: Public Sector Economics and Monetary Economics
BA (Economics); University of Nairobi, Kenya
SHORT COURSES AND WORKSHOPS(*indicates relationship to impact evaluation)
A short course in “Impact Evaluation and Analysis of Development Intervention” organized by
IFPRI and the African Growth and Development (AGRODEP) Modeling Consortium held in
Dakar Senegal in May 2013*
A three-day workshop in Kampala July 12th-14th 2012 on Randomized Controlled Trials
organized by East Africa Social Science Translation Collaborative in collaboration with
University of Carlifonia, Berkery, USA*
A short course in “Experimental designs on Savings and Payments for Researchers” organized
by the Innovations for Poverty Actions (IPA) in collaboration with Yale University held at
Strathmore University, Nairobi in January 2012*
A short course in “Introduction to Applied General Equilibrium Analysis in a Multi-Region
Framework” organized by the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP), Purdue University,
Indiana held at UNECA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in April 2011
Summer Program on Households and Firms in Developing Countries: An assessment of
Firm Capabilities using Randomized Controlled Trials, by Warwick Department of
Economics, International Growth Center and Warwick Institute for Advanced Studies in
July 2010*
May 2012 – Todate: A Senior Lecturer and Post Graduate Coordinator at Mount Kenya
University, Kigali Campus
Jan 2011 – Todate: Consultant and trainer for the Kenya Institute of Management,
Rwanda Liaison Office
Jan 2012 – Todate: Research Consultant with SNE International, Rwanda a company
dealing with market survey research and inpact evaluation research
Jan 2011 – April 2012: A Lecturer at the School of Finance and Banking, Kigali
Sept. 2013:
Won a research grant entitled from AGRODEP to carry out a research
entitled ‘Impact of ICT Projects on agricultural marketing in selected
East African Countries’ as part of the second competitive call for
proposal by AGRODEP in collaboration with Nancy Nafula
August, 2013: Won a research grant from AGRODEP to carry out a research entitled ‘
Market Information and Community-based Marketing as a solution
to the Producer Price volatility: A Case of Rwandan Small Scale
Potato farmers in Ruhengeri
April, 2012:
Team leader in a team designing a research project proposal entitled ‘The
Role of Mobile Payment in the growth of Small Micro-Enterprises in
Rwanda’ using RCT as part of the second competitive call for proposal by
Yale University and Innovations for Poverty Action. The proposal went to
the second stage but was not funded
August, 2011: Lead a team from SFB that is designing a research project proposal
‘The Role of Mobile Money Transfer in Increasing
Competitiveness within a Value Chain:
A Case Study of
Microenterprises in Rwanda’ as part of a competitive call for proposal by
Yale University and Innovations for Poverty Action. The proposal went to the
second stage but was not funded
Sept, 2013
A lead consultant in a tracer study for University Graduates in Rwanda
funded by the Higher Education Council Rwanda. The consultancy is for
Mount Kenya University Kigali
March, 2012 A lead consultant in the preparation of training modules for RIAM
Executive Courses in collaboration with Kenya Institute of Management
Feb, 2012
A lead trainer for Mount Kenya University Staff on Statistical Modeling
and Analysis
Dec, 2011
Judge at the OPI Company of the Year Award (COYA) Rwanda
organized by Kenya Institute of Management
August 2011: Designed a research project proposal entitled, ‘The Impact of Biofuels
Production on Land Use and Food Security in African Economies: A
Micro-Macro Perspective’ in collaboration with Dr. Job Lagat of Egerton
University, Kenya as part of an innovative call for proposal by African Growth
and Development Policy (AGRODEP) Modeling Consortium.
August, 2011: Lead a team from SFB that is designing a research project proposal
‘The Role of Mobile Money Transfer in Increasing
Competitiveness within a Value Chain:
A Case Study of
Microenterprises in Rwanda’ as part of a competitive call for proposal by
Yale University and Innovations for Poverty Action
July, 2011:
Designed a short course curriculum on ‘Capacity Building on Carbon
Trading and Green Investment’ in collaboration with Prof. Onyango of
Bondo University, Kenya.
July, 2011:
Designed a research project entitled ‘Carbon Trading Potential in
Kenyan and Tanzanian Manufacturing Firms’ in collaboration with
Dr. Lokina of the University of Dares Salaam EFD, Tanzania
June, 2011:
Led the Rwanda team in designing a regional project involving Kenyan and
Tanzanian researchers entitled, ‘Adoption of Multipurpose Trees and
Non-tree Crops for Food Security and Climate Change Mitigation
around the Lake Victoria Basin’ for The Inter-University Council for East
Kamande M.W. and Ngugi, P.K. (2013) Measuring Credit Risks for Sustainable
Lending of SMEs towards Achievement of Millennium Development Goals in Rwanda’
for presentation at the 3rd IPAR Conference to be held on 13th to 14th of November, 2013
Kamande, M.W and Lokina R, (2013) Clean Production and Profitability: An Eco-Efficiency
Analysis of Kenyan Manufacturing Firms; Journal of Environment and Development, Volume
22 Issue 2, June 2013
Kamande, M.W (2012) The Impact of Skilled Labour Migration on Remittance
Growth and Development in Africa, Conference Paper presented at the Gtap Annual Conference
Geneva, Switzerland, 27-29 June 2012
Kamande, M.W (2011) Clean production and Profitability: An Eco-Efficiency Analysis of
Kenyan Manufacturing Firms Paper presented at CSAE Conference, Oxford University, 20th22nd March, 2011
Kamande, M.W (2010) Technical and Environmental Efficiency of Kenya’s Manufacturing
Sector: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis, Paper presented at CSAE Conference, Oxford University,
21st-23rd March, 2010
Kamande, M.W (2010) Environmental Conservation as an Engine for Economic
Growth:Testing the Validity of Environmental Kuznets Curve on Carbon Emissions for Kenya
Paper presented at African Economic Conference 2010, Tunis, Tunisia October, 27-29, 2010
Other Posts and Affiliations
Editorial Advisory Board, Lahore Journal of Economics
Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) Network
African Growth and Development Policy (AGRODEP)
Modeling Consortium
Carbon Finance in Africa Network (CAFANet)
Microsavings and Payments Innovation Initiative (MPII)
East Africa Social Science Translation Collaborative (EASST)
Other Competences
Dr. Josphat Bosire,
Mount Kenya University, Rwanda
Tel. No. +250784992961
Dr. Razack Lokina,
Economics Department, University of Dares Salaam
Tel: +255-784-574369
Dr. Godious Kahyarara
Economics Department, University of Dares Salaam
Tel: +255-784-460849