SNC2P/2D Essay: Carbon Tax … Is it Good for Canada? Introduction Scientists have proven that the global climate is changing. Some believe that there is a “tipping point” when, if the global temperature increases more than this amount, we will not be able to recover. Current beliefs are that this “tipping point” is 2ºC. A significant human caused contributor to climate change is carbon dioxide emissions. This carbon dioxide rises into the atmosphere and increases the greenhouse effect on our planet. One possible solution to the increase in carbon dioxide emissions is a carbon tax. A carbon tax is a tax that the government imposes on emissions of greenhouse gases. It is similar to any other tax in that people and businesses would have to pay based on how much carbon dioxide they produce (similar to paying HST on how much you spend in a store). The Canadian government has been discussing the implementation of a carbon tax for some time as a means of putting a focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions in our country. Question: Should the Canadian government use a carbon tax to encourage people and businesses to decrease their carbon dioxide emissions? You will research this issue, provide a background for the reader, formulate a considered opinion, and defend it in the body of your essay. Your essay should include the scientific, environmental, political, economic and ethical considerations and limitations surrounding the use of a carbon tax in Canada. You must use appropriate scientific concepts from the climate change unit to both enhance the reader’s understanding, and to reinforce your assertions. Write a minimum 600 word, maximum 800 word essay that defends your opinion. Some points to consider: i) What are the effects of climate change? ii) What are the political considerations of implementing a carbon tax? iii) What are the economic considerations of implementing a carbon tax? iv) What are the environmental impacts of producing excessive amounts of carbon dioxide? v) What are other scientific issues associated with greenhouse gas emissions? vi) Are there any moral or ethical obligations that the government or the general population should consider? vi) Are there more suitable alternatives or directions we should be considering? Information: Please use the following links to assist you in your research and argumentation. This is not a comprehensive list and you are encouraged to also utilize websites and other resources not listed here. Due Dates: Tues. Apr.10 Tues. Apr. 10 Thurs. Apr. 12 Mon. Apr. 16 - Topics for the 3 body paragraphs and evidence of research on each topic. - Introductory paragraph (end of class) - Rough Draft - Final Essay