Individual in Society

Individual in Society
Essay Prompts
These are the two or more essay prompts I’ve made for each unit,
which I am certain that you can use to write a good essay. You are always
welcome to propose an alternative essay topic, or even an alternative
assignment like a survey/analysis, video, or CD. But you must present your
alternative at least a week before the assignment is due, and my approval is
not guaranteed. All of these essays can be completed strictly from the text
and class notes: all require some degree of creativity for an A grade, but not
outside research. However, since conventions are a major criterion, you will
need to devote considerable time and effort to your essay assignments.
Unit I: Sociology as a Social Science
1. Which of the three theoretical perspectives of sociology
(functionalism, conflict theory, or symbolic interactionism) provides
the best description of human social behavior? Describe all three, and
then argue persuasively for your choice.
2. Whom do you consider the three greatest contributors to the
development of sociology as a social science? Describe the
contributions of all three, and for each, tell why you think they were
so important.
Unit II: Culture and Subcultures
1. Which three changes in basic American values during the 20 th Century
do you believe have had the greatest affect on our culture? Describe in
detail how each value has changed, and in what specific ways this in
turn has changed our culture.
2. Which three changes in material culture (inventions) during the 20 th
Century do you believe have had the greatest affect on our culture?
Describe in detail each invention, and in what specific ways this
invention has changed our culture.
3. Do you believe subcultures provide useful diversity that enriches the
larger culture and gives it “spice”, or do you believe subcultures
promote ethnocentrism and cause division and conflict? Argue
persuasively for one of these viewpoints, by giving 3+ specific
examples of how subcultures help or harm our society.
Unit III: Socialization and Social Structures
1. All four agents of socialization (family, mass media, school, and
peers) contribute to our development of a unique self-concept. Give a
specific example from your own life of how each one of these four
agents has influenced your socialization. Finally, which agent do you
think has contributed more to your self-concept than it does for the
average person, and what has made it so influential? This prompt
requires four body paragraphs. The last two-part question can go
in the conclusion, after your summary, or be a fifth body
2. Should everyone be permitted to have and raise children, or should
people be required to prove their knowledge of child-rearing and their
commitment to abiding by known fundamentals of parenting, before
they obtain a mandatory “parenting license”? Argue persuasively,
make reference to unit concepts, and identify what you consider the
most important skills/practices of parenting (from birth through the
teen years). You should have at least three body paragraphs.
Unit IV: Abnormal Behavior and Social Control
1. Propose three specific reforms to the criminal justice system, and for
each one, explain in detail how it would improve one or more of the
four approaches to crime control (deterrence, retribution,
incarceration, and rehabilitation).
2. Describe in detail three or more instances when you’ve responded to
strain in your personal life with deviance (innovation, ritualism,
retreatism, or rebellion). For each instance, identify the type of
deviance and assess if your deviant response was effective or
Unit V: Social Class and Social Stratification
1. In the late 1990s, the richest 20% of Americans received over 49% of
the national income, and held 84% of the wealth. Do you think this
represents a just reflection of the value of the work people do, or does
justice require the government to re-distribute income and wealth
more equally (while maintaining some difference for the sake of
motivation/incentive)? Argue persuasively for either point of view,
using 3+ specific examples. (You must choose one or the other, if
you write in response to this prompt.)
2. What social class do you consider yourself part of and how do you
know? Describe three concrete aspects of your life that distinguish it
from the classes just above and below it (compare/contrast each aspect
with its counterpart in the adjacent classes). Finally, would you like to
be a member of a social class other than your own? Why or why not?
The last question can be a fourth body paragraph, or it can go in
the conclusion, after your summary.
Unit VI: Race and Ethnicity
1. If you belong to a racial or ethnic minority, identify two common
stereotypes that are widely held about your minority group, and for
each, assess its validity in terms of behaviors you have observed in
“your” group. Then, in the last body paragraph, describe two or
more positive contributions your minority group has made to
American society.
2. If you belong to the racial or ethnic majority (white and AngloSaxon), choose three aspects of Anglo-conformity that you would like
to see maintained; that is, identify three features of traditional Anglo
culture you believe are so beneficial that racial and ethnic minorities
should have to assimilate them. For each aspect, justify your belief.
3. Do you believe that the current wave of immigrants (primarily from
Latin America and East and South Asia) will have an easier or harder
time gaining acceptance by established Americans than the previous
wave (primarily from Southern and Eastern Europe)? Argue
persuasively for your point of view, citing 3+ specific reasons. (You
must choose one or the other, if you write in response to this
Unit VII: Gender Identity and Sex Roles
1. Do you think the growing emphasis on similarities, rather than
differences, between males and females, and the increased flexibility
in acceptable gender roles, has helped or harmed society? Argue
persuasively for either point of view. (You must choose one or the
other, if you write in response to this prompt.)
2. Describe in detail three or more specific threats to the institution of
marriage. For each one, offer a possible way to deal with (reduce) the
threat. Finally, state and defend your opinion as to whether traditional
marriage will remain the norm a hundred years from now. The
opinion can be a fourth body paragraph, or can go in the
conclusion, after your summary.
3. Do you think heredity, or environment, is more influential in the
development of gender identity, masculinity/femininity, and sexual
orientation? Argue persuasively for either point of view, citing 3+
specific reasons. (You must choose one or the other, if you write in
response to this prompt.)