Afghanistan Research Project

College English 12 Honors: Afghanistan and The Kite Runner Research Projects
In order to enhance our understanding of the novel, The Kite Runner, each of you will be responsible for
researching a particular topic related to Afghanistan’s history and culture. Through your research, we will dispel
myths, stereotypes, and misinformation associated with the people and culture of Afghanistan. You will become
an expert on your topic, compile your research into a PowerPoint presentation and a 3-5 page research paper, and
present your information to your classmates. All students will be required to take notes on each presentation and
the presenter will field questions related to the given topic. Possible research topics are listed below (more than
one students may not choose the same topic).
Possible research topics:
The Taliban
Kite running
Role of women in Afghanistan today
Soviet Union’s involvement in Afghanistan
US invasion of Afghanistan after 9/11
Dress in Afghanistan
Ethnic groups and tribe warlords
Education / schooling in Afghanistan
Afghan refugees
Role of children in Afghani society
Drug use and drug trade in Afghanistan
Languages in Afghanistan
Muslim religion
Khaled Hosseini
Slavery in Afghanistan
Obama’s current policy in Afghanistan
President Hamid Karzai
Health care in Afghanistan
Orphans in Afghanistan
Marriage – forced and voluntary
 ESSAY: (100 points) You will write a 3-5 page essay that provides key information about your topic. This
assignment is worth 100 points and will be counted as an essay grade for Term 4. Your essay will be
graded on the following:
 Introduction/Thesis Statement (10 points) – introduction provides context; thesis is focused and
contains all the main points of the essay
 Content (50 points) – idea development, supporting details/explanations, and organization
 Research (15 points) – acceptable and appropriate use of at least one primary resource and two
secondary resources
 Style (10 points) – various sentence structure, extensive vocabulary, well-controlled pacing
 Grammar and Spelling (10 points) – proofread your work carefully!
 Format (5 points) – typed and double-spaced with Times New Roman, size 12 font; 2-3 pages; MLA
citations/format, and Works Cited page
 POWER POINT: (50 points) You will prepare a six slide PowerPoint presentation about your topic
which includes the following:
1. A title slide which contains (5 points):
 Your topic
 a graphic
 your name
 reference to your thesis
2. Three content slides, each of which contains (10 points each):
 content about your topic using MLA Citation
 Images of Afghanistan which support your topic
3. A reflection slide which answers the following questions (10 points):
 What was the most interesting about your research?
 How did your research enhance your understanding of Afghanistan?
 How did you decide to organize your information?
 What question(s) you want your audience to ponder.
4. A Works Cited slide that lists the resources you cited in your presentation (5 points).
 PRESENTION: (50 points) Additionally, you will present your information to the class on the date
assigned to you. This is non-negotiable. We are relying on you to teach us about your topic. Presentations
will be graded on the following:
 Preparedness: preparation and rehearsal is evident
 Speech: voice is clear, distinct, and well projected
 Posture: demeanor/posture is appropriate and enhances quality of the presentation
 Content: shows a full understanding of the topic presented
 Critique: An additional portion of this assignment will be graded on your ability to listen
critically to peer presentations, and thoughtfully complete assessment rubrics
Due Date: Sunday, April 29 at 11:59pm (via
Point Total: 200 points
Class ID: 4606672
Password: Brennan
Assignment Due Dates
Due Date
Friday, 4/13
Monday, 4/23
Wednesday, 4/18
Sunday, 4/29
Responsibility (to be completed prior to class)
Choose your topic, begin research
Graphic organizer of research (via email)
Rough draft due prior to the beginning of class (via email)*
*you must also bring a printed copy to Wednesday’s class
Power point and final draft due 11:59pm (via
PowerPoint Presentations: take notes and complete rubrics.
For help with MLA citation and formatting, please visit the links posted on the class website.
(I highly recommend you bookmark this website!)