SUGGESTIONS: Things I Must Do To Ace My ToK Essay And Avoid

Purpose of the package is to assist you in the writing and the editing of your
TOK essay.
Formatting for your Final draft:
Use Times font, Size 12, Double space.
Ensure you foot note using perfect citation method.
Ensure you have a Works Cited – using perfect style.
See CB LIBRARY website for style guides (“Essay Skills” drop down)
General Instructions:
1. Select an essay prompt by the first week of November. Read over
“Suggestions: Things I must do to ace my TOK essay”
2. Fill out the page titled:
Introductory Paragraph – Draft Notes
3. For EACH body paragraph, fill out a body paragraph template (page
with boxes). Print out one sheet for each paragraph.
Once your body paragraphs are roughed out, a peer will edit them
with you on our TOK essay writing day (library) in December.
4. After the December meeting, write your essay. Be sure you use
perfect footnote or endnote style, along with a perfect Works Cited
at the end. Bring this essay to the January meeting in the CB
5. Use the Check Chart to evaluate YOUR and YOUR PEER’S Essays.
Carefully read over their suggestions. Edit your paper.
6. Use the TOK Essay Assessment Criteria to MARK your essay. Edit
your paper again.
7. Submit your paper.
SUGGESTIONS: Things I Must Do To Ace My ToK Essay And Avoid More Work
These are the details of the numbered mistakes as appear on your essay. All of them are critically important for your essay's success.
1. Everything must relate to the essay topic.
Everything means no nebulous tangents that you think tells me how much you know.
No long stories or extended telling what the xyxy theory is (the way you use your ideas will
explain if you know what it is).
2. The essay must be about the 'Knowledge Issues
It must be central to how you answer the question.
Ask yourself: What problems will I encounter when trying to answer this question?
You need to use the statement 'Knowledge Issues' at least four times in the essay.
Knowledge issues =
a. Difficulties finding, verifying, justifying information,
b. Limitations of how much we can know across different areas,
c. Biases in approach to knowledge,
d. Possible uncertainty/ incommensurability, implications.
3. Examples and ideas must link across different areas and ways .
Try not to make specific reference to the areas of knowledge or ways of knowing as a way to
categorize your response. Work it more seamlessly into your writing.
Your examples should be interesting / original and exactly support the point you are making.
Don't have examples which over generalize.
4. Counterclaims must be examined.
This is the biggest loss of marks every year. You must use the word "counterclaims" at least three
times in the essay.
It is worth 25% of the essay and few do it first time around.
Counterclaims means that each major point you make must itself be examined.
Find an example of where the point you just made may be weak or limited.
You must do this for each major point you make. See number 11. below.
5. No citation of ToK notes allowed.
Use the original source in footnotes and Works Cited.
Then put the website URL as the location (date when referenced)
6. Do not use dictionary definitions. Do not cite the dictionary. Do not use Wikipedia!!
7. Everything you say must be supported by an example. Two of these examples MUST be
personal in nature, but not hypothetical or made up. Maybe make it an example which links
across ways or areas of knowing....
8. Proof required from a citation. Use a footnote and put all sources in a Works Cited.
Four or five different sources would be good. Do not cite a single source more than twice.
Use good sources.
9. This example is overused and boring. Find a better example. See #3 above.
10. Factual inaccuracy or Overgeneralization.
Use words like 'suggest' or 'seems to prove' rather than 'proved' or 'all' or 'none.'
Fill in the below, have a TOK peer assess it and offer suggestions.
My prescribed title selection:
My thesis:
My definition of terms in the thesis:
What are the knowledge issues of this question?
My rough draft:
Introductory paragraph (don’t forget the Knower here)
Instructions for working on body paragraphs. Use this template for EACH paragraph of your essay. Note, you
might ONLY be discussing an area of knowledge in the paragraph or a way of knowing. Provide evidence to support.
Paragraph number _______
Fill in these boxes. Write your paragraph using your info below. No specific order required.
Area of Knowledge
Knowledge Issue of the paragraph
(Problems that arise causing us to question knowledge)
(Strength that arises to cause us to explore the knowledge)
-reveal how knowledge is a benefit, a gift, a pleasure, basis for
further thought & action
-reveals uncertainties, biases, limitations
-selection (eg. history sources) is a knowledge issue
Knower relates:
Counter claim: (relates to the question)
Way(s) of Knowing:
Knower relates to this by:
Counter claim:
Knowledge Issue:
CHECK CHART (used by self/peer after first full draft of essay is written)
Name of Student
List of words defined.
List of words which need to
be defined.
Knowledge Issues:
Identified? Implied? Redo?
Areas of Knowledge:
name the ones used
number of times knower is
referred to, effectiveness of
Ways of Knowing:
name the ones used
Counter Claims:
number of counterclaims,
effectiveness of the
Helpful Comments for the student
ToK Essay Assessment Criteria ____ / 40
A. Understanding knowledge issues
(Achievement Level: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
Depth of understanding is often indicated by drawing distinctions within ways of knowing and areas of
knowledge, or by connecting several facets of knowledge issues to these.
Breadth of understanding is often indicated by making comparisons between ways of knowing and areas
of knowledge. Since not all prescribed titles lend themselves to an extensive treatment of an equal range of
areas of knowledge or ways of knowing, this element in the descriptors should be applied with concern for
the particularity of the title.
 Does the essay demonstrate understanding of knowledge issues that are relevant to the prescribed title?
 Does the essay demonstrate an awareness of the connections between knowledge issues, areas of
knowledge and ways of knowing?
B. Knower's perspective
(Achievement Level: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
 To what extent have the knowledge issues relevant to the prescribed title been connected to the student's
own experience as a learner?
 Does the student show an awareness of his or her own perspective as a knower in relation to other
perspectives, such as those that may arise, for example, from academic and philosophical traditions,
culture or position in society (gender, age, and so on)?
 Do the examples chosen show an individual approach consciously taken by the student, rather than mere
repetition of standard commonplace cases or the impersonal recounting of sources?
C. Quality of analysis of knowledge issues (Achievement Level: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
 What is the quality of the inquiry into knowledge issues?
 Are the main points in the essay justified? Are the arguments coherent and compelling?
 Have counterclaims been considered?
 Are the implications and underlying assumptions of the essay's argument identified?
This criterion is concerned only with knowledge issues that are relevant to the prescribed title. Analysis of
knowledge issues that are not relevant to the prescribed title is not assessed.
D. Organization of ideas
(Achievement Level: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
 Is the essay well organized and relevant to the prescribed title?
 Does the use of language assist the reader's understanding and avoid confusion? Are central terms
explained or developed clearly in a way that assists comprehension?
Note: This task is not a test of “first language” linguistic skills. No account should be taken of minor errors
unless they significantly impede communication.
 When factual information is used or presented, is it accurate and, when necessary, referenced? “Factual
information” includes generalizations.
 If sources have been used, have they been properly referenced in a way that allows them to be traced
(Internet references must include the date on which they were accessed)?
Note: Not all essays require sources or references (see guidance in “Assessment details”).
An essay that fails to meet the word limit of 1,200–1,600 words will not score above level 4 on this
An essay that has no relevance to the prescribed title will score 0 on this criterion.
The four above categories are equally weighted and, combined, lead to a score out of a possible 40 points for the ToK Essay.
Point totals correspond to the following grades:
Component grade boundaries
E: Elementary
0 - 10
D: Mediocre
11 - 16
C: Satisfactory
17 - 22
B: Good
23 - 29
A: Excellent
30 - 40