Good Essay Topics

Master Coaching
 Terrorist attacks in the United States.
 We are becoming overwhelmingly
 Terrorism: it's high time to stop that war.
dependent on computers. Is this
 Human cloning is wrong.
dependence on computers a good thing or
 Human cloning and family values.
should we be more suspicious of their
 Greenhouse affect as a result of
 Is there too much of commercialism in
 Pollution is a consistent demolition of the
the Internet?
 Technology makes communication easier
 Anorexia is a cause of weight loss.
in today's world. Many people choose to
work at home in front of a computer
screen. What danger does the society face
NB! Pick a persuasive essay topic that will be
depending on computer screens rather
interesting both to your mates and to your tutor.
than face-to-face contact as the main
This is absolutely critical in case of topics for
means of communication? Are we the
persuasive speeches essays.
prisoners of the progress?
 Should the animals be used for scientific
 Abuse at home and domestic violence
research? Is it humanly?
should be punished.
 Should the cigarettes smoking be banned
 Abortion should be encouraged.
as heroin consumption?
 Media violence has a negative effect.
 Should drivers of automobiles be
 Single parent families - children which
prohibited from using cellular phones?
are devoid from full-fledged care.
Should restrictions be placed on the use
 The negative effect of divorce parents on
of mobile phones in public areas like
child physics.
restaurants and theaters?
 Unnecessary curfew for children under
 Shall we integrate from Marketing to Ethe age of fifteen.
 Should the death penalty be mandatory
for people that kill other people?
 Should the "Right to Die" be Considered
a Right?
What are two sides of the death penalty?
 The influence of the Internet: More harm
Is it a cruel murderer or a just
than good or vice versa.
punishment? Can it be a deterrent to
 Abortion. Another name for murder or a
desperate necessity.
Should animal experimentation be
 Sexual abuse and incest should be
banned or have a right to exist.
 Free public transport for everybody: for
or against.
 Euthanasia as a way of relieving ill people's
 School uniform. Good tradition or
pain and save them from the tortures of their
outdated habit.
illness. Do we have the right to take people's life,
if after all life is the greatest charisma?
 Forests are the lungs of the earth. Should the
rain forests destruction be prohibited? How is it
possible to protect forests?
List of Argument Essay
 Should there still be colleges and schools just
for men/boys and some just for women/girls?
 Should sex education be increased in schools
 Should we do more to deal with the
in an attempt to curb problems such as teenage
problem of domestic violence, or is the
problem exaggerated?
Master Coaching
 Considering in detail the opposing arguments
presented by Plato and Nafisi, when is
censorship necessary given the nature of
Causal Essay Topics
knowledge and reality?
 The 1920's was a leisurely period in history
You are welcome to choose one of these causal
and people began spending more time playing
essay topics, which contain a strong hook that
and observing sports. Who were the major
can draw a reader.
contributors to this "Golden age" of sports and
what influence, if any, did they have on future
 Define the basic causes of economic
athletes and the sports they played?
power of the U.S.
 Human beings do not need to eat meat in order
 Explain the major reasons for the high
to maintain good health because they can get all
dropout rate in college.
their food needs from meatless products and
 Explain the causes which led to suicide in
meatless substances. A vegetarian diet is as
"Anna Karenina".
healthy as a diet containing meat. Argue for or
 What are the causes of the computer
against the opinion above.
 What do you think about vegetarians? Are
 What caused the emergence of the ozone
they people who care for animals and want to
holes in the upper atmosphere?
protect them or people lacking the adequate
 Name your favorite city and give detailed
reasons why you like this city most.
 What are some of the best ways to welcome
 Identify the main reasons of depression.
and then assimilate immigrants into American
How is it possible to sail through the
life? What are the pros and cons of each of
 Explain the cause(s) of some clothing or
 Domestic workers: How these women are
hairstyle fad(s).
treated or mistreated by their employers. The
 Elucidate the causes of emergence of the
problems they face with inequality in the
porno films on TV.
workplace, most of these women come from
 State the causes of the green house effect.
different countries and do not speak the language
 Explain the causes for the popularity of
or know their own rights.
fast food restaurants.
 What are the major causes of emergence
 Advertising: Information or Manipulation?
of the new words, lexical units, idioms in
the language?
 What were social, psychological and
 To what extent has the traditional male role
geographical prerequisites of appearance
changed in the last 20 years?
of the new Movement in literature and
 Education is an indivisible part of the
architecture called Renaissance?
prosperity of the nation. The more educated and
cultured people there are in the country the more
flourishing and thrifty the country is. Comment
 What caused the emergence of the car
on this issue, argument your decision
continuous moving assembly line on the Rouge
plant established by Henry Ford?
 Should society assume more responsibility for
pregnant teenagers and children they bear?
 The 1920's is associated with the development
of many new freedoms; it was a time of
restrictions as well. Examine the 18th
 The mass media, including TV, radio,
amendment and prohibition in the 1920's. What
newspapers have a great influence on people and
was the reasoning and who were the key
especially on the younger generation. It plays an
supporters behind a 'dry' United States?
important role in shaping the opinions and
 Explain a personal, unreasonable fear or
positions of the younger generation. Argue for or
irritation of yours. Give its causes.
against this statement.
Master Coaching
In a nutshell, these are issues of the day, which
 Does the United Nations have any influence in
are elucidated in the mass media, newspapers,
the world nowadays?
magazines, TV, which you come across in all
 What are the causes of physical illnesses?
sites in Net.
 How mood is affected by weather?
 What are the causes of unrest in Ireland?
Controversial essay topics are usually much
 Explain your interest or lack of interest in
talked about and raise the interest in many
sports or a specific sport.
people. They are thrilling and captivating, but
 What causes bad influence of TV advertising
usually these are points of great nicety, which
on gender identity?
touch upon sore questions in any sphere of life.
 Soccer: Why it can't make the big time in the
The main point of them is to call the attention to
some facts.
 Discuss three or four good effects of a college
education. Supply appropriate examples for
Controversial Essay Topics
 What caused the proliferation of the bubonic
plague in the Middle Ages?
 What were the causes of the American Civil
 What caused the collapse of the former
communistic USSR?
 What were the causes of the World War I?
 What were the causes of the Great
 What caused the AIDS epidemic?
 Think of a person in this world whom you
most like or dislike. Describe the trait that makes
you like or dislike him or her and find reasons
for this trait. State both the trait and the reason
for it.
Controversial essay topics are burning, hot
issues, which raise heated debate and provoke
confrontation concerning an ambiguous subject
of a current interest.
These are issues about which people have very
strong yet divergent feelings and opinions, which
lead to much dispute and argument. These
feelings and opinions may exist due to religious,
social, or political beliefs. Controversial essay
topics tend to polarize people, who often make
strong arguments for and against the subjects.
They come from concepts or ideas that have
various points of view that make up the issue.
Controversial essay topics are often the subject
of your research assignments. These carefully
selected topics will help you with your essay.
Advertising Ethics
AIDS reappraisal
Alternative medicine
America's prisons
"American dream"
Animal experimentation
Animal rights
Assisted Suicide
Battered women
Binge drinking
Personal essay is one of the richest, most vibrant
and rage literary forms. As it gives you an
opportunity to exceed the limits of the standard
essay, to utilize conversational tone, dialogues,
settings and characterizations. Before writing
your work you should try to plunge into you
inner world, get to know yourself from the inside
and gain the understanding of the self. Writing
your personal essay intends to vent your
thoughts, ideas, interests to the others and lets
you drive toward candor, self-disclosure, honesty
Master Coaching
with yourself. After such a revelation with
epiphany, as if your eyes were opened to
yourself you'll be surprised by the quantity of
something you were previously blind to?
positive sides you've got.
Describe this moment and your percepts
about it.
 What are your dreams of the future? Now
Personal essay is an excellent way for you to
looking back at everything you have
determine clearly your likes and dislikes, to
done what you would to change?
reveal your unique personality to people, to
 Where do you see yourself, career wise,
cognize yourself better and to become more self10 years from now?
 Of everything of the world what would
you like to be doing right now? Where
You can succeed in writing your personal essay
would you like to be the most? Who
by being natural and truthful. Being the self,
would you prefer to be with at this
expressing your personal vision and position is a
peculiar salt of your work. Your point of view is
 What is a mission you are accomplishing
the one that counts and has a special significance
on the earth?
in this work. Just be honest with yourself and set
 Who was the most influential person in
to work at your essay and be sure to write an
your life? How did this person make you
impressive personal essay, but don't forget to
want to become better?
choose a topic for your essay.
 Talk about how a person can change his
Personal Essay Topics
 Have you ever wanted something so
badly that you would do anything to get
These personal essay topics can become very
it? How did you feel after you received
good background and basis for your work. You
or attained the thing that you desired?
are welcome to get acquainted with these
Did it make your life happier or more
personal essay topics and to sort out one them
miserable? Tell about such an
to you reveal yourself and your thoughts.
 What is your approach to life? Reveal
The list of personal essay topics presented
your life philosophy.
below will assist you in writing your essay.
 What is your receipt of stress
 Describe a significant interest or
 What was the most difficult time in your
experience that has special meaning for
life? How did you overcome these
difficulties? How did your perspective on
 Describe one of your grandparents. What
life change as a result of the difficulty?
has he/she accomplished in life? Would
 Describe your most rewarding
you like to be like him/her?
 What are your long-term career goals?
 How have all your acquired experiences
 Does any specific attribute, quality or
shaped your career goals?
skill distinguish you from everyone else?
 An intellectual experience that has
How did you develop this attribute?
mattered to you.
 What are the reasons for your interests?
 The first day I travel abroad.
Analyze your childhood. How were your
 Have you ever experienced a moment of
interests shaped from your upbringing?
solitude? How was it like?
 How would your friends characterize
 An E-mail from the Year 2105.
you? Look at yourself from the side of
 Have you ever met with "Triumph and
other people and analyze your character
Disaster"? How did you meet those two
in such a way.
impostors? Can you tell that you have
 Have you experienced a moment of
Master Coaching
faced them in a worthy manner?
rid of and which you'd like to promote
Have you ever struggled for something
and enhance.
and failed? How did you respond? Have
 What is your strongest and most
you experienced a feeling of
determined trait of character? Do you
disappointment and dissatisfaction of
maintain strong beliefs and adhere to
Imagine yourself being an actor/actress.
 Is there anything in your past that you
Tell about your feelings before the
would like to change? How would you
opening night of the performance where
change it if you could?
you play the title role.
 Tell about the most unforgettable
Evaluate a significant experience, risk
experience you've ever had.
you have taken, or ethical dilemma you
 Discuss your most interesting research
have faced and its impact on you.
Have you ever fallen in love from the
 Write about a book that has special
first sight? Tell about the first time
significance for you.
you've met this person. What did you feel
 What are the most important
at that moment?
extracurricular or community activities?
What are your career aspirations?
What made you join these activities?
Have you ever struggled mightily and
 Tell about a terrifying experience that
succeeded? Describe what you have felt
you had when you were young.
at the glorious moment of victory? What
 Describe an important social event that
does a winner feel?
you took part in. (wedding, church party,
What is the major contribution you've
sports event, etc.)
made in any field of your life?
 Have you ever been involved in some
Discuss your academic background and
serious wrongdoing? What lesson did
you learn from the experience?
Choose a prominent person (living,
 Relate an exciting experience from which
deceased, or fictional) that you would
you developed a particular talent or
like to interview and explain why.
Identify a person who had a significant
 All of us learn from our failures as well
influence on you and explain the
as successes. What is something you
gained from an unsuccessful experience?
What author, musician, actor influenced
on shaping your ideology? Why
especially this person is so significant to
you. Did he/she help you to see another
 Bilingual education
side of the world?
 Bill rights
Write a speech for delivery before some
 Black supremacy
group or write an article or editorial for a
 Breakup of the Soviet Union
 Breast cancer
What is a major achievement in your
 Business Ethics
life? Who and what assisted you in
 Capital Punishment
reaching your aim?
 Censorship
Hiking to Understanding the Self.
 Chauvinism
Tell about a family outing or vacation.
 Child abuse
What did you learn from the experience?
 Child trade
Reveal your personality by naming all
 Circumcision
the positive and negative features you
 Civil Liberties and Anti-Terrorism
possess. Which of them you'd like to get
Master Coaching
 Home Schooling
Corporate Corruption
 Homelessness
Corporate Responsibility
 Homeopathy
 Homosexuality
 Human rights
Death penalty
 Illegal Immigration
Discrimination in the workplace
 Immigration
Domestic violence
 Insanity Defense
Dress Codes in School
 Internet censorship
Drug Legalization
 Iraq war
Drug Testing
 Landmines
Eating disorders
 Legal Drinking Age
Ebonics and Black English
Economics in America
Education in America
Elderly people
Embryo drawings
Endangered Species
English - official language
Environmental Ethics
Extremist groups
Family violence
Female Genital Mutilation
Free Speech
Free condoms in school
Freedom of the Press
Future of the Net
Gay marriage
Gay Parents
Gay Rights
Gays in the Military
Genetic engineering
Global warming
Gun Control
Harry Potter Controversy
Hate Crimes
Health Care Reform
Health and fitness
Hijacking Aftermath
Holocaust Denial
Holocaust Reparations