The Fuels and Petrochemicals Division

The Fuels and Petrochemicals Division
Academic Scholarship
Description: The Fuels and Petrochemicals Division of AICHE (F&PD) is pleased to
sponsor two $1,000 one-time awards to exemplary high school seniors who plan on
studying engineering or science. F&PD is committed to introducing high school students
to careers in Fuels & Petrochemicals through its programs, helping to fuel the industry’s
need for top talent in the future.
Eligibility: Eligible applicants are graduating high school seniors with exemplary
academic records and demonstrated leadership potential. Eligible applicants must plan to
attend an accredited four year university in the fall and plan to major in engineering or
science. College acceptance letters and proof of registration must be presented to F&PD’s
scholarship panel prior to disbursement of awards.
Application Package:
 Application Form- Complete and signed application.
 Transcript- Official copy of applicant’s high school transcript(s).
 Essay- Applicant must submit an original, typed, single-sided, double-spaced
essay which discusses a current event in regards to Fuels & Petrochemicals
Industry and shares the applicant’s thoughts (i.e. gas prices, alternative fuel
sources, carbon credits, plant safety, ethanol, biofuels, shale gas, etc.) Essays
should be no more than 1000 words in length.
 Letter of Reference- Applicant must submit at least one letter of reference from a
high school or community leader which discusses the applicant’s scholastic
ability, character and/or leadership characteristics.
 Sponsorship Letter – Applicants must submit a sponsorship letter from a
practicing engineer or scientist. The letter should state why this applicant is being
Mailing Instructions: All materials must be mailed in one envelope or package, and
be postmarked before January 31, 2014. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Address to:
Fuels & Petrochemicals Division of AIChE
Attn: Scholarship Panel/Ian M. Glasgow
16001 Park Ten Place
Houston, TX 77084
Award Determination: The Scholarship Panel will review all applications and rank
applicants for the award. Award will be based on academic merit, Letters of
Recommendation and creativity/clarity and merit of the essay. Any special situations
may also be taken into account. The scholarship committee will be made up of 4-5
members of F&PDs Executive Committee.
Notification of Award: Winners will be notified via phone and mail by F&PD’s
Scholarship Panel, and acknowledged at the F&PD Spring Awards Event that is held in
conjunction with the AIChE National Spring Meeting. The winner and up to two guests
are invited to attend the Awards event at no charge, however, the winner is responsible
for all expenses associated with attending the event. Attendance is not mandatory.
F&PD Scholarship Application
Application Deadline: January 31, 2014.
First Name:
Home Address:
Home Phone: (
Email Address:
Gender (M/F)
High School:
High School GPA: (e.g. 3.5 out of 4.0)
Intended Field of Study:
Intended University/College:
List honors and special recognitions received. Provide details. Attach additional sheets if necessary.
List memberships and positions held in school and community organizations. Include part-time
employment. Describe your role and contribution. Attach additional sheets if necessary.
List talents and special interests. Attach additional sheets if necessary.
Anything else you would like the scholarship panel to know!
Certification: I believe that all of the information furnished on this application is true,
complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that such information is
confidential and subject to verification by the F&PD Scholarship Panel.