EPC Exhibit 131-9.1a EDUG WG 930 Archaeology Proposals for geographic expansions in 931-939 and Table 2—3 Version 2009-01-13 In this document possible geographic expansions in 931-939 and Table 2—3 are listed with literary warrant from WorldCat included. The areas are put in DDC order. The numbers for Great Britain can be further subdivided by adding from T2—41 and T2—42. This makes very specific number possible. Would the same pattern be worth considering for other parts of Europe, i.e. Germany, Austria, Netherlands, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain and Portugal? Scandinavia would not fit in to this, since the ancient history is classed in 936.3 Germanic regions, but the modern history is classed in 948 and not subordinate to 943. 1. European areas that lack numbers in the 931-939 schedule / Table 2—3. Czech Republic: Search in WorldCat on LCSH Czech Republic Antiquities: 1009 hits Slovakia: Search in WorldCat on LCSH Slovakia Antiquities: 315 hits Poland: Search in WorldCat on LCSH Poland Antiquities: 1594 hits Russia: Search in WorldCat on LCSH Russia Antiquities: 4870 hits Ukraine: Search in WorldCat on LCSH Ukraine Antiquities 2171 hits Belarus: Search in WorldCat on LCSH Belarus Antiquities: 224 hits Baltic states: Search in WorldCat on LCSH Baltic states Antiquities: 95 hits Lithuania: Search in WorldCat on LCSH Lithuania Antiquities: 201 hits Latvia: Search in WorldCat on LCSH Latvia Antiquities: 180 hits Estonia: Search in WorldCat on LCSH Estonia Antiquities: 125 hits Finland: Search in WorldCat on LCSH Finland Antiquities: 296 hits 2. Further geographic division of 931-939 / Table 2—3 Some of the numbers in 931-939 / Table 2—3 have big literary warrant and need to be further divided. 936.3 Germanic regions (1391 hits in WorldCat) The roman provinces Vindelicia, Noricum in the including note should stay in 936.3. Germania Magna (Greater Germania) should be added in the including note. Raetia should move to 936.4 (or the new number for Switzerland), since it started as a Celtic region, and roughly corresponds to Switzerland, which is classed in 936.4 Germany: Search in WorldCat on 936.3 + LCSH Germany: 792 hits Austria: Search in WorldCat on 936.3 + LCSH Austria: 113 hits Scandinavia: Search in WorldCat on 936.3 + LCSH Scandinavia: 28 hits 1 Norway: Search in WorldCat on 936.3 + LCSH Norway: 23 hits Sweden: Search in WorldCat on 936.3 + LCSH Sweden: 44 hits. Denmark: Search in WorldCat on 936.3 + LCSH Denmark: 50 hits Netherlands: Search in WorldCat on 936.3 + LCSH Netherlands: 19 hits 936.4 Celtic regions (1654 hits in WorldCat) The roman provinces Germania Superior, Germania Inferior, Belgica and Gaul in the including note should stay in 936.4 Lesser Germania should be added in the including note. Helvetia should be moved to the new number for Switzerland. Lugdunensis, Aquitania and Narbonensis should be moved to the new number for France. New index entries: Colonia Agrippinensis Mogontiacum [I do not know where these cities should be classed. They were the capitals of Germania Superior and Germania Inferior, classed in 936.4 , but they are situated in present Germany, a new number under 936.3] France: Search in WorldCat on 936.4 + LCSH France 903 hits Including Alpes Cottiae, Alpes Maritimae, Alpes Poeninae; Gallia Comata. Belgium: Search in WorldCat on 936.4 + LCSH Belgium: 42 hits Switzerland: Search in WorldCat on 936.4 + LCSH Switzerland 113 hits Including Raetia [formerly 936.3] 936.6 Iberian Peninsula and adjacent islands (1358 hits in WorldCat) The roman provinces Tarraconensis. Baetica and Lusitania in the including note should stay in 936.6. Hispania and Hispania Ulterior should be added in an including note. Spain: Search in WorldCat on 936.6 + LCSH Spain 1177 hits Hispania Citerior should be added in an including note. Portugal: Search in WorldCat on 936.6 + LCSH Portugal 137 hits 939.8 Southeastern Europe to ca. 640 (444 hits in WorldCat) The roman provinces Pannonia, Thrace, Illyria, Dacia, Moesia in the including note should stay in 939.8. Illyricum should be added. 2 Hungary: Search in WorldCat on 939.8. + LCSH Hungary 64 hits Yugoslavia: Search in WorldCat on 939.8. + LCSH Yugoslavia 12 hits Serbia: Search in WorldCat on 939.8. + LCSH Serbia 15 hits Croatia: Search in WorldCat on 939.8. + LCSH Croatia 11 hits Romania: Search in WorldCat on 939.8.+ LCSH Romania 51 hits Bulgaria: Search in WorldCat on 939.8. + LCSH Bulgaria 51 hits 3. Roman provinces and other territories that lack index entries and are not mentioned in “Including notes” 932.022 Aegyptus (Roman province) should be added in an including note or as an index entry. 939.703 Africa proconsularis should be added in an including note or as an index entry. T2—3926 New index term: Asia (Roman province) (Alternate name) 936.1 Brittania (Roman province) should be added in an including note or as an index entry. Dalriada (Alternative names: Dal Riada; Dal Riata) should be added in an including note or as an index entry. T2—3611 Alba (Kingdom) should be added in an including note or as an index entry. 939.2 Commagene (Kommagene), Corduene and Galatia should be added in an including note or as an index entries. 939.43 Iudaea should be added in an including note or as an index entries. 936.1 New index entry: Antonine Wall (Scotland) (118 hits inWorldCat) 936.1132 New index entry: Broch of Gurness (Scotland) (11 hits in WorldCat) New index entry: Gurness Broch (Scotland) (11 hits in WorldCat) New index entry: Maidens’ Mount (Scotland) (27 hits in WorldCat) 3 New index entry: Maes Howe (Scotland) (27 hits in WorldCat) New index entry: Maeshowe (Scotland) (27hits in WorldCat) New index entry: Skara Brae site (Scotland) (69 hits in WorldCat) 936.1135 New index entry: Clickhimin Broch (Scotland) (16 hits in WorldCat) New index entry: Jarlshof Site (Scotland) (33 hits in WorldCat) 936.114 New index entry: Callanish (Scotland) (78 hits in WorldCat) 936.27 New index entry: Hadrian’s Wall (England) (390 hits in WorldCat) Stockholm 2009-01-13 Magdalena Svanberg 4