New Library Materials 2006-2007

New Library Materials 2006-2007 (through May 7, 2007)
Too stressed to think?: a teen guide to staying sane when life
makes you crazy (155.518 FOX 2005)
Leave me alone, I'm reading: Finding and losing myself in books Respect: a girl's guide to getting respect & dealing when your
(028.9 COR 2005)
line is crossed (158.1 MAC 2005)
Rereadings: [seventeen writers revisit books they love] (028.9 An investigation into the laws of thought (160 BOO 2005)
RER 2005)
[classic text by the guy who invented Boolean logic]
Java: The complete reference. J2SE 5 ed. (005.2762 SCH 2005) Warrior of the light: A manual (131 COE 2003)
Windows XP headaches (005.44682 SIM 2005)
Genetic revolution [Issues of the world series] (SE 174 McL)
How to read (VID 028 HOW 2006)*
Doubt: A history: The great doubters and their legacy of
Googlepedia: The ultimate Google resource (REF 025.04 MIL
innovation from Socrates to Jesus and Thomas Jefferson
and Emily Dickinson (121.6 HEC 2003)
1001 books you must read before you die (REF 028 ONE 2006) True ghost stories (133 HOL 2001)
[best book I've read this year--makes you want to read SparkNotes AP psychology power pack (TXT 150.76 SPA
all 1001]
The definitive guide to how computers do math: Featuring the 10,000 dreams interpreted (154.63 MIL 2001)*
virtual DIY calculator [inc. CD-ROM] (004.0151 MAX Why choose this book?: How we make decisions (153.83 MON
The New York times almanac, 2007 (REF 031 NEW 2007)
Ethics: Opposing viewpoints (170 ETH 2006)
World almanac and book of facts, 2007 (REF 031 WOR 2007) Euthanasia: Opposing viewpoints (179.7 EUT 2006)
Catalog it!: a guide to cataloging school library materials (DSK
025.3 KAP 2006)
You've got to read this book: 55 people tell the story of the book No god but God: The origins, evolution, and future of Islam (297
that changed their life (028.8 YOU 2006)
ASL 2005)
John Walkenbach's favorite Excel tips & tricks (005.54 WAL
The trouble with Islam today: A Muslim's call for reform in her
faith (297 MAN 2003)
How to do everything with Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 I believe in ...: Christian, Jewish, and Muslim young people
(005.58 FIN 2003)
speak about their faith (200.835 GAS 2004)
News war: Secrets, sources & spin [PBS website] (WEB 071.73 Ingri and Edgar Parin D'Aulaire's book of Greek myths (292.13
NEW 2007)
DAU 1962)
Sunbeams: A book of quotations (REF 080 SUN 1990)
Greek myths (SE 292.13 SHO)
A bell ringing in the empty sky: The best of The Sun [2 vol.]
Critical perspectives on Islam and the Western World (297.27
(081 BEL)
CRI 2006)
Beyond bullet points: Using Microsoft PowerPoint to create
The great transformation: The beginning of religious traditions
presentations that inform, motivate, and inspire (005.58
(200.9014 ARM 2006)
ATK 2005)
The Lincoln library of Greek & Roman mythology [5 v.] (REF
Stubborn light [Best of the Sun, v. 3] (081 STU 2000)
292.003 LIN 2006)
The top 10 of everything 2007 (REF 031.02 ASH 2007)*
Torah from our sages = Pirke Avot (296.1 TOR 1984)*
The Oxford dictionary of American quotations (REF 081.03
The existence of god: A reader (212.1 EXI 1964)
OXF 2006)
Inspiring progress: Religions' contributions to sustainable
development (201.77 GAR 2006)
The pilgrimage: A contemporary quest for ancient wisdom
Will the circle be unbroken?: Reflections on death, rebirth, and
(203.5 COE 1995)
hunger for faith (128.5 TER 2001)
The god delusion (211.8 DAW 2006)
Encyclopedia of philosophy. 2nd ed. [10 vol.] (REF 103 ENC
2006) [also available online]
Darwin's dangerous idea: Evolution and the meanings of life
(146.7 DEN 1995)
Plain and simple: A woman's journey to the Amish (305.687
La vida rica: The Latina's guide to success (158.1082 RIC 2004)
BEN 1989)*
Intoxication: The universal drive for mind-altering substances
International encyclopedia of marriage and family. 2nd ed. [4
(154.4 SIE 2005)
vol.] (REF 306.803 INT 2003) [also available online]
The complete book of dreams and what they mean (154.63 ASH America's Constitution: A biography (342.029 AMA 2005) [2
Teen anger [DVD] (VID 152.4 TEE 2004)
Imperialism: The highest form of capitalism: A popular outline
Stress [DVD] (VID 155.518 STR 2004)
(330.15 LEN 1988)*
The right to freedom from searches (345.0522 RAM 2001)*
The new American militarism: How Americans are seduced by The Biotech Age: The business of biotech and how to profit from
war (355.0213 BAC 2005)
it (338.476606 OLI 2003)
The tobacco book: A reference guide of facts, figures, and
Gestapo: Instrument of tyranny (363.283 CRA 1994)
quotations about tobacco (362.296 MOY 2004)
The truth about testing: An educator's call to action (PRO
Burned alive: A victim of the law of men (362.8292 SOU 2004)
371.26013 POP 2001)*
The weather makers: How man [sic] is changing the climate and McGraw-Hill's writing an outstanding college application essay
what it means for life on Earth (363.73874 FLA 2006)
(REF 378.1616 RAN 2005)
Ritalin and other methylphenidate-containing drugs (362.299
McGraw-Hill's conquering the new SAT critical reading (REF
FER 2004)
378.1662 FAL 2006)
Antidepressants (362.299 MIT 2004)
Modern primitives: An investigation of contemporary adornment
Designer drugs (362.299 OLI 2004)
& ritual (391.65 MOD 1989)
Body enhancement products (362.299 SAN 2005)
The Latino holiday book: From Cinco de Mayo to Dia de los
Ecstasy (362.299 SCH 2004)
Muertos--the celebrations and traditions of HispanicDate rape drugs (362.883 KEH 2004)
Americans (394.26 MEN 2004)
Vital signs, 2006-2007 (363.702 VIT 2006)
How to prepare for the AP U.S. government and politics. 3rd ed.
Dictionary of symbols, myths and legends (302.2223 COL
(320.473 LAD 2002)*
The Oxford companion to the Supreme Court of the United
Empire: The British imperial experience from 1765 to the present
States (REF 347.7326 OXF 2005)
(325.341 JUD 1997)
Modern air superiority planes: Aircraft, weapons and their
The number: A completely different way to think about the rest
battlefield might (358.43 EVA 2004)
of your life (332.024 EIS 2006)*
Game of shadows: Barry Bonds, BALCO, and the steroids
Are we to be a nation?: The making of the Constitution
scandal that rocked professional sports (362.299 FAI
(342.73029 BER 1987)*
2006) [2 copies]
Prozac nation: Young and depressed in America: A memoir
The costumer's manifesto -- [online] (WEB 391
(362.25 WUR 1995)
Education and ecstasy (370 LEO 1987)
Fashion: Past & present [online] (WEB 391 OSB)
The shame of the nation: The restoration of apartheid schooling Return of the tribal: A celebration of body adornment (391.65
in America (379.263 KOZ 2005)
CAM 1997)
Muckraking: The journalism that changed America (306.0973 Spooky scary sounds for Halloween [CD] (MUS 394.2646 SPO
MUC 2002)
Never drank the kool-aid (306.0973 TOU 2006)
Privacy in peril: Will Congress strengthen privacy safeguards?
World beware!: American triumphalism in an age of terror
(WEB 323.448 CLE)
(327.73 ROS 2006)
Britain's imperial century, 1815-1914: A study of empire and
Chew on this: Everything you didn't want to know about fast
expansion. 3rd ed. (325.341 HYA 2002)
food [children's version of Fast food nation] (394 SCH Learning to question, to wonder, to learn (PRO 370.152 McK
Current issues. 2005 ed. (300.973 CUR 2005)
Beyond technology: Questioning, research and the information
Current issues. 2006 ed. (300.973 CUR 2006)
literate school (PRO 371.3 McK 2000) How teachers
Enough: Staying human in an engineered age (303.483 McK
learn technology best (PRO 371.334 McK 1999)
Thicker than oil: America's uneasy partnership with Saudi Arabia
Critical perspectives on Al Qaeda (303.625 CRI 2006)
(327.730538 BRO 2006)
Mapping the terrain of the heart: Passion, tenderness, and the
Tough choices or tough times: The report of the new
capacity to love (306.7 GOL 1996)*
Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce
International relations: Understanding the behavior of nations.
(PRO 331.25 NAT 2007)
5th ed. (327 BAL 2005)
Child labor and sweatshops (331.3 CHI 2006)
How Congress works: And why you should care (328.73 HAM Catch of the day: Choosing seafood for healthier oceans (333.956
HAL 2006)
Critical perspectives on globalization (337 CRI 2006)
What are my rights? 95 questions and answers about teens and
The words we live by: Your annotated guide to the Constitution
the law [2 c.] (346.0135 JAC 1997)
(342.02 MON 2003)
While the world sleeps: Writing from the first twenty years of the
Critical perspectives on climate disruption (363.738 CRI 2006)
global AIDS plague (362.1969792 WHI 2003)
Striking back: The 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre and Israel's Marijuana: Opposing viewpoints (362.295 MAR 2006)
deadly response (364.152 KLE 2005)
PCP (362.299 ADA 2006)
Overthrow: America's century of regime change from Hawaii to Club drugs (362.299 MAR 2006)
Iraq (327.73 KIN 2006)
Methamphetamine (362.299 MAR 2006m)
Kapitalizm: Russia's struggle to free its economy (330.947 BRA Steroids (362.299 STE 2006)
Stimulants (362.299 WAL 2004)
Legalizing drugs (364.177 LEG 2006)
Chicken soup for the sister's soul (306.8754 CHI 2002)*
The Advocate college guide for LGBT students (REF 378.198 The holy vote: The politics of faith in America (322.1 SUA
WIN 2006)
Humanity's future: Opposing viewpoints (303.483 HUM 2006) The immigrant experience: The long, long journey (VID 325.73
Cars in America: Opposing viewpoints (303.4832 CAR 2006)
IMM 1986)
The courage to be yourself: True stories bt teens about cliques, Freakonomics. Rev. and exp. ed. (330 LEV 2006)
conflicts, and overcoming peer pressure (305.235 COU On The Wealth of nations (330.153 ORO 2006)
Enenrgy crisis [Issues of the world series] (SE 333.79 McL)
He's just not that into you: The no-excuses truth to understanding Are America's wealthy too powerful? (339.2 ARE 2006)
guys (306.7 BEH 2004)
Immigration and the law [Understanding immigration series]
It's called a breakup because it's broken : The smart girl's
(342.082 TEI 2007)
breakup buddy (306.7 BEH 2005)
The Supreme Court [PBS website] (WEB 347.7326 SUP 2007)
Sex: Opposing viewpoints (306.7 SEX 2006)
One bullet away: The making of a marine officer (359.96 FIC
Teenage sexuality: Opposing viewpoints (306.70835 TEE 2006)
It couldn't happen to me: Three true stories of teenage moms
Nature vs. man [Issues of the world series] (SE 363.34 MAS)
(306.874 JOH 2005)
Intellectual character: What it is, why it matters, and how to get it
Democracy: Opposing viewpoints (321.8 DEM 2006)
(PRO 371.102 RIT 2002)
Illegal immigration: Opposing viewpoints (325. 73 ILL 2006)
Rugg's recommendations on the colleges (REF 378.199 RUG
The House: The history of the House of Representatives (328.32
REM 2006)
La couturière parisienne [website] (WEB 391 COU)
America in the twenty-first century: Opposing viewpoints (338 The cell next door [Frontline:DVD] (VID 303.625 CEL 2007)
AME 2006)
Genetic engineering [Contemp. issues companion] (306.46 GEN
Oil: Opposing viewpoints (338.27282 OIL 2006)
Levi Strauss and blue jeans (SE 338.7 OLS)
SparkNotes AP U.S. government & politics power pack (TXT
State of the world, 2007: our urban future: a Worldwatch
320.076 SPA 2006)*
Institute report on progress toward a sustainable
Teachers have it easy: The big sacrifices and small salaries of
society(338.9 STA 2007)
America's teachers (331.281 MOU 2005)
Civil liberties and war [Issues on trial] (342.0412 CIV 2006)
Teens and credit cards: Use or abuse? [DVD] (VID 332.7 TEE
Freedom of the press [ Issues on trial] (342.0853 FRE 2006)
Racial discrimination [Issues on trial] (342.0873 RAC 2006)
California education code, 2007 (REF 344.07 CAL 2007)
Teens take it to court: Young people who challenged the law-- Performance-enhancing drugs [Compact research series] (362.29
and changed your life (342.08772 JAC 2006)
EGE 2007)
The environment [Issues on trial] (344.046 ENV 2006)
Heroin [Compact research series] (362.293 EGE 2007)
Reproductive rights [Issues on trial] (344.048 REP 2006)
Heroin [At issue. Drugs series] (362.293 HER 2006)
Students' rights [Issues on trial] (344.079 STU 2006)
Marijuana [Compact research series] (362.295 NAK 2007)
Individual rights and the police [Issues on trial] (345.056 IND Nicotine and tobacco [Compact research series] (362.296 NAF
Facing addiction: Three true stories (362.29 JOH 2005)
Methamphetamine [Compact research series] (362.299 BER
Adoption: Opposing viewpoints (362.734 ADO 2006)
Surviving abuse: Four true stories (362.8292 JOH 2005)
California penal code, 2007 (REF 345.794 CAL 2007)
Gun violence: Opposing viewpoints (363.33 GUN 2006)
California civil code, 2007 (REF 347.794 CAL 2007)
Prostitution and sex trafficking: Opposing viewpoints (363.44
Consumer guides and protection [] (WEB 352.746
PRO 2006)
How the other half lives [2 c.] (363.506 RII 2005)
Reference center and general government [] (WEB
The death penalty: Opposing viewpoints (364.66 DEA 2006)
353 REF)
America's prisons: Opposing viewpoints (365 AME 2006)
Defense and international relations [] (WEB 353.1
Reading changed my life!: Three true stories (372 JOH 2003)
One country to another [Understanding immigration series]
Government benefits, grants and financial aid []
(304.82 TEI 2007)
(WEB 354 GOV)
Voices from the fields: Children of migrant farmworkers tell
Businesses & nonprofits: Get it done online! []
their stories (305.23 VOI 1993)
(WEB 354.7 BUS)
The world split open: How the modern women's movement
An inconvenient truth: A global warning [DVD] (VID 363.783
changed America (305.42 ROS 2001)
INC 2006)
A multicultural world [Understanding immigration series] (305.8
TEI 2007)
Larousse gran diccionario: inglés-español, español-inglés (REF
Life as an immigrant [Understanding immigration series]
463.21 LAR 2004)
(305.906912 TEI 2007)
Roget's international thesaurus. 6th ed. (REF 423.1 ROG 2001) Visual guide to native and naturalized coastal county plants from
Dictionary of American idioms and phrasal verbs (REF 423.13
Santa Cruz to Mendocino (580.9794 PIK 2002)
SPE 2005)
Birds of San Francisco and the Bay Area (598.097946 FIS 1996)
Oxford Spanish desk dictionary. 3rd ed. (463.21 OXF 2005)
Mammals of California. Rev. ed. (599.09794 JAM 2004)
The pocket Oxford American thesaurus of current English (REF The grizzly maze: Timothy Treadwell's fatal obsession with
423.1 POC 2002)
Alaskan bears (599.784 JAN 2005)
Manual completo de los verbos en inglés (REF 428.2461 GAR The best American science and nature writing, 2006 (500 BES
2005) 2006)
Harrap's French and English dictionary (REF 443.21 HAR 2004) The best American science writing, 2006 (509.73 BES 2006)
Streetwise Spanish: Speak and understand everyday Spanish [inc. Hubble: 15 years of discovery [DVD+CD] (VID 522.29 HUB
audio CD] (468.3421 GIL 2006)
The Pinyin Chinese-English dictionary (REF 495.132 PIN
Empires of time: Calendars, clocks, and cultures. Rev. ed. (529
AVE 2002)
Harrap's Spanish and English dictionary (REF 463.21 HAR
The trouble with physics: The rise of string theory, the fall of a
science, and what comes next (530.14 SMO 2006) [2
English as she is spoke (428 FON 2004)
Early Greek science: Thales to Aristotle (509.38 LLO 1971)*
The god effect: Quantum entanglement, science's strangest
Invisible allies: Microbes that shape our lives (579 FAR 2005)
phenomenon (530 CLE 2006)
Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia. 2nd ed. [17 vol.] (REF 590.3 The flying circus of physics. 2nd ed. (530.76 WAL 2007)
GRZ 2004) [also available online]
Gravity's arc: The story of gravity, from Aristotle to Einstein and
Electrostatics: Exploring, controlling, and using static electricity.
beyond (531.14 DAR 2006)
2nd ed. (537.2 MOO 1997) [includes The dirod manual] Western birds (598.2978 FAR 1988)
Warped passages: Unraveling the mysteries of the universe's
Dr. Euler's fabulous formula: Cures many mathematical ills
hidden dimensions (530.01 RAN 2005)
(512.788 NAH 2006)
How mathematical models, computer simulations, and
How animals have sex (591.562 STR 2005)
exploration can be used to study the universe (520.113 The battle with the slum (305.569 RII 1998)
HOW 2006)
Interracial America: Opposing viewpoints (305.8 INT 2006)
The size, composition, and surface features of the planets
Worldchanging: A user's guide for the 21st century (333.7 WOR
orbiting the sun (523.4 SIZ 2006)
The role of the sun in our solar system (523.7 ROL 2006)
Calculus. 9th ed. (515.15 VAR 2007)
The characteristics and the life cycle of stars (523.88 CHA 2006) The handbook of astronomy (520 GIB 2006)*
Electric universe: The shocking true story of electricity (537
Mad about physics: Braintwisters, paradoxes, and curiosities
BOD 2005)
(530 JAR 2001)
Java man: How two geologist's dramatic discoveries changed our SparkNotes AP calculus AB & BC power pack (TXT 515.15
understanding of the evolutionary path to modern
SPA 2006)*
humans (569.97 SWI 2000)
Life under the sun (571.455 ENS 2001)
How life on Earth is affected by Earth's placement and
Muscle mechanics. 2nd ed. (613.713 AAB 2006)
orientation in our solar system (577.2 HOW 2006)
Don't eat this book: Fast food and the supersizing of America
Earth observatory [NASA website] (WEB 550 EAR)
(614.5 SPU 2005)
The winds of change: Climate, weather, and the destruction of Sleep aids (616.8498 OLI 2006)
civilizations (551.609 LIN 2006)
What to eat: [An aisle-by-aisle guide to savvy food choices and
Shorebirds: Beautiful beachcombers (598.33 MOR 2003)
good eating] (613.2 NES 2006)
Dangerous wildlife in California & Nevada: A guide to safe
Bait and switch: The (futile) pursuit of the American dream
encounters at home and in the wild (591.65 BAC 2002)
(650.14 EHR 2005)
Northern California nature weekends: Fifty-two adventures in
Guinea pig scientists: Bold self-experimenters in science and
nature (508.794 CLA 2005)
medicine (616.027 DEN 2005)
Holt physics (TXT 530 SER 2002)*
Invisible enemies: Stories of infectious disease. 2nd ed. (616.909
Trees of the California Sierra Nevada 582.1609794 PET 2005)
FAR 2005)
The discoveries: Great breakthroughs in 20th century science
The price of privilege: How parental pressure and material
(509 LIG 2005)
advantage hare creating a generation of disconnected
TI-89 graphing calculator for dummies (510.285 EDW 2005)
and unhappy kids (649.156 LEV 2006)
The moon book: Fascinating facts about the magnificent,
Soap, sex, and cigarettes: A cultural history of American
mysterious moon (523.3 LON 1998)
advertising (659.1 SIV 1998)
Exploring our Baylands (577.69 CON 1996)
20 ads that shook the world: The century's most groundbreaking
advertising and how it changed us all (659.1 TWI 2000)
The human face: Mask or mirror [DVD] (VID 612.92 HUM
Woodworking: The complete step-by-step guide to skills,
techniques and projects (684.08 WOO 2005)*
Safe sex 101: An overview for teens (613.9071 HYD 2006)
Reproductive technology [Exploring sci. & med. discoveries]
Critical perspectives on stem cell research (616.02774 CRI 2006)
(616.69206 REP 2006)
Heart disease (616.12 SIL 2006) [Twenty-first century medical Brains that work a little bit differently: Recent discoveries about
common brain diversities (616.8 BRA 2003)*
Anxiety disorders (616.8522 HYM 2006) [Twenty-first century
medical library]
Critical perspectives on genetically modified crops and food
The posters of Jules Cheret (741.674 BRO 1980)*
(631.5233 CRI 2006)
Transition game: How Hoosiers went hip-hop (796.32363 WER
An illustrated dictionary of aviation (REF 629.13 ILL 2005)
Sweetness & light: The mysterious history of the honeybee
field omnibook (796.42 DOH 1980)*
(638.1 ELL 2004)
A personal account of the Mt. Everest disaster
Resumes for high school graduates. 3rd ed. (650.142 RES 2006)
KRA 1997 c.3)*
Illustrated dictionary of building design + construction (REF
A right to be hostile: The Boondocks treasury (741.5 McG 2003)
690.03 BUR 2005)
Ancient Scandinavian designs (745.44948 VAN 1985)*
Diet pills [Drugs the straight facts] (615.78 HEN 2005)
Hungry planet: What the world eats [by the folks who produced Ansel Adams (779.092 Adams ANS 1977)*
Africa folk music atlas [4 CDs] (MUS 781.620096 AFR 1996)*
The Material World] (641.3 JEN 2005)
Ansel Adams: The National Park Service photographs (779.3678
The language of baklava (641.5956 ABU 2005)
ADA 1994)
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. 4th ed.
movie critics: An anthology from the silents until now
(REF 616.89075 DIA 2000)
AME 2006)
The total package: The evolution and secret meanings of boxes,
Graffiti world: Street art from five continents (751.73 GAN
bottles, cans, and tubes (658.564 HIN 1995)*
Total access: Giving customers what they want in an anytime,
The complete Far side [2 vol.] (REF 741.5 LAR 2003)
anywhere world (658.812 McK 2002)*
UXL encyclopedia of drugs & addictive substances [5 vol.] (REF The complete Calvin and Hobbes [3 vol.] (REF 741.5 WAT
615.1 BIG 2006)
photography (775 KIN 2005)
Opium (615.7822 BAR 2005)
The inside history of the Grateful Dead
Caffeine (615.785 MAR 2006)
McN 2003)
LSD (615.7883 PET 2005)
The same river twice: A season with Geno Auriemma and the
Obesity: Opposing viewpoints (616.398 OBE 2006)
Connecticut Huskies (796.323 WAL 2002)
Teen depression [DVD] (VID 616.85 TEE 2004)
Baseball: An encyclopedia of popular culture (796.357 RIE
PCP (616.8634 MAR 2006)
Bebop to the Boolean boogie: an unconventional guide to
Marley legend [CD] (MUS 782.421646 Marley 2006)
electronics. 2nd ed. [inc. CD-ROM] (621.381 MAX
The Beatles: Illustrated lyrics (782.42166 BEA 1999)
The new California drivers test made easy (629.283 SYM 2005) Film writing and selected journalism [of James Agee] (791.4575
AGE 2005)
Pocket guide to the care and maintenance of aquarium fish
Extreme sports: In search of the ultimate thrill (796.046 TOM
(639.34 BUR 2002)
Best of the National Air and Space Museum (629.13074 NAT
Spraycan art (751.73 CHA 1987)
A photographer's life: 1990-2005 (779.2092 Leibovitz PHO)
Jaguar XK: XK120/140/150 (629.2222 Jaguar LAW)*
Electric shadows: Film music by Zhao Jiping [CD] (MUS
Porsche 356 & 550: A pictorial history (629.2222 Porsche
781.542 Zhao ELE)*
[CD] (MUS 781.63 Evora SAO)*
Science and technology in world history: An introduction. 2nd
[CD] (MUS 781.644 White STA)*
ed. (609 McC 2006)
Pumped: Straight facts for athletes about drugs, supplements, and Healing angel [CD] (MUS 782.43 Downey HEA)*
Das klagende Lied [CD] (MUS 782.48 Maher KLA)*
training (612.01577 KUH 2000)
The anxiety & phobia workbook. 3rd ed. (616.8522 BOU 2000) Konzerte für Streicher = String concertos [CD] (MUS 784.7
Telemann KON)*
Just say know: Talking to kids about drugs and alcohol (649.4
The complete audition book for young actors (792.028 ELL
KUH 2002)
Saying no is not enough: Helping your kids make wise decisions
age of comics: 365 days (741.59 DAN 2004)
about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs: A guide for the
encyclopedia: The definitive guide to the
parents of children ages 3 through 19 (649.4 SCH 1998)
characters of the DC universe (REF 741.5 JIM 2004)
The future of food: A film [2 DVDs] (VID 664 FUT 2004)
Painting people: Figure painting today (757 MUL 2006)
Chicano visions: American painters on the verge (759.13 CHI
Fantasyland: A season on baseball's lunatic fringe (793.93 WAL
Paintings and poems of Ireland (759.13 Terry PAI)*
Ceramics: A potter's handbook. 6th ed. (738.14 NEL 2002)
Emil Nolde: portraits (759.3 Nolde OST)
McSweeney's quarterly concern. Issue number 13 : An assorted
Playing by heart [CD] (MUS 781.542 Barry PLA)
sampler of North American comic drawings, strips, and
Film noir [CD] (MUS 781.542 Simon FIL)
illustrated stories, etc. (741.53 McS 2004)
Purest of pain [CD:Son by Four] (MUS 781.64098 PUR 2000) Brazilian lounge [CDs] (MUS 781.64098 BRA 2006)
Salsa hits [CD:Son by Four] (MUS 781.64098 SAL 2001)
Salsa around the world [CDs] (MUS 781.64098 SAL 2003)
In a new setting [CD;jazz:Milt Jackson] (MUS 781.655 Jackson The encyclopedia of heavy metal (781.66 BUK 2003)
Auditioning for the musical theatre (782.1407 SIL 1985)*
Le nozze de Figaro [CD] (MUS 782.1 Mozart NOZ 1968)
Clampton's guitar: Watching Wayne Henderson build the perfect
Don Juan; Tod und Verklarung; vier letzte Lieder [CD:R.
instrument (787.87 ST 2005)
Strauss] (MUS 782.4 Strauss DON)
Black Hawk down [VHS] (VID 791.45 BLA 2002)*
My secret heart [CD:Bob Heppner] (MUS 782.42 MY 1999)
A Christmas carol [VHS/Alastair Sim] (VID 791.45 CHR 1989)*
The essence of Frank Sinatra [CD] (MUS 782.42164 Sinatra
Ferris Bueller's day off [DVD] (VID 791.45 FER 2006)
Footloose [VHS] (VID 791.45 FOO 1989)*
Reba: Greatest hits, volume III: I'm a survivor [CD] (MUS
Gettysburg [VHS] (VID 791.45 GET 1993)*
782.421642 McEntire REB v.3)
Gone with the wind [VHS] (VID 791.45 GON 1998)*
The very best of John Lee Hooker [CD] (MUS 782.421643
The odyssey [DVD/Armand Assante] (VID 791.45 ODY 2001)
Hooker VER)
Tom Jones [VHS/Albert Finney] (VID 791.45 TOM 1963)*
Never too much [CD] (782.421644 Vandross NEV)
12 angry men [VHS] (VID 791.45 TWE 1997)*
Harry Connick, Jr. [CD] (MUS 782.42165 Connick HAR)
How art made the world: A journey to the origins of human
Irresistible [CD:Jessica Simpson] (MUS 782.42166 IRR 2001)
creativity (709 SPI 2005) [accomp. DVD]
Italian cantatas [CD] (MUS 782.48 Handel ITA)
Ghost Rider: The visual guide (741.5 DAR 2007)
Carreras, Domingo, Pavarotti: The three tenors in concert [CD] The long road home: One step at a time [Doonesbury book]
(MUS 783.13 CAR 1990)
(741.5 TRU 2005)
Tracing Astor: Gidon Kremer plays Astor Piazzola [CD] (MUS Lauren Owens: New work at the Isabella Stewart Gardner
785 Piazzola TRA)
Museum (759.13 Owens LAU)
Linus & Lucy: The music of Vince Guaraldi [CD:G. Winston] Mastering color digital photography (775 FRE 2006)*
(MUS 786.2 Guaraldi LIN)
Theories of everything (741.5 CHA 2006)
Inside the Olympics: A behind-the-scenes look at the politics, the Dancing at the Louvre: Faith Ringgold's French collection and
scandals, and the glory of the games (796.48 POU
other story quilts (746.46 Ringgold CAM)
Peter Doig: Works on paper (759.2 Doig WOR)
Design e2 [DVD] (Vid 720 DES 2006)
The magic of digital printing (775 DOE 2006)*
The judgment of Paris: The revolutionary decade that gave the Who shot ya?: Three decades of hiphop photography
world impressionism (759.409 KIN 2006)*
(782.421649 PAN 2002)*
The world: Flying high (779.36 LAV 2005)
Les poupées russes = Russian dolls (VID 791.45 RUS 2006)
Jazz: A film [DVD] (VID 781.65 JAZ 2004)
100 greatest TV stars of our time (791.45028 ONE 2003)*
Looney tunes golden collection. vol. 2 [DVD] (VID 791.4334
I spy: A book of picture ridldles (SE 793.73 WIC 1992) *
LOO 2004 v.2)
I spy mystery: A book of picture ridldles (SE 793.73 WIC
Rumor has it [DVD] (VID 791.45 RUM 2006)
Swimming: Steps to success. 3rd ed. (797.21 THO 2005)
I spy Christmas: A book of picture ridldles (SE 793.735 WIC)*
How art made the world: How humans made art and art made us
human (VID 709 HOW 2006)
In a new land: An anthology of immigrant literature
The best American sports writing, 2006 (796 BES 2006)
(808.80352693 IN 1994)
Art history [2 vol. + CD-ROM] (REF 709 STO 2005)
for students. vol. 1 (REF 809 LIT 2006 v.1)
Victorian Gothic house style: An architectural and interior design
American history through literature, 1820-1870 [3 vol.] (REF
book (724.3 OSB 2000)
810.9358 AMEa 2005)
Decorating your first apartment: From moving in to making it
American history through literature, 1870-1920 [3 vol.] (REF
your own (747 GIL 2003)
810.9358 AMEb 2005)
Being John Malkovich [DVD] (VID 791.45 BEI 2000)
Red hot salsa: Bilingual poems on being young and Latino in the
Watching TV: Six decades of American television (791.4509
United States (811.0080868 CAR 2005) [2 copies]
CAS 2003)
Sparrow: Poems (811.6 Muske-Dukes SPA)*
Professional acting in television commercials: techniques,
The poems of Dylan Thomas (821.912 Thomas POE)*
exercises, copy, and storyboards (791.45028 DOU
Hamlet: A retelling [fictionalized version of the play] (822.33 S7
Romeo & Juliet: A retelling [fictionalized version of the play]
Alfred, Lord Tennyson [Bloom's major poets] (821.8 Tennyson
(822.33 U3 McK)
Prose poems (892.71 Gibran PRO)*
William Bultler Yeats [Bloom's major poets] (821.8 Yeats BLO)
The anatomy pf prose (808 BOU 1962)*
Macbeth: A retelling (822.33 T5 McK) [fictionalization]
Thirteen ways of looking at the novel (808.3 SMI 2005)
Othello: A retelling (822.33 T7 McK) [fictionalization]
Rush hour: A journal of contemporary voices [v. 4: Reckless]
This is my best: Acclaimed QPB authors share their favorite
(810.8006 RUS 2006)
work (810.8005 THI 2004)*
New worlds of literature: Writings from American's many
The outlaw Bible of American literature (810.80054 OUT 2004)
cultures (810.80352693 NEW 1994)
Classic American love poems (811.0080354 CLA 1999)
Poetry comes up where it can: An anthology [nature poetry]
The selected poems of Wendell Berry (811.54 Berry SEL)*
(811.5408 POE 2000)
The Heidi chronicles and other plays (812.54 Wasserstein HEI)
Against the cruel frost: A second volume of verse (821.914
Romeo and Juliet [Pelican Shakespeare] (822.33 U3 HOL)*
Holbrook AGA)*
The structure of argument. 5th ed. (808.042 ROT 2003)
One hundred poems from the Chinese (895.11 REX 1971)
Extraordinary debates (808.53 ORR 2005)*
American women poets, 1650-1950 [Bloom's modern critical
The life you save my be your own: An American pilgrimage
views series] (811.009 AME 2002)
[Catholic authors] (810.992 ELI 2003)*
Poetry and prose [of Walt Whitman]. 1st Library of America
American poetry: The nineteenth century, v. 1 Freneau to
College ed. (811.3 Whitman LEA 1996)
Whitman (811.308 AME 1993 v.1)
Millennium monologs: 95 contemporary characterizations for
Silence Dogood, The busy-body, and early writings (814.1
young actors (812.5408 RAT 2002)
Franklin SIL)
Ana en el tropico (SPA 812.6 Cruz ANA)
Reading like a writer: A guide for people who love books and for
Shakespeare: The basics (822.33 D McE)*
those who want to write them (808.02 PRO 2006)
One hundred poems from the Japanese (895.61 REX 1964)
The best American nonrequired reading, 2006 (810.8006 BES
Code appearing: Poems 1979-1988 (811.54 Palmer POE)
The guns and flags project: Poems (811.6 O'Brien GUN)
The Columbia Granger's world of poetry [Online version of the
Crush: [Poems] (811.6 Siken CRU)
classic Granger's index with full-text poems] (WEB
The best short plays, 1989 (812.5408 BES 1989)
808.81 COL)
A year in the life of William Shakespeare, 1599 (822.33 B SHA) The crucible [CD] (AUD 812.54 Miller CRU)
Writer's market 2006 (REF 808.025 WRI 2006)
The best American essays, 2006 (814.608 BES 2006)
Literary themes for students, war and peace [2 vol.] (REF
Family guy: Stewie's guide to world domination (818.602 CAL
809.93358 LIT 2006)
Words of ages: Witnessing U.S. history through literature
The jazz poetry anthology [2 vol.] (808.819357 JAZ)
(810.80358 WOR 2000)
Stranger than fiction: True stories (814.54 Palahniuk STR)
Red hot salsa: Bilingual poems on being young and Latino in the New plays from A.C.T.'s Young Conservatory (812.5408 NEW
United States [c.2] (811.0080868 CAR 2005)
The Oxford anthology of African-American poetry (811.0080896 San Sombrèro: a land of carnivals, cocktails and coups (828.9202
OXF 2006)
CIL 2006)
Elizabeth Bishop [Bloom's major poets] (811.52 Bishop BLO) Response & analysis: Teaching literature in secondary school
Hart Crane [Bloom's major poets] (811.52 Crane BLO)
(PRO 807.12 PRO 2004)
Robert Frost [Bloom's major poets] (811.52 Frost BLO)
Mountain man dance moves: The McSweeney's book of lists
H.D. [Bloom's major poets] (811.52 H.D. BLO)
[humor] (818.602 MOU 2006)
Marianne Moore [Bloom's major poets] (811.52 Moore BLO)
Paic Tan: Sunstroke on a shoestring (828.9202 CUL 2004p)
Wallace Stevens [Bloom's major poets] (811.52 Stevens BLO) The inferno of Dante [Pinsky trans.] (851.1 Dante PIN)
Allen Tate [Bloom's major poets] (811.52 Tate BLO)
The compleat cast of characters in literature (REF 809.927 COM
John Ashbery [Bloom's major poets] (811.54 Ashbery BLO)
Resurrection update (811.54 Galvin RES)
The Edgar Allan Poe audio collection [CDs] (AUD 818.3 Poe
Gone: Poems (811.54 Howe GON)
Mark Strand [Bloom's major poets] (811.54 Strand BLO)
The Ernest Hemingway audio collection [CDs] (AUD 818.52
Weather eye open: Poems (811.6 Gridley WEA)
Hemingway ERN)
Waiting for visitors: Poems (811.6 Reddy FAC)
The complete Arkangel Shakespeare [96 CDs/all the plays in
Collected plays [of Arthur Miller], 1944-1961 (812.52 Miller
audiobook format] (AUD 822.33 I ARK)
COL 2006 v.1)
The Neil Gaiman reader (823.914 Gaiman SCH)
Let us now praise famous men, A death in the family, & shorter Four in the morning: Essays (814.54 Syfransky FOU)
fiction (818.52 Agee LET)
Best test preparation for the the SAT II: Subject Test literature
Geoffrey Chaucer [Bloom's major poets] (821.1 Chaucer BLO)
(807.6 BES 2000)*
John Donne [Bloom's major poets] (821.4 Donne BLO)
Cracking the SAT Literature Subject Test (807.6 AME 2005)*
A. E. Housman [Bloom's major poets] (821.8 HousmanBLO)
City Lights pocket poetry anthology (808.81 CIT 1995 c.2)
The dance [Everyman's library pocket poets] (808.819358 FRA
Jazz poems [Everyman's library pocket poets] (808.8193578
YOU 2006)*
Believer book of writers talking to writers (809 BEL 2005)
The portable Beat reader (810.80054 POR 1992)
Women of the Beat generation: The writers, artists and muses at
the heart of a revolution (810.80054 WOM 1996)
The yage letters redux (818.54 Burroughs YAG 2006)
Ronald Reagan remembered [CBS News] (921 Reagan,R CBS)
[inc. DVD]
Venus & Serena: Serving from the hip (921 Williams,V WIL)
Rogue regime: Kim Jong Il and the looming threat of North
Korea (951.9304 BEC 2005)
Ordinary Americans: U.S. history through the eyes of everyday
people (973 ORD 2003)
Decade of nightmares: The end of the sixties and the making of
eighties America (973.924 JEN 2006)
The American presidents (920.073 AME 2000)*
Elegy for Iris (921 Murdoch,I BAY)
The new roadside America (917.304 KIR 1992)
The Big Bam: The life and times of Babe Ruth (921 Ruth,B
Dylan: Visions, portraits, and back pages (921 Dylan,B BLA)
Too late to die young: Nearly true tales from a life (921
The world according to Martha (921 Stewart,M STE)
Johnson,H JOH)
Ted Williams: A baseball life (921 Williams,T SEI)
The Roosevelts: An American saga (929.7 Roosevelt COL)*
World War II [interactive package of image & text with CDHitler Youth: Growing up in Hilter's shadow (943.0860835 BAR
ROM] (940.53 MAT 1999)*
England [A history of nations series] (942 ENG 2003)
Afghanistan [The history of nations] (958.1 AFG 2006)
The Bolsheviks come to power: The Revolution of 1917 in
Reporting Vietnam: Media & military at war (959.70438 HAM
Petrograd (947.45 RAB 1978)*
China: [Opposing viewpoints] (951.05 CHI 2006)
A crack in the edge of the world: America and the great
Yemen [Modern nations of the world] (953.3 EBO2004)
California earthquake of 1906 (979.461 WIN 2005)
Sri Lanka [Modern nations of the world] (954.93 MIL 2006)
Paris in mind: Three centuries of Americans writing about Paris Embedded: The media at war in Iraq: An oral history (956.70443
(914.4361 PAR 2003)*
EMB 2003)
Andrew Jackson and the course of American empire, 1767-1821 Indonesia [Modern nations of the world] (959.8 MIL 2006)
(921 Jackson,A REM)*
Sudan [Modern nations of the world] (962.4 NNO 2004)
Teacher man (921 McCourt,F McC) [2 copies]
Algeria [Modern nations of the world] (965 ZUR 2005)
A history in fragments: Europe in the twentieth century (940.5 Liberia [Modern nations of the world] (966.62 MIL 2004)
VIN 2001)
Inventing the dream: California through the Progressive Era
German war art, 1939-1945 (940.5343 GER 1983)
(979.49 STA 1986)
The American Revolution, 1775-1783 (973.3 ALD 1962)*
Social movements [Working Americans series] (REF 973.9 DER
The age of Jackson (973.56 SCH 1953)*
Two years before the mast and other voyages (910.45 DAN
Ski & snowboard: California's Sierra Nevada (917.944 PER
Hope dies last (920.073 TER 2003)
Mountain biking the San Francisco Bay Area (917.946 JAC
Benjamin Franklin: An American life (921 Franklin,B ISA)
Before the legend: The rise of Bob Marley (921 Marley,B FAR) The motorcycle diaries: Notes on a Latin American journey (918
Babe: The legend comes to life (921 Ruth,B CRE)
GUE 2003)
1491: New revelations of the Americas before Columbus (970.01 The soul of a butterfly: Reflections on life's journey (921 Ali,M
MAN 2005)
ALI 2004)
A small place (972.974 KIN 1989)* [Jamaica Kincaid memoir] Luckiest man: The life and death of Lou Gehrig (921 Gehrig,L
Autobiography, Poor Richard, and later writings (973.2 FRA
1997) [B. Franklin]
Leonardo da Vinci [Giants of science] (921 Leonardo KUL)
Bay Area metro (REF 912.7946 BAY 2005) [Thomas Bros. map No woman no cry: My life with Bob Marley (921 Marley,R
Americans who tell the truth (920.073 SHE 2005)
The war in the Pacific from Pearl Harbor to Okinawa, 1941-1945
James Dean (921 Dean,J PER)
[G.I.: The illus. hist. of the Amer. soldier, his uniform
Autobiographies (921 Douglass,F DOU 1996)
and his equipment] (940.5426 GAW 2000)*
Room full of mirrors: A biography of Jimi Hendrix (921
Too close to call: The thirty-six-day battle to decide the 2000
Hendrix,J CRO)
election (973.929 TOO 2001)*
iCon: Steve Jobs: The greatest second act in the history of
California: A history (979.4 STA 2005)
business (921 Jobs,S YOU)
San Anslemo: A pictorial history (979.462 SPI 2003)
Frida Kahlo (SE 921 Kahlo LAI)
Marin: A history (979.462 SPI 2006)
Bob Marley: His musical legacy (921 Marley,B COL)
Material dreams: Southern California through the 1920s (979.49
Marley legend: An illustrated life of Bob Marley (921 Marley,B
STA 1996)
HEN) + audio CD (MUS 782.421646 Marley 2006)
Pass the butterworms: Remote journeys oddly remembered
Everyday heroes (920 JOH 1996)
(910.4 CAH 1998)
Boyhood: Scenes from provincial life (921 Coetzee,J COE)
Hold the enlightenment (910.4 CAH 2003)
The audacity of hope: Thoughts on reclaiming the American
Hiking Marin: 141 great hikes in Marin County. 3rd ed.
dream (921 Obama,B OBA)
(917.9462 MAR 2006)
Double drink story: My life with Dylan Thomas (921 Thomas,C
An African biographical dictionary (REF 920.06 BRO 2006)
Clemente: The passion and grace of baseball's last hero (921
Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Fire from the sky (SE 940.54 LAN)
Clemente,R MAR)
Enemy combatant: My imprisonment at Guantanamo, Bagram,
Dark star: An oral biography of Jerry Garcia (921 Garcia,J GRE)
and Kandahar (958.1047 BEG 2006)
A lotus grows in the mud (921 Hawn,G HAW)
A larger memory: A history of our diversity, with voices (973.04
Mockingbird: A portrait of Harper Lee (921 Lee,H SHI)
TAK 1998)
Civil war in China: The political struggle, 1945-1949 (951.042 America: Flying high (917.300222 WAR 2004)*
PEP 1978)*
Weird California (917.9404 BIS 2006)*
How to prepare for the SAT II American history and social
Current biography yearbook, 2006 (REF 920 CUR 2006)
studies. 10th ed. (973.076 MID 1998)*
Going the other way: Lessons from a life in and out of major
Sources and documents illustrating the American Revolution
league baseball (921 Bean,B BEA)
1764-1788 and the formation of the federal
Cleopatra (921 Cleopatra GRA)
Constitution. 2nd ed. (973.3 SOU 1965)*
Abraham Lincoln: The war years, 1861-1865 (921 Lincoln,A
Endangered dreams: The Great Depression in California
SAN 2004)*
(979.4052 STA 1996)
Memoirs of a 100-year-old woman: Berlin 1925 to 1945 (921
Pecked to death by ducks (910.4 CAH 1994)
McBride,G McB)
Let's go Spain & Portugal, 2006 (914.604 LET 2006)*
A child of Hitler: Germany in the days when god wore a swastika
City guide, New York (917.47104 WRI 2002)*
(943.086 HEC 1985)
Garcia: An American life (921 Garcia,J JAC)
China: The new superpower? [Issues of the world series] (SE 951
Chicken with plums (921 Khan,N SAT)
Catch a fire: The life of Bob Marley. Rev. ed. (921 Marley,B
No true glory: A Frontline account of the battle for Fallujah
WHI 2006)
(956.70443 WES 2005)
Teen angst? naaah...: A quasi-autobiography (921 Vizzini,N
Eyewitness Vietnam: Firsthand accounts from Operation Rolling
Thunder to the fall of Saigon (959.7043 EYE 2006)
Definitive history of WWII [DVD] (VID 940.53 DEF 2005)
[inc. audio CD]
Time of fear [DVD|Japanese-American internment] (VID
The Irish Americans (973.049162 GRI 2006)*
940.5317 TIM 2005)
The greatest story ever sold: The decline and fall of truth from
Auschwitz: Inside the nazi state [DVD] (VID 940.5318 AUS
9/11 to Katrina (973.931 RIC 2006)
The looming tower: Al-Qaeda and the road to 9/11 (973.931
The age of Henry VIII [college lecture series] (AUD 942.052
WRI 2006)
AGE 2003)*
RoadMaster 2006 road atlas: United States, Canada, Mexico [2
The changing face of China: From Mao to market (951.05 GIT
copies] (REF 912.7 ROA 2006)*
Designs on the land: Exploring America from the air (917.30022
All the shah's men: An American coup and the roots of Middle
MAC 2003)
East terror (955.053 KIN 2003)
Zane Grey: His life, his adventures, his women (921 Grey,Z
The Iraq Study Group report (956.7044 IRA 2006)
To America: Personal reflections of an historian (973 AMB
The people's machine: Arnold Schwarzenegger and the rise of
blockbuster democracy (921 Schwarzenegger,A MAT)
A history of women's achievement in America [DVD] (VID
You must set forth at dawn: A memoir (921 Soyinka,W SOY)
973.082 HIS 2006)
The ancient Greek historians (938 BUR 2006)*
The dream endures: California enters the 1940s (979.4052 STA Fighting the Great War: A global history (940.4 NEI 2005)
Operation Oversight: A memoir of the U-2 Incident (973.921
The best American travel writing, 2006 (910 BES 2006)
POW 2004)
California: the spirit of America (917.94 FRI 1998)*
A land between rivers [DVD/history of the San Joaquin Valley]
Uncivilized beasts and shameless hellions: travels with an NPR
(VID 979.48 LAN 2006)*
correspondent (921 Burnett,J BUR)
SparkNotes AP world history power pack (TXT 907.6 SPA
Red ribbon on a white horse (921 Yezierska,A YEZ)
A soldier's journal with the 22nd infantry regiment in World War The best travel writing 2006 (910.4 BES 2006)
II (940.548173 ROT 2003)*
The best women's travel writing 2006 (910.82 BES 2006)
San Francisco Bay: Portrait of an estuary (979.46 HAR 2003)
Stories of world travel (910.82 STO 2002)
The Third World: Opposing viewpoints (909.09724 THI 2006) When broken glass floats: Growing up under the Khmer Rouge
Colorado travel smart (917.8804 LIT 1999)*
(921 Him,C HIM)*
Percy Julian: Forgotten genius [DVD] (VID 921 Julian,P PER)
Leap of faith: Memoirs of an unexpected life (921 Noor NOO)
Tupac Shakur (921 Shakur,T GOL)
SparkNotes AP European history power pack (TXT 940.076
SPA 2006)*
Cobra II: The inside story of the invasion and occupation of Iraq
(956.70443 GOR 2007)
The virgin suicides (FIC Eugenides,J VIR)
Extremely & loud and incredibly close: A novel (FIC Foer,J
Never let me go: A novel (FIC Ishiguro,K NEV)
We have always lived in the castle (FIC Jackson,S WE
Gate of the Sun (FIC Khoury,E GAT)
The crossing (FIC McCarthy,C CRO)
Saturday: A novel (McEwan,I SAT)
When the emperor was divine: A novel (FIC Otsuka,J WHE)
Funny little monkey (FIC Auseon,A FUN)
Gilead: A novel (FIC Robinson,M GIL)
Boy2girl (FIC Blacker,T BOY)
Novels, 1967-1972 [When she was good; Portnoy's complaint;
Candy (FIC Brooks,K CAN)
Our gang; The breast] (FIC Roth,P NOVw)
Magic Street (FIC Card,O MAG)
Saving fish from drowning: A novel (FIC Tan,A SAV)
Kalpana's dream (FIC Clarke,J KAL)
It's kind of a funny story (FIC Vizzini,N ITS)
The battle of Jericho (FIC Draper,S BAT)
Sarah: Women of Genesis (FIC Card,O SAR)
Storky: How I lost my nickname and won the girl (FIC
Tears of a tiger (FIC Draper,S TEA)*
Garfinkle,D STO)
The last report on the miracles at Little No Horse (FIC Erdrich,L
Snow Mountain passage (FIC Houston,J SNO)*
The first part last (FIC Johnson,A FIR)
Atonement: A novel (FIC McEwan,I ATO)
Alice, I think (FIC Juby,S ALI)
Novels & stories [of Philip Roth], 1959-1962 (FIC Roth,P
Talk (FIC Koja,K TAL)
Stealing Henry (FIC MacCullough,C STE)
Dear Zoe,: A novel (FIC Beard,P DEA)
Kathleen's story (FIC McDaniel,L KAT)
Code talker: A novel about the Navajo Marines of World War
Raina's story (FIC McDaniel,L RAI)
Two (FIC Bruchac,J COD)
Brother hood (FIC McDonald,K BRO)
Treasury of Spanish love short stories: In Spanish & English (SC
Alice on her way (FIC Naylor,P ALI)
May TRE)
You & you & you (FIC Nilsson,P YOU)
Daughter of fortune [CD audiobook] (AUD FIC Allende DAU)
Sexy (FIC Oates,J SEX)
The sledding hill (FIC Crutcher,C SLE)
Names will never hurt me (FIC Adoff,J NAM)
Because of Winn-Dixie (FIC DiCamillo,K BEC)
Forged by fire (FIC Draper,S FOR)
Studs Lonigan: A trilogy (FIC Farrell,J STU)
Men in the sun & other Palestian stories (FIC Kanafani,G MEN) Saturday (FIC McEwan,I SAT)*
The boy who owned the school (FIC Paulsen,G BOY)
Chaka (FIC Mofolo,T CHA)*
Monsoon summer (FIC Perkins,M MON)
Gatsby's girl: A novel (FIC Preston,C GAT)*
On beauty: A novel (FIC Smith,Z ON)
The book thief (FIC Zusak,M BOO)
The rescue (FIC Sparks,N RES)*
The New York trilogy: City of glass, Ghosts, The locked room
The center of the world (FIC Steinhofel,A CEN)
(FIC Auster,P NEW)
Like sisters on the homefront (FIC Williams-Garcia,R LIK)
Candy: [a novel of love and addiction] (FIC Davies,L CAN)
Mixed: An anthology of short fiction on the mutliracial
The island of the day before (FIC Eco,U ISL)*
experience (SC Prasad MIX)
The Black Dahlia (FIC Ellroy,J BLA)
Criss cross (FIC Perkins,L CRI)
Peace like a river [CDs] (AUD FIC Enger PEA)
Second glance : A novel (FIC Picoult,J SEC)
Peace like a river [Audiocassettes] (AUD FIC Enger PEA c.2)
In the shadow of young girls in flower (FIC Proust,M IN)
To kill a mockingbird [CD] (AUD FIC Lee TO 2006)
Shell games: A John Marquez crime novel (FIC Russell,K SHE) Kafka on the shore (FIC Murakami,H KAF)
I was a non-blonde cheerleader (FIC Scott,K I)
Sputnik sweetheart (FIC Murakami,H SPU)
A bend in the road (FIC Sparks,N BEN)
The wind-up bird chronicle (FIC Murakami,H WIN)
Nights in Rodanthe (FIC Sparks,N NIG)
Austerlitz (FIC Sebald,W AUS)
Kipling's choice (FIC Spillebeen,G KIP)
Are you afraid of the dark? (FIC Sheldon,S ARE)
Izzy, willy-nilly (FIC Voigt,C IZZ)
Be more chill (FIC Vizzini,N BE)
Emako Blue (FIC Woods,B EMA)
Oryx and Crake: a novel (FIC Atwood,M ORY)
Tyrone's story [Degrees of guilt series] (FIC Brouwer,S TYR)* Hija de la fortuna: Novela (SPA FIC Allende,I HIJ)
Abduction (FIC Cook,R ABD)*
The master of Petersburg (FIC Coetzee,J MAS)
Ragtime [audiobook] (AUD FIC Doctorow,E RAG)
Good omens: the nice and acurate prophecies of Agnes Nutter,
Hope and other dangerous pursuits (FIC Lalami,L HOP)
witch (FIC Gaiman,N GOO)
The American short story [2 vol.] (SC Skaggs AME c.2)*
Looking for Alaska: a novel (FIC Green,J LOO)
Hip-hop high school (FIC Sitomer,A HIP)*
The question of Bruno (FIC Hemon,A QUE)
Brick Lane: A novel (FIC Ali,M BRI)
Small island: a novel (FIC Levy,A SMA)
Lilac and flag: A novel (FIC Berger,J LIL)*
Such a long journey: a novel (FIC Mistry,R SUC)
The stone raft (FIC Saramago,J STO)
Bread givers: a novel (FIC Yezierska,A BRE)
How I found America: The collected stories of Anzia Yezierska
(FIC Yezierska,A HOW)
The best American short stories, 2006 (SC Patchett BES 2006)
The Lambs of London: A novel (FIC Ackroyd,P LAM)
Mr. Vertigo (FIC Auster,P MR)
Timbuktu: A novel (FIC Auster,P TIM)
Kissing the rain (FIC Brooks,K KIS)
Elizabeth Costello (FIC Coetzee,J ELI)
Crime and punishment [Pevear/Volokhonsky trans.] (FIC
Dostoyevsky,F CRI 1993)
Everything is illuminated [audiocassettes] (AUD FIC Foer EVE)
Dead souls (FIC Gogol,N DEA)
Ice mage (FIC Gray,J ICE)*
Sweet blood: [a vampire novel] (FIC Hautman,P SWE)
Skinny dip: A novel (FIC Hiaasen,C SKI)
The elementary particles (FIC Houellebecq,M ELE)
Son of a witch (FIC Maguire,G SON) [2 c.]
The heart of redness (FIC Mda,Z HEA)
All Q, no A: More tales of a 10th-grade social climber (FIC
Mechling,L ALL)*
Cloud atlas: a novel (FIC Mitchell,D CLO)
After the quake (FIC Murakami,H AFT)
Rhymes with witches (FIC Myracle,L RHY)
Black girl/White girl (FIC Oates,J WHI)
1984 [CDs] (AUD Orwell NIN)
Choke (FIC Palahniuk,C CHO)
The master puppeteer (FIC Paterson,K MAS)
Angels fall (FIC Roberts,N ANG)
Fury: A novel (FIC Rushdie,S FUR)
Murder must advertise (FIC Sayers,D MUR)
The emigrants (FIC Sebald,W EMI)
Music & silence (FIC Tremain,R MUS)
Inés of my soul: A novel (FIC Allende,I INE)
Peaches: A novel (FIC Anderson,J PEA)
The secrets of peaches: A novel (FIC Anderson,J SEC)
The Camel Club (FIC Baldacci,D CAM)*
Forever in blue: The fourth summer of the Sisterhood (FIC
Brashares,A FOR)
The devil and Miss Prym: A novel of temptation (FIC Coelho,P
American beauty: An A-list novel (FIC Dean,Z AME)*
Great expectations [CDs] (AUD FIC Dickens GRE 1997)
The brothers Karamazov [Pevear/Volokhonsky trans.] (FIC
Dostoyevsky,F BRO)
The William Faulkner audio collection (AUD FIC Faulkner
Fragile things: Short fictions and wonders (FIC Gaiman,N FRA)
The scarlet letter [CDs] (AUD FIC Hawthorne SCA 1993)
Nowhere man: The Pronek fantasies (FIC Hemon,A NOW)
Skeleton man (FIC Hillerman,T SKE)
Burned (FIC Hopkins,E BUR)
Free throw (SE FIC Maddox FRE)*
Dragon's kin (FIC McCaffrey,A DRAk)
Twilight (FIC Meyer,S TWI)
Family matters: A novel (FIC Mistry,R FAM)
The cave (FIC Saramago,J CAV)
The year of the death of Ricardo Reis (FIC Saramago,J YEA)
Fools of fortune (FIC Trevor,W FOO)
The adventures of Huckleberry Finn [CDs] (AUD FIC Twain
HUC 2001)
From the earth to the moon (FIC Verne,J FRO)
American crimes [short stories] (SC Greenberg AME)
Moon palace (FIC Auster,P MOO)
The music of chance (FIC Auster,P MUS)
The firebrand (FIC Bradley,M FIR)*
Cimarron Rose (FIC Burke,J CIM)
The return of Tarzan (SE FIC Burroughs RET)
Red prophet (FIC Card,O RED)
Stories (FIC Chekhov,A STO)
Miss Marple: The complete short stories (FIC Christie,A MIS)
Ghost world [graphic novel] (FIC Clowes,D GHO)
Trace (FIC Cornwell,P TRA)*
Underworld: A novel (FIC DeLillo,D UND)
Platform: A novel (FIC Houellebecq,M PLA)
The known world: A novel (FIC Jones,E KNO)
Spring flowers, spring frost: A novel (FIC Kadare,I SPR)
Vanishing point: A novel (FIC Markson,D VAN)
Walkin' the dog (FIC Mosley,W WAL)
The legend of Luke (FIC Jacques,B LEG)
The magic mountain (FIC Mann,T MAG)
Schooling (FIC McGowan,H SCH)
Black water (FIC Oates,J BLAw)
Hgh lonesome: Selected stories, 1966-2006 (FIC Oates,J HIG)
An obedient father: A novel (FIC Sharma,A OBE)
The fig eater: A novel (FIC Shields,J FIG)
The story of Lucy Gault ((FIC Trevor,W STO)
Hungry hearts (FIC Yezierska,A HUN)
Junky. 50th anniv. def. ed. (FIC Burroughs,W JUN)
What is the what: An autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng:
A novel (FIC Eggers,D WHA)
Siddhartha: An Indian tale [CDs] (AUD FIC Hesse SID 2006)
The line of beauty (FIC Hollinghurst,A LIN)
Billy Budd and The piazza tales (FIC Melville,H BILp)*
Suite française: A novel (FIC Nemirovsky,I SUI)
Wizard of the crow: A novel (FIC Ngugi,J WIZ)
Blonde: A novel (FIC Oates,J BLO)
The female of the species: Tales of mystery and suspense (FIC
Oates,J FEM)
Nineteen minutes: A novel (FIC Picoult,J NIN)
The plot against America: A novel [2 copies] (FIC Roth,P PLO)
The rising tide: A novel of World War II (FIC Shaara,J RIS)
Three lives (FIC Stein,G THR)*
The collected stories (FIC Trevor,W COL)
Jane Eyre (SE FIC Bronte,C JAN)
A princess of Mars (SE FIC Burroughs PRI)
The return of Tarzan (SE FIC Burroughs RET)
Treasure Island (SE FIC Stevenson TRE)
The wind in the willows (SE FIC Grahame WIN)
Jane Eyre (SE FIC Bronte,C JAN)
The gods of Mars (SE FIC Burroughs GOD)
Ethan Frome (SE FIC Wharton ETH)
Ragtime [audiobook] (AUD FIC Doctorow,E RAG)
Africa folk music atlas [4 CDs] (MUS 781.620096 AFR 1996)*
Present tense, and, Personal effects [plays] (PLA Present tense)
Building a democratic nation (PAM Democracy)
The human face: Mask or mirror [DVD] (VID 612.92 HUM
Earth observatory [NASA] (WEB 550 EAR)
Marley legend [CD] (MUS 782.421646 Marley 2006)
Pacific Coast tree finder: A pocket manual for identifying Pacific
Coast trees. 2nd ed. (PAM Trees)
Being John Malkovich [DVD] (VID 791.45 BEI 2000)
Levi Strauss and blue jeans (SE 338.7 OLS)
Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Fire from the sky (SE 940.54 LAN)
Everything is illuminated [audiocassettes] (AUD FIC Foer EVE)
News war: Secrets, sources & spin [PBS website] (WEB 071.73
NEW 2007)
The immigrant experience: The long, long journey (VID 325.73
IMM 1986)
The Supreme Court [PBS website] (WEB 347.7326 SUP 2007)
La couturière parisienne [website] (WEB 391 COU)
LiveScience [website] (WEB 500 LIV) [website] (WEB 520 SPA)
Charles Darwin: The complete work of Charles Darwin [website]
(WEB 570 DAR 2002)
Brazilian lounge [CDs] (MUS 781.64098 BRA 2006)
Salsa around the world [CDs] (MUS 781.64098 SAL 2003)
The Edgar Allan Poe audio collection [CDs] (AUD 818.3 Poe
The Ernest Hemingway audio collection [CDs] (AUD 818.52
Hemingway ERN)
Black Hawk down [VHS] (VID 791.45 BLA 2002)*
A Christmas carol [VHS/Alastair Sim] (VID 791.45 CHR 1989)*
Ferris Bueller's day off [DVD] (VID 791.45 FER 2006)
Footloose [VHS] (VID 791.45 FOO 1989)*
Gettysburg [VHS] (VID 791.45 GET 1993)*
Gone with the wind [VHS] (VID 791.45 GON 1998)*
Tom Jones [VHS] (VID 791.45 TOM 1963)*
12 angry men [VHS] (VID 791.45 TWE 1997)*
The complete Arkangel Shakespeare [CDs] (AUD 822.33 I
Great expectations [CDs] (AUD FIC Dickens GRE 1997)
The William Faulkner audio collection (AUD FIC Faulkner
The scarlet letter [CDs] (AUD FIC Hawthorne SCA 1993)
The adventures of Huckleberry Finn [CDs] (AUD FIC Twain
HUC 2001)
A land between rivers [DVD/history of the San Joaquin Valley]
(VID 979.48 LAN 2006)*