TERM PAPER ASSIGNMENT WORLD CIVILIZATIONS II NAME ____________________ For the next few weeks, you will be working on a long-term project, a research (term) paper. Emphasis will be placed on the technical elements of writing the paper. These include: Developing a thesis statement Finding appropriate material to support the thesis Taking notes on the aforementioned material Organizing the paper Writing the outline (various drafts) Writing the paper Notation (MLA format) Bibliography (MLA format) Annotation of the bibliography Proof-reading the final paper THE ASSIGNMENT: Each student will select an individual from the master list that is provided, develop a thesis statement relating to that person’s impact on her/his country or the world, and produce a term paper for assessment. The student will research and write a traditional research (term) paper. This will include a thesis statement which is presented in an introductory paragraph, various developmental paragraphs, and a conclusion. The length of the paper will be between 4-6 pages, typed, with standard font and margins. The paper must contain quotations and specific information with notations and an annotated bibliography. Grades for this research paper can range from “A” to “F”, depending on the quality of the final paper and the timely completion of all requirements. ALL STUDENTS MUST ADHERE TO THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: A minimum of FOUR BOOKS must be used. Students are required to acquire these books from the school and public libraries, etc. and, on class work days, to bring these books to class. General encyclopedia and text books are not acceptable academic sources; although they may be read for background information, they should not be quoted nor presented in the bibliography. Not all of the books will deal exclusively with the student’s topic. The book may only touch upon or consider briefly the topic under consideration. Other acceptable sources include journal or magazine articles, essays, newspaper articles, diaries, letters, and approved web sites. These should be used in addition to the four required books. The research paper will equal two test grades (200 points). The points will be assigned in the following manner: Outline, with a thesis statement and sources and specific information (including quotations) for each major point. 50 points Rough draft of the paper. 10 points Final paper, complete with annotated bibliography. 140 points For each day that the outline is late, 10 points will be deducted from the possible 50 points. For each day that the final paper is late, 20 points will be deducted from the final grade. Schedule for handing in the various parts of the research paper assignment: Outline due: Tuesday, April 14th Rough draft due: Tuesday, May 5th Completed research paper due: Tuesday, May 19th Grading Rubric for the written paper: Grammar and writing style20% Major elements included in this category are: spelling, sentence structure, syntax, verb tense, paragraphing, agreement, writing clarity, proof-reading, format, etc. Notation and Annotated Bibliography20% Students must use proper MLA format for notation and bibliography. Paraphrased material not found in 3 or more sources must be noted. It is the students’ responsibility to thoroughly research their topics so that “common knowledge” (that found in 3 or more sources) is not noted and the paper does not become a string of notations. The bibliography will be graded on form and content. Students are expected to thoroughly research their topics. This is neither a book report nor a project. Annotated Bibliography: students must comment on the quality and usefulness of each source. N.B. For information concerning MLA format, students are referred to the following site: dianahacker.com/resdoc Content60% Major elements included in this category are: Presentation of accurate historical information, interpretation of historical information in support of the thesis, logical and effective progression of the writer’s argument, convincing use of sources, balance of analytical and descriptive discussion, etc. N.B.: For each day that the paper is late, 20 points will be deducted from the grade earned. Time allowing, students may hand several rough drafts for comments. These will be evaluated on a “first come, first serve” basis up until 10 days before the final paper is due. This work does not have to be a complete paper; it may be a few developmental paragraphs. Papers handed in on the due date cannot be re-written for a higher grade. It is the student’s responsibility to work on and to complete the research paper in a timely fashion Students are hereby notified that they will be assigned regular text readings at the same time that they should be working on their papers. Students should request passes to work on their papers in the library during any free periods. There will be class time set aside to work on this assignment. All students must be prepared to use that time wisely. This includes doing research, conferring with the teacher, and/or actually writing the final paper. Since students work at their own pace on such assignments, it is each student’s responsibility to be prepared to make the best use of these class periods. All papers must be typed. They should have a title page and each page of the discussion must be numbered. The bibliography must be attached but it is not included in the 4-6 page requirement.