Sonnet Five-Paragraph Essay Assignment and

Sonnet Five-Paragraph Essay Assignment
Writing Prompt: How does the poet use literary devices and the sonnet form to convey the theme of the poem?
Potential Outline:
1. Introductory Paragraph
2. Explain the theme of the poem. You may also want to address the historical context of the poem.
3. Explain how literary devices contribute to this theme. Discuss figurative language devices (like metaphor,
simile, imagery, metonymy, synecdoche, personification, etc.) and sound devices (alliteration, assonance,
dissonance, etc.). (Don’t just identify them – be sure to talk about how they work to contribute to the theme of
the poem.)
4. Explain how the sonnet form contributes to the theme. Discuss the structure of the poem (quatrains and
couplets, perhaps), as well as how the couplet provides a summary or ironic twist.
5. Concluding Paragraph
If you have questions, please e-mail me or come by after school. We can do a quick outline together!
Scoring Guide for Topic/Idea Development
 Richly develops ideas about how literary devices and the sonnet form contribute to the theme of the poem
 Paragraphs are organized in a careful and subtle manner and include relevant quotes from the poem
 Rich and effective use of language, including appropriate literary terms and elevated vocabulary
 Fully develops ideas about how literary devices and the sonnet form contribute to the theme of the poem
 Paragraphs are organized in a logical manner and include strong details from the poem
 Appropriate use of language, including appropriate literary terms
 Moderately develops ideas about how literary devices and the sonnet form contribute to the theme
 Paragraphs are organized in an adequate manner and include relevant details from the poem
 Some variety in language, including appropriate literary terms
 Develops ideas about the poem in a rudimentary manner
 Paragraphs are organized in a rudimentary manner and include basic supporting details from the poem
 Simplistic language, including appropriate literary terms
 Develops ideas about the poem in a limited manner
 Limited awareness of how to properly explain the theme of the poem
 Little topic/idea development
 Little awareness of how to properly explain the theme of the poem
Scoring Guide for Standard English Conventions
 Control of sentence structure, grammar and usage, and mechanics (length and complexity of essay provide
opportunity for student to show control of standard English conventions)
 Errors do not interfere with communication and/or
 Few errors relative to length of essay or complexity of sentence structure, grammar and usage, and
 Errors interfere somewhat with communication and/or
 Too many errors relative to the length of the essay or complexity of sentence structure, grammar and
usage, and mechanics
 Errors seriously interfere with communication AND
 Little control of sentence structure, grammar and usage, and mechanics
Total Score and Comments: