7.1 Due 25.11.15.doc - Perton Middle School

Why did William, Duke of Normandy win the Battle of Hastings?
Knowledge &
Causes &
Organisation &
You can recall simple facts
about either the Battle of
Hastings, Why William of
Normandy won or the
events of 1066.
Some indication of possible
causes of William’s success
may be given, although
these will not be well
Simple sentences are used to
describe knowledge of the
events of the period.
The essay shows some
knowledge of key events,
through its descriptive style.
You can recall correctly the
events of 1066 and the vents
of the Battle of Hastings.
There is a description of one
or two causes to explain
William’s success at the
battle, although these may
not be well-explained.
Short paragraphs are used to
explain key points
understood in the period.
The essay shows knowledge
of relevant events in the lead
up to the battle. You are
including names, dates and
place names.
There is an explanation of
several of the possible
causes of William’s success,
with some indication of the
consequences of these.
Writing begins to show
some structure, with an
introduction and some sense
of a concluding paragraph.
You show a detailed
knowledge of 1066. You can
discuss the Battle of
Stamford Bridge and link it
to the Battle of Hastings.
You have a clear knowledge
of the people involved.
There is explanation of
many of the events which
affected the outcome of the
battle; this may include
reflection on Harold’s
possible advantages. Draws
links between cause & effect.
Writing is organised in an
essay style, with a relevant
introduction & conclusion,
and clear paragraphs
covering each point.
The essay effectively uses
knowledge of the events in
1066 to describe and explain
the events at the battle.
Links are made to explain
the effect events had on the
The essay examines the key
causes and consequences of
events leading up to the
battle, and evaluate which
are the most important
Independently structured
essay in an appropriate style
conveys and understanding
of the detail of the events in
the period.