SW 360K & 390R10 - Introduction to Human Services Administration

SW 360K & 390R10 - Introduction to Human Services Administration
Spring 1998
Course Number:
SW 309R10/360K
Professor Michael Lauderdale
Term Paper Assignment
A substantial portion of the student’s responsibilities for this course is the term paper.
The paper is to be developed from the following list of topics. The student must choose
one of these topics and provide the instructor by Thursday, March 11 the topic selection
and initial outline. On April 1 the final outline is due in hard copy.
Issues of Employee Empowerment
Defining Quality in Human Service Organizations
Roots of the Quality Revolution
Employee Stress and Burnout
The Impact of Privatization in Governmental Human Services
The Practice of Strategic Planning in Government Organizations
Contemporary Issues in Balancing Work, Family and Community Responsibilities
Defining Leadership
Virtual Organizations
Learning/Thinking Organizations
The Impact of Information Technology on Organizations
Social Class, Ethnicity and Gender Issues in Organizational Life
Strategies of Development and Training in Organizations
Ethical Issues in the Modern Organization
Customer and Client Satisfaction
Each Paper must follow this template
Brief Explanation of the Topic
Review of relevant literature
Literature review consists of citations from professional
books, journals, organizational technical reports and
from the World Wide Web.
For example: Employee Stress and Burnout. Paper
would include references that would offer definitions of
burnout and stress, instruments used to measure such
phenomena, impact of burnout and stress on employees,
professionals, the organization, clients, family, etc.
Illustration of contemporary This section establishes the saliency of the topic in terms
issues and practices in Austin of local organizations. It is addressed by providing
interviews with members of organizations, examples of
legislation, policy memoranda and organization efforts
to address the issue.
Analysis of the issue
Here use an organization where you work, have a field
placement or have some working knowledge. This means
that you will want to pick an issue that has relevance to
some organization with which you have contact. If the
topic is burnout then organization what manifestations
occur in the? Have training sessions or interventions
been scheduled? Do professional associations offer
Student illustrates the quality of his or her thinking
about the topic. What appear to be the dimensions of the
topic? Is it a timeless issue or a contemporary one
having developed in recent years. What challenges does
it present to an organization? How effective do the
theoretical and applied efforts to address the issue
appear to be? What are the consequences for ignoring or
failing to successfully address the issue?
You may relate this section to a specific organization,
organizations in general, or both. This is the point at
which you explain to the reader why you feel this is an
important topic and how your finding buttresses your
opinion. Let’s say your topic is virtual organizations
and that you have surveyed literature and conclude that
the technology will permit organizations not defined by
a traditional physical work site. You have some articles
about software companies where employees work almost
entirely out of their homes, of Federal administrative
judges that only go to the office for administrative
hearings but spend most of their time in their homes
reviewing cases and writing opinions, of a university in
Phoenix where many degrees are offered via the
Internet, etc. You then explain how much of a specific
organization where you work or have a field placement
can be transformed to a virtual organization and what
the benefits will be. You also assess the downside.
Student ties the topic to the literature and addresses
issues of what steps or efforts seem advisable.
Simply a summary of the paper. “I looked at the topic,
found these kinds of information, think the information
is adequate, suggestive, or loaded with hyperbole, needs
more research, etc. etc…. I looked specifically at the
phenomenon or phenomena in this organization and
think that these are the generalizations that can be
Full citations in APA style. Style sheets are available in
student handbook, advisors’ offices and LRC.
Ten to twenty pages double spaced. No papers longer
than twenty pages.
Criteria for Assignment of Grades
Paper clearly explains the topic, its manifestations in an organization and its
consequences for employees of the organization and people that interact with the
The paper is free of all spelling, punctuation, grammatical, and construction
errors. Citations follow the APA format and cover both important historical
material and contemporary illustrations.
Paper is written in a style that is pleasing to a reader. It is free of jargon and cant
and well as regional or idiomatic expressions. Headings establish the flow of the
paper and clarify the exposition. Illustrations help the reader to understand
concepts. The author expresses enthusiasm for the topic and illustrations make the
issues come alive for the reader. The reader is able to make connections between
the paper and events in organizations.
Paper is printed clearly and with appropriate graphics.
Paper clearly explains the topic and substantially relates the topic to organizations
and people. The explanation though is less compelling and well-documented than
in an A paper.
There are no more than two spelling errors and they are the result of word misuse
rather than carelessness in check spelling. There are a few clumsy or awkward
constructions but no sentence fragments. While citations are adequate there is not
a balance of important as well as recent work. Less than five punctuation errors
Style is straightforward and not filled with hackneyed phrases or sloppy jargon.
Headings are helpful in making transitions for the reader.
Paper is clearly printed and on appropriate paper stock.
Paper explains the topic, but leaves the reader with doubts that author has
mastered the topic. There is a lack of clear or realistic examples of the issue.
There are several spelling errors that indicate a lack of attention to detail and
simple failure to use available tools (spell checker and dictionary). One or more
sentence fragments exist, as do awkward constructions. Citations consist only of a
book or two and a couple of journals.
Style is muddy and is filled with opinions. Facts and assertions are difficult to
separate and logic often is elusive. Headings do not assist the reader and seem to
be simply mechanical breaks.
Paper is printed on material and with fonts that make reading difficult.
Paper is late, sloppily constructed with unclear explanations of the topic. Either
no examples exist or examples simply do not illustrate the topic.
Substantial spelling and grammatical errors exist. There are repeated construction
errors and lapses of continuity of ideas and expression in the document.
Style is colloquial and acts as a barrier for the reader. Sentences and paragraphs
are either choppy or ideas run on without breaks or transitions.
Paper is printed with little attention to detail and difficult to read.
Paper is late. Topic is not well developed and citations are both inadequate and
not related to the topic.
A variety of spelling, grammatical and construction errors exist. There is
confusion of person or tense. Words are misused and paper is tedious and
wanders or offers unsubstantiated assertions.
Style is immature and highly colloquial. Sentences and paragraphs are poorly
developed and do not convincing communicate to the reader.
Paper is printed and assembled with little attention to detail.