Truman Show Essay

Truman Show Writing Assignment
“Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I’ll guarantee to
take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select- a doctor, lawyer, artist,
merchant-chief, and yes even into beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies abilities,
vocations and race of his ancestors.” (1927)
- John Watson
Please answer all the questions thoroughly and completely regarding the role of environment in the development of
a person and how society and media play a role in: who you are and become, how you are shaped and influenced, and
ultimately how you develop as a person with the decisions you make.
This should end up being about 3-4 pages typed, double-spaced, 1 inch margins, and will be worth 50 test points.
1. Discuss some of the things that shape Truman. Compare and/or contrast that with some of the things that have
shaped YOU.
- Think about who you are and why you are the way you are: personality, demeanor, attitude
2. Discuss media influence. How do different types of media influence Truman’s world? How does media influence
- Think about how media affects what types of things you buy, places you go, things you do, what’s cool, what’s not,
3. Do we already live in a Truman world? To what extent are humans controlled by their environment? Are YOU
freer than Truman? In what ways are you similar?
- Think about how free you are to think as your own, how much “free will” you really have, and how much you are
influenced by your environment
4. The environment shapes Truman to marry a particular girl. Do you think “love” can be manipulated so easily?
- Think about the type of companion you like, what you look for in them, and what is the source of you wanting
those qualities in another person
5. When asked by the interviewer, “why do you think that Truman has never come close to discovering the truth?”
The creator of the Truman show responds and says “we accept the reality of the world we’re given.” What do you
think this means? How does this apply to YOU?
6. Wife tells Truman, “You’re not well.” We know better. He’s fine. It’s the world that’s messed up. In what ways is
our world messed up?
7. The creator of the Truman Show believes that he has provided Truman with a happy and wonderful world and
that the real world is what is wrong with humanity. Would you want to live in a “perfect, happy, safe” world that
has been created for you, or would you want to live a “real” life? Explain why chose what you did.
8. The show is totally unethical in many ways. However, if this were to happen hypothetically, give me 3 research
questions that psychologists could try to answer using Truman and the world that has been created for him.