Rubric Lord of the Flies Essay

Name: ____________________________________ Hour: _________
Lord of the Flies Essay Rubric
*Intro must contain title and author of book
*Must have clear, provable thesis
*Each paragraph must have a clear topic
*Essay must be organized logically
_____ (15)
*Essay is focused and packed with details
*Essay contains sufficient examples to support the thesis
*Essay contains textual evidence
*Essay uses summary only as necessary
*Essay focuses on an analysis of the text to examine Golding’s purpose
_____ (40)
*Author’s voice is clear and appropriate
*Essay is engaging but formal
*Diction is confident, avoiding weak or vague statements
*Diction is appropriate and natural
*Author uses varied techniques and structures to express ideas
_____ (15)
Clarity and Concision
*Sentences are clear and varied
*Essay “flows” naturally with the use of transitions
*Essay is free from clutter
_____ (15)
*Essay contains no “yuckies”
*Essay contains no errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation
*Essay is written in present tense
*Essay has clearly been proofread and edited
*Essay integrates quotes correctly
*Essay is in MLA format
_____ (15)
_____ (100)