Monday Tuesday Wednesday, July 3 KEY: Quiz LAB TIME Unit Evaluation IN-CLASS ESSAY SH. STORIES Thursday, July 4 SH. ST. 1 “Shining Houses” Terms, Critical Analysis ,Theory & whole class / theme statement 2 “Shining Houses”: archetypes/Jung and New Crit. 1 SHORT STORY TERMS quiz 2 Reading and self-directed analysis using archetype “ On the Rainy River” 3 “Touching Bottom” – recurring motif – Jungian terms – journey /hero archetype – individuation 4 “Touching Bottom” Paired Work with chart – observations > issue > theme statement – Read “On the Rainy River” 3 Continue archetypal analysis for all three short stories. 4 -Collaborative Learning: Team Analysis: ESSAY - TOPIC and OUTLINE practice SHEET with sample prompts SH. ST. Essay HW The Stone Angel: Pt. ONE QUIZ HW Terms Review – quiz tomorrow, first thing Begin reading The Stone Angel –Chapter 1- 3, hand out Questions CH 1-3 July 8 NONFICTION 1 The Stone Angel: Pt. ONE QUIZ 1 Essay deconstruction cont’d. 2 Gr. Activity 3 parallel structure, sentence structure – PERSONAL RESPONSE – Blue book 4 “What is Poverty” July 9 NONFICTION July 10 Non-Fiction/STONE ANGEL July 11 The Stone Angel QUIZ 2 –to END of CH 7 (214 NCL) Hand out summative + SA essay topics 1 EXAM MOCK-UP SIGHT PASSAGE 2 . Intro to Margaret Laurence/ structure –ARCHETYPES- hero’s journey 1 - -What is Poverty? –OH activity in groups 2 Personal Response, structure and rubric +practice 3. FINAL QUIZ The Stone Angel Setting / symbol 4. MAJOR ISSUES – Team analysis 3 Quiz Essay Terms Group analysis of sight passage and mini- presentations STONE ANGEL 1 – Discussion THEMES/issues – pride and loss/ propriety and perception 2 Essential scenes, quotations- CHARACTER and Passage analysis Friday, July 5 SS/ ESSAYS 1 – IN-CLASS ESSAY #1- Short Stories Unit 8:30 – 10:30 Break at 10:30- 10:45 2- 10:45- 11: 35 - Essay terms and Analysis - Methods of Dev. 3. NOTES and TERMS / Stylistic Devices 4 Tone Activities HW FINISH READING The Stone A ngel over the weekend – DO questions CH. 4-10 July 12 STONE ANGEL 1 Movie SA 2. Movie SA Handout Concept Map /Media Comparison for SA - -due TUE. 3 – PROMPTS- BLUE BOOK AND ESSAY STRUCTURING – GROUP CREATION 4 – work on Concept Map or SUMMATIVE in LAB July 18 July19 3 SA –motif tracing, and passages +theme 4 SETTING – Blue Book Essay prompts 4 In –class personal response and Peer Edit July 15 LEAR 1. Elizabethan Concept of Order (KWL) 2. Read /View Act 1 3 / Nature in Lear - READ ACT I VIEW ACT I 4 INVERTED ORDER, Motif– appearances, blindness, July 16 LEAR 1-2 Concept map/media comparison DUE 5 minutes each 3 Quiz 1 KL READ ACT 2 passages Hand out Passage Illustration 4 VIEW ACT 2 – START ACT 3 HW Read to the end of Act III- Do questions HW: Finish Concept Map – Review Act 1 July 22 SUMMATIVE PERIOD Summative: Presentations July 17 3 – Act III Quiz FOILS Char. dev/ theme (nature/ good vs evil)- essential 4 READ ACT 4 / 5 Inversions HW Read to the end of play July 23 SALESMAN -EXAM PREP and course REVIEW -prompts July 24 3. Part One of SECTION Review for Sight Passage LEAR 1Lab Summative Workperiod 2 MOVIE TO END OF PLAY ACT 4 AND 5 QUIZ KL 3 IN-CLASS ESSAY #2 4. Begin SALESMAN BEGIN MOVIE July 25 Summative: Presentations Summative report due Summative report due Exam: ESSAY LEAR 1 ACT II QUIZ finish Act 3 – nothing and blindness/ parallel plot Movie to END of Act 3 2 Freytag’s Pyramid/ Tragic figure characteristics MOVIE ACT 3 Part TWO of Exam: SIGHT PASSAGE SALESMAN 1.& 2. King Lear Passage Illustration and Presentation – 5 minutes each 3. continue King Lear Passage Illustration & American dream FINISH MOVIE 4. FINISH MOVIE July 26 Marks out