Instructions: Please answer the following questions and provide a paragraph or two for the essay questions. PLEASE NOTE: there are not right or wrong answers. Our goal will be to select an All-Star team that represents diversity in culture, race, educational experience, skills, personal qualities, and in foster care background. Just do your best to answer honestly and represent the true you! All questions with an * must be answered I have read all of the above paragraphs concerning the All-Star application process. Yes No I understand that it is in my best interest to download the Word or PDF copy of the application and write my answers BEFORE submitting through this online survey. Once I submit, I can't add to this application at a later time. Yes No I understand that I need two Recommendations written by two adults who know me well, and the Recommendations must be submitted online through (and CANNOT be mailed or faxed). Yes No I understand that I must complete this application entirely, plus have two recommendations submitted online by February 15th to have a complete application. Yes No I understand this application may require 2 hours to complete. Yes No 2009-2010 FosterClub All-Star Program Part 1: CONTACT INFORMATION First name: Last Name FosterClub username Birthdate: MM/DD/YYYY Age as of 6/10/10 (the starting date of the internship): Gender: Male Female Address: city state zip Phone Number: Email Address Race (optional) Black White Asian and Pacific Islander Hispanic American Indian Other (please specify) Is English your first language? Yes No Other languages spoken EDUCATION Education Status Still in High School Working on GED Graduated from High School Obtained GED Enrolled in College Graduated from College Graduate Student Other (please specify-deleted) Name of Last/Current School Most recent G.P.A. What are your educational goals? EMPLOYMENT & CAREER Employment History Employer Time Employed Employer Address Manager Phone Job Description Employment History Employer Time Employed Employer Address Manager Phone Job Description Which of the following work skills do you have: public speaking PowerPoint Microsoft Word office skills writing digital photography web page building sports/athletics background drama background singing foreign language experience with disabilities Other (please specify while responding to the next question) Please provide some detail about your skills: What are your career goals? LEADERSHIP & PARTICIPATION Are you part of a Youth Leadership Board or Advisory Council? Yes No If yes, name of Youth Board ESSAY: Describe your leadership and volunteer activities. Include specifics about the types of activities you participated in and the organizations that you worked with. ESSAY: Please list and describe any honors or awards that you have received. ESSAY: How have the experience(s) you have had that would prepare you for working with and mentoring other foster youth. ESSAY: Why is it important that young people in foster care have an opportunity to improve the foster care system and support their peers in foster care? FOSTER CARE EXPERIENCE Are you still in foster care? Yes No Number of years in foster care: Less than one year 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-17 17 or more Date exited foster care (It’s ok to guess) MM / DD / YYYY Current living situation: Foster home School On my own Shelter Adoptive home Relative home Group home Other (please specify-removed) I am currently in an Independent Living Program Yes No Name of a recent caseworker Name Organization City & State Phone Email Do you now or have you ever worked with or received assistance from any of the following (check all that apply): CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) OFA (Orphan Foundation of America Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative FCAA (Foster Care Alumni of America) ESSAY: Provide a brief background of your foster care experience (number of homes, types of placements, ages while in care, etc.). Please include your current foster care status (emancipated, adopted, guardianship, still in foster care, etc.). ESSAY: How have you been successful living independently? If you are not yet living independently, how are you planning for living on your own after foster care? What are your goals for continued independent living? ESSAY: Please talk about one difficult challenge you’ve faced through your foster care experience. ESSAY: How has being in the foster care system been a positive experience? PERSONAL Have you applied for the FosterClub All-Star program previously? ESSAY: Please explain a time when you dealt with someone who was much different than you based on race, disability, religion, political views, or sexual identity. ESSAY: Why are you interested in becoming a FosterClub All-Star? ESSAY: What are your hobbies and interests? What do you like to do in your spare time? GENERAL List any limitations you may have to participating in the entire summer program (dates not available to attend, work obligations, school begins before tour is complete, etc.) Please list any health concerns, including allergies and medications taken. Have you ever been convicted of a crime (note: this does not necessarily make you ineligible for the All-Star program. We consider each case individually. If you do have a criminal record, please include as many details as possible, including your age at the time of the crime)? Yes No If YES, please provide details: Some states and organizations have chosen to Sponsor an All-Star Position. Youth selected for these “Sponsored All-Star Positions” will be required to fulfill extra obligations throughout the year, such as speaking to groups, working with other youth, or serving on an Advisory Board. All of these activities would be scheduled only if they do not interfere with school and work. If you are selected for a sponsored All-Star Position, are you able to give a one-year commitment to the All-Star Program? Yes No Emergency Contact Name Relation Phone I promise that the information in this application is true to the best of my knowledge. Yes No I verify that my current telephone or contact number is: I verify that my current email address is: Please consider this application for the OUTSTANDING YOUNG LEADER award (include link for more info)