Useful websites Useful websites on aspects of assessment for students There are many websites offering advice on various forms of assessment. Listed below are a few that are especially useful. Please note that external websites are not the responsibility of LearnHigher. Academic English o A useful guide, particularly for international students, on developing language. Boolean terms o A website to help you master serach term- handy for internet and library searches. Essay structure Thesis statement: OWL' at the Purdue University Writing Lab at o The OWL is an excellent writing resource. This page aims to develop thesis statements. The site also has comprehensive information on grammar, punctuation and spelling. Developing your argument : 'University of Melbourne: Coursework; Argument' at php. o A good guide to developing your argument and the structure of your essay. There are also other pages in the site on writing. Grammar English Plus+ online grammar (Bair, J. 2008): the 'Grammar Slammer]' at o See also Grammar Slammer 'Run-on sentences' and 'Sentence fragments'. o For punctuation see the 'Grammar Slammer- punctuation'. University of Hull: ' Academic Writing in English' (AWE). o This is a wiki site on grammar, writing and spelling. Making notes Notemaker at o An interactive resource on different ways to make notes, London Metropolitan University. 1 Prepared by The Unit for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching UELT 2010 Useful websites Maths help sites o o This site covers Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, Differential Equations, Complex Variables, Matrix Algebra, or Mathematical Tables. You can find topics ranging from simplifying fractions to the cubic formula, from the quadratic equation to Fourier series, from the sine function to systems of differential equations. o 'Algebrahelp' has lessons, calculators, worksheets and resources tabs on algebra. o 'Animations for grasping ideas': Using a series of maths applets, this site develops understandings of Calculus, Trigonometry, Geometry and Vectors. o Mathtutor aims to support students new to university level maths in the following topics: Arithmetic, Trigonometry, Algebra, Differentiation, Functions, Graphs & Sequences, Integration, Geometry and Vectors. o mathcentre is an online resource that offers students quick reference guides, practice and revision materials, video tutorials, workbooks and online practice exercises on many branches of mathematics, including: Algebra, Arithmetic, Complex Numbers, Differentiation, Drug dose calculations, Finance, Functions and Graphs, Geometry, Graphs for health sciences, Guides & Case Studies, Integration, Matrices, Measuring the Effectiveness of Support Centres, Mechanics, Numeracy Skills, Sequences & Series, Statistics, The Mathematics Problem Internationally, Trigonometry and Vectors. 'Just the Maths' is a collection of separate units, in chronological topic-order, intended to service foundation level and first year degree level courses in higher education, especially those delivered in a modular style. Each unit represents, on average, the work to be covered in a typical two-hour session consisting of a lecture and a tutorial o The Maths support centre is part of the 'Sigma' Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching. Resources, worksheets, tests and FAQs are presented on the site. 2 Prepared by The Unit for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching UELT 2010 Useful websites Proofreading 'Indiana University Writing Tutorial Services: proofreading for common surface errors'. At uation. o A good guide to proofreading- easy to read. Referencing 'Academic Integrity' prepared by the University of Kent. At o A comprehensive guide to different aspects of academic writing and referencing. The site includes downloadable guides and links for different referencing styles. 'The University of Melbourne: Referencing and avoiding plagiarism'. Spelling ' Better writing - Commonly misspelled words'. o Browse this site for tips on spelling and grammar. Style and register 'University of Essex: mySkills, Academic Style'. o This site has useful explanations and practice tasks with solutions. Using the Internet Manchester Metropolitan University and the University of Bristol: 'Intute Virtual Training Suite: The Internet Detective' One of the best guides around on how to get the best out of the internet. Writing examples University of Plymouth Writing for Assignment E-Library: At Using this site to find examples of academic writing for different subjects and levels. 3 Prepared by The Unit for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching UELT 2010