ENG 4 - Unit 4 Arthur.doc

Language Arts 4 - S. Mund -Room B-2
3rd Hour - 9:30-10:30
6th Hour 1:15 – 2:15
Unit 4 - Epics and Legends p.1001
Read p.1031 to p.1042 “Arthur Becomes King of Britain”
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Independent Reading 2/6TH of Book. Summarize 2/6th of book. Ten minutes. Collect.
Exchange and correct. Daily Language Practice Set 9 Quizzes.
Read p. 1018.
View video clip introducing “The Once and Future King”. Complete worksheet while
 Assignment – Label worksheet #7.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Distribute “The Once and Future King” worksheets. Distribute highlighters, one per
table. Students will need to share. Be sure all highlighters are returned.
Tell students to read “The Once and Future King” and highlight main ideas then answer
worksheet questions in complete sentences. Complete “Once and Future King” work
 Assignment: Write journal #8 Complete “Once and Future King” worksheet.
Write journal #7. Focus: 1. How did the legend of Arthur begin? 2. Do you think there is
any truth in the legend? 3. Full page.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Discuss handouts “The Once and Future King” article.
Label as journal #8.
Complete vocabulary p.1005. Create a sentence and a picture representing each word.
 Assignment Complete Vocabulary p1005. Create a sentence and a picture
representing each word.
Friday, February 25, 2011
First 30 Minutes – Give ACT Prompt Essay.
View video clip from Sword and the Stone.
 Assignment – Independent Reading 3/6TH of Book by Monday. One half of book
Language Arts 4 - S. Mund -Room B-2
3rd Hour - 9:30-10:30
6th Hour 1:15 – 2:15
Monday, February 28, 2011
Review vocabulary in small groups. Wall of Words
Set up double-sided notes. Label as Journal #8. Pair Read p.1031 to p.1042 “Arthur
Becomes King of Britain” from the Once and Future King.
 Assignment – Answer questions p.1042. Label as journal #9. “Arthur Becomes
King of Britain” from the Once and Future King.
Wednesday & Thursday, March 2-3, 2011
Review journal #9 in small groups.
Complete Pair reading p.1031 to p.1042 “Arthur Becomes King of Britain” from the Once
and Future King. Complete double-sided notes, Journal #8,
 Assignment – Answer questions p.1042. Label as journal #9. “Arthur Becomes
King of Britain” from the Once and Future King.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Set up double-sided notes. Label as Journal #9. Listen to recording of Morte d
Pair Read Morte d’ Arthur from Reader Companion text p.160. Answer question in the
margin on right side of the paper. Do The Epic Stanzas together and then allow
students to continue with their partner. Highlight copies together.
 Assignment – Journal #9 is due on Monday. March 7.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Independent Reading 2/6TH of Book. Summarize 2/6th of book. Ten minutes. Collect.
Complete Vocabulary and grammar review on p.1044.
Answer questions on p.1043 in small groups. Label as journals #10 In small groups
review p.1029 and 1043 Review and Assess. Collect journals #6-10. At the end of the
 Assignment – Write journal #10 1. Answer questions on p, 1029 and 1043. 2.
Complete sentences.
Vocabulary and grammar review on p.1044.
Envious – full of envy
Adventurous – full of adventure
Slanderous – full of slander
Language Arts 4 - S. Mund -Room B-2
3rd Hour - 9:30-10:30
6th Hour 1:15 – 2:15
Joyous – full of joy
Language Arts 4 - S. Mund -Room B-2
3rd Hour - 9:30-10:30
6th Hour 1:15 – 2:15
Vocabulary Review
1. Sounds of this may be head at funerals. lamentation
2. Things like this are usually expensive as well. sumptuous
3. To avoid being thrown you should hold on when you are riding one of these.
4. A fastidious person is probably one of these, too. stickler
5. Spending a lot of time in the sun could make you look like this. swarthy
Grammar Practice
1. “Watch out!” cried the little man. “Here comes the lance!”
2. A knight asked, “Where is the ring?”
3. “Go to the far side of that oak,” said the little man, “and there you will see the target
4. “Thank you, sir,” replied the knight.
5. “It was, “said the Wart, “a sort of war memorial.”
Language Arts 4 - S. Mund -Room B-2
3rd Hour - 9:30-10:30
6th Hour 1:15 – 2:15
Unit 10 Epics and Legends. “Prepare to Read” from Don Quixote.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
10 Minutes – Summarize 2/6 of your independent reading book. Collect.
Test on p.1042 “Arthur Becomes King of Britain” from the Once and Future King.
Answer essay question. Label as journal #11.
Essay Question - In “Arthur Becomes King of Britain,” Arthur is crowned king but he
fights many battles against men who don’t believe in his claim to the throne. Tired of
war and fighting, Arthur wonders whether there is a way to “harness Might so that it
works for Right.” In an essay, explain what you think this statement means. Then, apply
the statement to the Arthur described by Tennyson in “Morte d’Arthur.”
 Assignment – Read p. p.1002 to 1005. Complete vocabulary p .1005.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Daily Language Practice WK 9 Correct Quiz
Review Don Quixote Vocabulary p. 1005. In small groups create 8 new “group
Before reading write Journal #11– Focus: 1.What was Miguel de Cervantes’ purpose
in writing Don Quixote? 2. One paragraph. 3. Complete chart on p.1005 as you read.
Pair read p. 1007 to 1011. Construct Journal #12 as you read.
 Assignment – Journal #12 Focus: 1. Double-sided notes on Don Quixote. 2.
One note per paragraph. 3. On right side give analytical comments or answer
questions in the margin. 4. Number pages.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Complete pair read p. 1007 to 1011. Construct Journal #12 as you read.
Journal #12 Focus: 1. Double-sided notes on Don Quixote. 2. One note per paragraph.
3. On right side give analytical comments or answer questions in the margin. 4. Number
 Assignment – Journal #13. Focus: 1. Answer questions on p.1-14 and 1015.
2. Complete sentences. Complete p.1016 Vocabulary and Grammar
Friday, February 24, 2011
1st hour review of Don Quixote Test.
2nd hour assembly.
Assignment – Independent Reading 2/6TH of Book by Monday.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Give open-book Test on Don Quixote.
Language Arts 4 - S. Mund -Room B-2
3rd Hour - 9:30-10:30
6th Hour 1:15 – 2:15
Answer essay test. Label as Journal #14. Focus: 1. Thesis Statement. 2. Specific
examples. Turn in journals #11-14.
 Assignment – Distribute blank Shield of Armor templates. Ask students to
prepare a rough draft of their shield design on the form. The forms are due
Language Arts 4 - S. Mund -Room B-2
3rd Hour - 9:30-10:30
6th Hour 1:15 – 2:15
Language Arts 4 - S. Mund -Room B-2
3rd Hour - 9:30-10:30
6th Hour 1:15 – 2:15
Unit 4 - Epics and Legends p.1001
Discuss handouts “The Once and Future King” article and quiz.
Label as journal #8. Collect journals #5-8.
Daily Language Practice WK 31 Day 5 – Correct two sentences from transparency
with partner and then correct and discuss with class. (Answer Key is in booklet.)
Show film clip of King Arthur.
Read p.1031 to p.1042 “Arthur Becomes King of Britain” from the Once and Future
 Assignment – Answer questions p.1042. Label as journal #15.
Thursday, February 16, 2011
Discuss p.1044 together. Vocabulary Development and Quotations Marks.
Complete - Read p.1031 to p.1042 “Arthur Becomes King of Britain” from the Once and
Future King.
 Assignment – Answer questions p.1042. Label as journal #16. Study for quiz on
p.1042 “Arthur Becomes King of Britain” from the Once and Future King.
Friday, March 6, 2011
Daily Language Practice WK 8 - #5 - Correct sentence with partner and then correct
and discuss with class. (Answer key is in booklet.)
Daily Language Practice WK 8 – Give quiz. Exchange and correct.
Quiz on p.1042 “Arthur Becomes King of Britain” from the Once and Future King.
Answer essay question. Label as journal #17. Journals will be collected Monday. 14-16
 Assignment – Write journal #12. Answer essay question from the Once and
Future King.
Unit 10 Epics and Legends. “Prepare to Read” from Don Quixote.
Tuesday, February 24, 2011 Take a Stand Rewrite.
Revise and rewrite Take a Stand Essay. Final Copy due Tuesday. 1. Number each
error. 2. Make a list of error. 3. Revise and rewrite essay. 4. Number corrections on final
Distribute and discuss Shield of Armor activity. See hand out.
 Assignment – Shield of Armor due Monday. Essay rewrite due Friday.
Wednesday, February 25, 2011
Read to class and discuss Shield of Armor instructions. Most already have
Distribute blank Shield of Armor templates. Ask students to prepare a rough draft of
Language Arts 4 - S. Mund -Room B-2
3rd Hour - 9:30-10:30
6th Hour 1:15 – 2:15
their shield design on the form. The forms are due tomorrow.
Please be sure students stay in their assigned seats. This is NOT a group project.
Students should work independently on their Shield of Armor.
Or, their Take a Stand Essay Rewrite.
 Assignment – Template due tomorrow. Essay rewrite due Friday. Shield of
Armor due Monday.
Thursday, February 26, 2011
Distribute Cultural Connection: Spain’s Golden Ages in folder.
Read worksheet and complete six questions at the end of the selection.
Collect worksheets at the end of the hour.
Read silently p.1002 to 1005.
 Assignment - Journal #14 – Focus: 1.What was Miguel de Cervantes’ purpose
in writing Don Quixote? 2. One paragraph.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Review Don Quixote Vocabulary p. 1005. In small groups create 8 new “group
Share journal #9 in small groups.
Present power point lecture on “What is a Hero? Have students take notes.
Complete power point on heroes.
 Assignment - Journal #10 – Focus: 1. Describe three stages of a Hero’s
journey. 2. Describe the eight steps of the journey. 3. Give an example of each.
Language Arts 4 - S. Mund -Room B-2
3rd Hour - 9:30-10:30
6th Hour 1:15 – 2:15
Unit 10 Epics and Legends from the Once and Future King p.1031-1044
Monday, March 3, 2011
Daily Language Practice WK 31 Day 4 – Correct two sentences from transparency
with partner and then correct and discuss with class. (Answer Key is in booklet.)
Seating Change.
Return journals.
Revise Don Quixote essay test. Rewrite and proofread.
In small groups revise and rewrite Don Quixote essay. Use rubric as quite.
 Assignment – Rewrite, revise and proofread Don Quixote essay.
Tuesday, March 4, 2011
Distribute handouts “The Once and Future King” article and quiz.
Have students read and highlight important ideas in “The Once and Future King” article
and then answer quiz questions.
Collect quiz at the end of the hour. Label as journal #14.
Wednesday, March 5, 2011
Daily Language Practice WK 31 Day 5 – Correct two sentences from transparency
with partner and then correct and discuss with class. (Answer Key is in booklet.)
Show film clip of King Arthur.
Read p.1031 to p.1042 “Arthur Becomes King of Britain” from the Once and Future
 Assignment – Answer questions p.1042. Label as journal #15.