TA Chapter 1; GF Chapters 1, 2, 4, 9
These topics are starting points for your 3-5 page paper. Suggestions for adding to the content
include relating it to our real life experiences – yours or someone you know; try to relate it to
society – how it affects (or affected) society or how society affects (or affected) it; include what
you’ve learned about it from another class or just from what you’ve read on your own time; you
can interview people, if applicable; whatever you can do to expand the topic to make it a 3-5 page
paper while staying on topic and keeping it interesting and relevant.
1. Web/Practice Projects Chapter 1: Why Computers Matter to You
Game Programming
In the past few years, we have seen a tremendous growth in the gaming industry. With this
growth comes a need for game developers, graphic artists, and beta testers. One of the more
lucrative positions in the gaming field is that of a programmer.
Using the Internet, research game programming and answer the following questions:
 What programming languages are used in this field?
 What education is necessary to get a position in this area?
 What salary range can a game programmer expect?
Suggested Web Sites:
Suggested Keywords:
Game Programming, Game Degree, Jobs in Gaming
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2. Web/Practice Projects Chapter 1: Why Computers Matter to You
PC vs. Mac
People who are buying a new computer can very easily become overwhelmed. Not only can
computer jargon seem to be a whole new language, consumers have a seemingly infinite array of
choices when they buy a new computer. One of those choices is to decide on which platform to
invest in: Mac or PC.
Using an Internet search engine, find out more about the differences between Macs and PCs.
Write a brief paper that compares and contrasts the specifications of each platform. Also, include
any instances in which you feel that one platform is better than the other for a specific job. Which
platform best suits your needs?
Suggested Web Sites:
Suggested Keywords:
Computer Benchmarks, Mac versus PC
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3. Web/Practice Projects Chapter 1: Why Computers Matter to You
Computer Forensics
The use of computers in law enforcement has triggered a need for people who are highly trained
in the science of computer forensics. Not only are crimes being committed using computers,
crimes are being solved using computers. Computer forensics specialists are able to both analyze
potential evidence and attempt to recover potential evidence that has been deleted or destroyed.
Using an Internet search engine and, research the computer forensics field and
answer the following questions:
What type of training or education is available for someone interested in computer forensics?
Are there any industry standard certifications available for computer forensics analysts?
What types of jobs are available? List some specific job titles.
What salary range can a computer forensics analyst expect?
Suggested Web Sites:
Suggested Keywords:
Computer Forensics, Cybercrime, Electronic Discovery
4. Written Assignment Gift of Fire – Unwrapping the Gift
pg 30 Exercise 1.8
A Topic Relating to Computers
Write a short paper about some topic related to computers that interests you AND has social or
ethical implications. Describe the background; then identify the issues, problems, or questions
that you think are important.
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5. Written Assignment Gift of Fire – Unwrapping the Gift
pg 31 Exercise 1.21
A Problem Because of Computers
Pick any 2 applications of computers from our discussions of how computers are used in various
fields and the benefits of computers where an error in the computer system could pose a serious
danger to people’s lives. Explain how. Describe one application that increases safety.
6. Written Assignment Gift of Fire – Privacy & Personal Information
pg 90 Exercise 2.36
Personal Information
Get a warranty form or an application from a local supermarket, discount store, or video rental
store for a check cashing card or store club membership card. Does it say anything about how
information about the applicant will be used? If so, summarize the statement.
7. Written Assignment Gift of Fire – Privacy & Personal Information
pg 90 Exercise 2.37
Personal Information
Find a Web site at which people can buy something online with a credit card. Look for the
privacy policy that tells how the site uses the customer information it collects. Write a brief
summary of the privacy policy. Include the URL, the business name, and the type of product.
Also, tell how many sites you looked at before finding one with a privacy policy.
8. Written Assignment
Benefits of Computers
When discussing all the benefits of computers, we briefly mentioned about tools for the disabled,
and referenced pages 23-25 from the Gift of Fire book. There are many examples of tools that
disabled people used and they are really very interesting. Do a little research to find several
examples, briefly explain what you find, and choose the 2 that you find the most interesting to
explain in more detail.
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9. Written Assignment Gift of Fire – Broader Issues on the Impact and Control of Computers
pg 394 Exercise 9.25
Computers in Elementary Schools
Arrange to visit an elementary school where the children use computers. Report on the types of
activities and exercises for which the computers were used. Evaluate them What are the
advantages and disadvantages of using a computer for each activity you observed. Where
computers necessary for the activity? Do you think the computers were being used well?
10. Written Assignment Gift of Fire – Broader Issues on the Impact and Control of Computers
pg 395 Exercise 9.29
Negative Impact of Computers
What are some skills, traditions, and/or social conventions that have been, or might soon be, lost
because of computers? Include at least one that you think will be a real loss (i.e. a negative result
of computers), and include at least one where you think the loss is not a problem. Give reasons.
11. Written Assignment
pg 393 Exercise 9.13
Mental Laziness
Give an example of a bad decision or poor work that can be attributed to mental laziness
encouraged by computers (not one mentioned in the book).
12. Written Assignment
pg. 394 Exercise 9.22
Luddite Criticisms of Computers
a) Which of the Luddite criticisms of computers listed in Section 9.4.1 do you consider the
most valid and significant? Why?
b) Overall, what do you think of the Luddite view of computer technology? Give reasons.
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13. Written Assignment
pg. 395 Exercise 9.29
Lost Traditions, Skills
What are some skills, traditions, and/or social conventions that have been lost, or might soon be,
lost because of computers? Include at least one that you think will be a real loss (i.e. a negative
result of computers), and include at least one where you think the loss is not a problem. Give
This would be a good one to use to interview your grandparents or someone who can really
relate to this question.
14. Written Assignment
pg. 395 Exercise 9.30
Negative Impact of Computers
Instead of a debate in class, write on whether you think computer technology, overall, has a
negative impact on
a) most people in the world?
b) poor people in a developed country (e.g. the US)?
c) the middle class in a developed country (e.g. the US)?
15. Written Assignment
pg. 395 Exercise 9.32
Three-Dimensional Printers
Three-dimensional “printers” create a 3D structure, layer by layer, using glues and resins, under
direction of a computer file. Do some research to find what are some likely uses for these
devices? (Try to think of both good and bad uses.) Do they fill any real needs? What
disadvantages do they have?
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16. Written Assignment
TiVo & Personal Information
TiVo keeps detailed information about the television viewing habits of customers who subscribe
to its service.
a. Should your television viewing habits be private information?
b. Do you care if anyone else knows what television shows or pay-per-view movies you
have watched in the past year?
c. Do voters have the right to know the viewing habits of people running for elected office?
17. Written Assignment
Biomedical Chip Implants
While waiting for an appointment with your physician, you see a brochure advertising a new
surgical procedure that implants a tiny microprocessor inside your skull just behind your left ear.
The purpose of the chip is to help you associate names with faces. The procedure for inserting
the chip is so simple that your physician is performing it in his office. Suppose your career takes
you into sales, where such a device could help you earn higher commissions. What questions
would you want to have answered before you agreed to have such a device inserted into your
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