KINGSHOLM C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL Medium Term Plans : “SPLASH” - a Year 5 Cross-Curricular Theme based on an investigation into WATER and incorporating a study of KIGULYA, a village in Uganda Lesson 1 2 Key Question What do we know about water? How and why is water important to us? How do we use water? NC Links GEOG 1a 2a 6c Objectives Children should learn.. To ask geographical questions To use appropriate geographical vocabulary To recall relevant information Suggested Activity To include differentiation Children work in groups to brainstorm what they know already about water. They organize their ideas on large sheets of paper in a brainstorm. Resources Children feedback their ideas to the rest of the class (Speaking and Listening) Children complete the Water brainstorm sheet individually or in pairs to show what they know already. That water is vital for life Show them a glass of water. And ask why water is and as many different important? Discuss survival. uses. Children list as many uses of water as they can. In groups discuss the 5 most important. On cards children show their 5 selections and discuss and debate and justify. A day’s use of water for each child. 3 How much water do we use? How could we save water? 1c 2a 5a That we use water for many different things. That often water is wasted because we have it in plentiful supply? 4 What information can we get from secondary sources 1c 3a 3b Water is transported, supplied and collected in different ways in Look at the cards which show how much water it takes to do different activities. Show how much 1 litre of water is. Keep the answer covered and children guess how much it takes for each activity. Show the answers and see how close the children were. Think about how much water they use in 1 day. Compare each child’s answer’s. H/W keep a water diary over 13 days to see their family’s water consumption. Us ethe tally chart in Numeracy. How could we save water? Eg a shower instead of a bath, water garden by hand etc ICT link – create a saving water poster. Look at the picture of Rita and Pascale (slide 6 in PPT WATER) Discuss the key questions. PPT presenta Grouping KINGSHOLM C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL Medium Term Plans : “SPLASH” - a Year 5 Cross-Curricular Theme based on an investigation into WATER and incorporating a study of KIGULYA, a village in Uganda of evidence – photos? different places. Water is important to everyone. Who are these people? What are they doing? Where do they live? What can these pictures tell us about the place in which they live? 5 Where is Uganda? Where is Kigulya? What is it like there? To draw conclusions from secondary evidence. To identify what places are like. To identify similarities and differences between themselves and children in Kigulya. 1b 2c 2c 3a 3b 3d Who are these people? What are they doing? Where do they live? What can these pictures tell us about the place in which they live? Role play a conversation between the 2 children. What might they be saying to each other? Complete the speech bubbles on the photo of Pascale and Rita. Look at the photo again. Where do these children live? What can the photo tell us about their environment? Direct the conversation around similarities and differences between the children in the picture and themselves. To use maps to locate known and unknown landmasses and countries. Around the photos write anything they can glean about where these 2 live. Look at PPT Kigulya. Look at map of the world and then map of Africa, Uganda, Masindi. Etc To use secondary sources of evidence to find out about what places are like. Annotate on maps where these places and any other of significance. To discuss with each other their ideas and opinions. Look at the photos of Kigulya and find out what is it like there? Use the PPT photos and the laminated pics. Children build up a picture of what it is like in Kigulya. Record in a way of their choice. Set up opportunities for children to interview Mary and add to their work. tion 2 p’copy sheets KINGSHOLM C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL Medium Term Plans : “SPLASH” - a Year 5 Cross-Curricular Theme based on an investigation into WATER and incorporating a study of KIGULYA, a village in Uganda 6 What is water used for in Kigulya? !a 1b 1c To use different sources of evidence to answer a geographical question Draw conclusions from evidence. Look at the Photos of the people in Kigulya using water in their everyday lives. As they look children collect as many different uses as possible. Compare these uses with the ways in which water is used in the UK. Are they the same or different. Discuss and conclude. Record in the form af a chart. 7 How is water harvested? That water is a very precious commodity in Uganda Look at the slide of the water harvesting system. Why is water harvested? How does the harvester work? Water is collected in a number of ways. Look around school? Are there any areas around school that could be used to collect water in the same way? Design a water harvesting device to be used around school. 8 What is it like to be a child in Kigulya? (In what ways are children’s lives in Kigulya like mine? In what ways are they different?) GEOG 2d PSHE 2e 4e 4f - - that children’s basic needs are the same everywhere that there are many other similarities that some differences are caused by climate, culture, customs, economics DURING THIS WEEK WAIT FOR RAIN AND HARVEST WATER WITH THE NEAREST CONTAINER. WHO CAN COLLECT THE MOST WATER. Pupils are given one photo showing a positive image of a child in Kigulya to share with a partner. Partners discuss (a) what they can see in the photo that is similar to their own lives (b) what they can see that is different (c) what else they can find out about the child’s life. Report back to whole class. Photos showing positive images of children in Kigulya. Pairs, then whole class KINGSHOLM C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL Medium Term Plans : “SPLASH” - a Year 5 Cross-Curricular Theme based on an investigation into WATER and incorporating a study of KIGULYA, a village in Uganda 9. How does a day in my own life compare with “A Day in the Life” of a school child in Kigulya? Ditto Ditto - Power Point presentation: “A Day in the Life of Rita/Pascale”. Pupils watch and discuss. Pupils make storyboard of own lives, of Rita’s and/or Pascale’s. Extension: Read books showing the lives of other pupils in Kigulya and make comparisons. Base drama / art work / writing on these children’s stories. Power Pt. Presn. Pupils to visit the shop in small groups: (a) Learning about the items in the shop by matching them to written descriptions and to items in photographs of real Ugandan shops. (b) “Buying” goods to a certain value with real Ugandan money (c) Drawing goods. Mock-up of village shop. - 10. 11. How does the Kigulya Village Shop compare with shops we know? What does it feel like to be a child in Kigulya? Ditto PSHE - to identify objects and materials by using senses (sight, touch, hearing, smell) and written descriptions - to understand range of goods and prices in a rural Ugandan shop (and what this means for people’s everyday needs) - to empathise with children in Kigulya through direct experience of some of the things that they do every day. Books: “A Day in the Life…” Ugandan money. Written sheets/ cards, photos - Sweep classroom / playground with Ugandan brooms - carry water - carry items on heads - make a cloth ring for carrying goods on heads - cook and eat sweet potatoes, “matooke”, maize. Taste pineapple, mangoes, passion fruit. - Dig in the garden - Walk to / from school (or a few circuits of the schoolo field) - “harvest” rainfall, etc. Whole class / individual / group Mixed ability groups. KINGSHOLM C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL Medium Term Plans : “SPLASH” - a Year 5 Cross-Curricular Theme based on an investigation into WATER and incorporating a study of KIGULYA, a village in Uganda 12. What toys and games are used by the children in Kigulya? D.&T. Children make their own games and toys with available materials? Look at the toys made by the children in Kigulya. How have they been made? What have they been made from? What do the children do with them? Are they different from the toys children play with in the UK? How? Why? Look at the ball made from banana plant? Look also at the one made from plastic bags and twine. Children make a ball themselves. Experiment with methods of tying it up. On Kiguya Day play games with the ball to see if they last. Learn some traditional Ugandan games. Look closely at the moving toys. How have they been made? What materials have been used? How could we make a similar toy? Design and label a toy which moves. Make the toy in pairs. KINGSHOLM C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL Medium Term Plans : “SPLASH” - a Year 5 Cross-Curricular Theme based on an investigation into WATER and incorporating a study of KIGULYA, a village in Uganda Lesson 13 Key Question Working with SAM our Ugandan artist What is mod roc? How can it be used to create a water pot? NC Links ART 1a 3a Objectives Children should learn.. To investigate pot making techniques using Mod Roc Suggested Activity To include differentiation Children look at the water pots used by the families in Uganda to transport water. Look at the shape, size, the job they do, how they are carried. Look at the pot we have in the classroom. Sam demonstrates the technique of mod roc around a balloon. He explains the process and how the material changes during the making. Children create a pot and a rim using mod roc around a balloon. 4 5 What are African patterns? What do they look like? What are the stimuli for them? How can we decorate our pots? How have they changed? 1a That African patterns are varied often stimulated by natural patterns and objects. That they use repeat patterns. Children investigate the patterns on the various objects and textiles within the classroom. That mod roc dries hard and smooth. Look at the patterns we developed in last session and design how we are going to decorate our pots. Revise how to mix different colours and discuss what colours are frequently used in the African textiles, baskety and pot decorations. Children apply an earthy base coat to their pot and then paint on their design using acrylic paints. How to create earthy colours from the Primary colours On a grid they collect their favourite ideas and then begin to create their own ideas based on what they have seen. Glaze with PVA when completed. Resourc es Grouping KINGSHOLM C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL Medium Term Plans : “SPLASH” - a Year 5 Cross-Curricular Theme based on an investigation into WATER and incorporating a study of KIGULYA, a village in Uganda 6 How could we create an African style textile wall hanging? Look carefully at the work of others and consider how and why the artist has created their work. Look at the African textile created using Batik ( the piece with the square motifs). Look at the different motifs – what are they and what has been the stimulus? How could we create something similar? Express an opinion about the work of others Explain that we will create a large wall hanging as a class – each child creating one square. Use direct experience to create ideas of their own based on the work of others Children each design their own square considering colour and motif. Design onto paper before transferring the design onto fabric. Paint the background of the fabric then paint the design onto it. Use readymix and acrylics remaining after pottery painting. Each square will then be joined to create a large wall hanging. Children evaluate the finished piece and their own contribution. Children take photos of the pots and the fabric (ICT LINK to record activities in their SPLASH folder) Lesson 1 Key Question How can we combine text and graphics to create a front cover for our theme books? NC Links ICT 1a 3a Objectives Children should learn.. That Publisher can be used to combine text and graphics. Publisher provides a number of Suggested Activity To include differentiation Recap on how to log on and how to load PUBLISHER. Model how to use the templates created by PUBLISHER to create quick publications. Brainstorm what our front cover will need and the images that may be included. Resourc es Grouping KINGSHOLM C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL Medium Term Plans : “SPLASH” - a Year 5 Cross-Curricular Theme based on an investigation into WATER and incorporating a study of KIGULYA, a village in Uganda 2 How can we use the functions of publisher to create different types of text and graphics boxes? 1a 3d templates which can be used to make publications quickly There are different types of boxes which can be created. The active box has black tabs around it. The difference between a text and a word art box. 3 How can we move and resize frames? 2a Text and graphic boxes can be moved and their size changed. Demonstrate doing a FIND…….. search using clipart. Children create a front cover in pairs. Remind them to change the default printer to CS laser before printing. Demonstrate the different functions available for creating a text box. Show how WORDART stretches the text to fit the box. Using the context of saving water (geography link) insert several text boxes to begin a SAVE WATER poster (or an appeal poster for an African charity or a poster advertising Kigulya Village Shop.). Demonstrate the different functions available for creating graphics boxes. Recap on undertaking searches when using Clipart. Load the poster started last week and demonstrate how to move and resize the frames we created. Show that frames can be dragged or cut and pasted. Show that the can be extended or reduced in several different directions. Children revise their posters using the demonstrated functions. KINGSHOLM C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL Medium Term Plans : “SPLASH” - a Year 5 Cross-Curricular Theme based on an investigation into WATER and incorporating a study of KIGULYA, a village in Uganda 4 How can we change the size and layout of a page? 3b That leaflets can be created using publisher. Different shapes of leaflets ca be created using different folds Look at a variety of different leaflets focusing on the different layout and fold. Demonstrate the functions of PUBLISHER that allow the creation of leaflets. Look at changing layout of page from portrait to landscape. Look at changing the fold. Experiment with creating a leaflet using the poster we have already created. Cut and paste the pictures and text from the posters to allow concentration on the creating of leaflets. Print out using the draft function so that several leaflets can be experimented with. Concentrate on the process of creating the leaflet rather than the content of the pages. 5 How can we create African patterns using ICT? That Art work can be created using ICT skills. That various different programmes are available to be used for different purposes. A persuasive leaflet can be created in subsequent weeks using the skills we have learned but concentrating on the Literacy skills. Using our work on the African patterns use the programme COLOUR MAGIC to create patterns in the same theme. Recap the tools that the children are already familiar with. The more confident children work with a buddy to further their skills. Look at the symmetrical functions available and the stamp functions. Children complete the task, print and save in this session. Put print out in SPLASH folder. KINGSHOLM C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL Medium Term Plans : “SPLASH” - a Year 5 Cross-Curricular Theme based on an investigation into WATER and incorporating a study of KIGULYA, a village in Uganda 6 How can we record our art work using ICT? That the digital camera is an efficient way of storing our work. That photographs can be downloaded and printed. Use the digital cameras to record the pots and the fabric work. Children arrange their art work and take the photos individually. Save work in a separate folder on Year 98 so the children can work with them at a later date if needed. 7 How can we use ICT to find out information? To navigate a CD ROM to find out about the Water Cycle. Use the WATERWISE CD ROM to find out about the water cycle. Children watch the video clip and then the animation of the cycle. Children complete an assessment of their understanding by creating their own representation of the Water Cycle. 8 How can I apply the skills that I have learned? To create a persuasive leaflet using ICT and Literacy skills. See LITERACY plans. KINGSHOLM C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL Medium Term Plans : “SPLASH” - a Year 5 Cross-Curricular Theme based on an investigation into WATER and incorporating a study of KIGULYA, a village in Uganda KIGULYA DAY What have we learnt about Kigulya and the children who live there? To have fun, to use what we have learnt, to assess what we have learnt and to evaluate the theme. End work on Kiguya with a “Kigulya Day”. Children carry water around the field Empty classroom of furniture and children bring benches in Use Ugandan text books and have a Runyoro language lesson, lesson in agriculture, maths : counting in Runyoro, etc. Play with Ugandan toys and balls – learn traditional games Sing National Anthem. Make flags and mark make inside them Bare feet Rachel Howie, Chris Dunn and Mary Jeans Spring Term 2003