Language Arts GR 7 Lesson Plans Week of December 9-13 Expository Article Writing Unit Lesson Component Standard(s) Descriptor Monday December 9 Not sure about much due to closures R.7.1 Cite several pieces of Tuesday December 10 Reverse Schedule R.7.1 Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well asinferences drawn from the text. W.7.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysisof relevant content textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well asinferences drawn from the text. W.7.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysisof relevant content Standard(s) Descriptor For Daily Grammar Practice Giggles in the Middle Grammar L.7.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking L.7.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. L.7.4ai Use context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. Objective: Students will be able to edit sentences for proper grammar, usage, and mechanics. Giggles in the Middle Grammar L.7.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking L.7.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. L.7.4ai Use context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. Objective: Students will be able to edit sentences for proper grammar, usage, and mechanics. Essential Question Varied, high quality Why is organization important in piece of writing? How do I determine relevant and irrelevant information? Objective SWBAT: Consider Bloom’s Taxonomy SWBAT: logically organize research notes and determine the best way to publish information. SWBAT: logically organize research notes and determine the best way to publish information. Or, determine correct responses to reading passages based on text evidence. Cold Days make it difficult to determine place in unit. Or, determine correct responses to reading passages based on text evidence. Cold Days make it difficult to determine place in unit. A well organized plan and draft Proficient draft copied into a given newsletter format. Assessments: Measurement criteria to determine how results will be used to inform future instruction Wednesday December 11 MAP Testing Thursday December 12 Friday December 13 R.7.1 Cite several pieces of R.7.1 Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well asinferences drawn from the text. W.7.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well asinferences drawn from the text. W.7.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysisof relevant content through the selection, organization, and analysisof relevant content Giggles in the Middle Grammar L.7.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking L.7.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. L.7.4ai Use context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. Objective: Students will be able to edit sentences for proper grammar, usage, and mechanics. Giggles in the Middle Grammar L.7.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking L.7.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. L.7.4ai Use context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. Objective: Students will be able to edit sentences for proper grammar, usage, and mechanics. Giggles in the Middle Grammar L.7.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking L.7.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. L.7.4ai Use context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. Objective: Students will be able to edit sentences for proper grammar, usage, and mechanics. SWBAT: SWBAT: Evaluate their writing for corrections and additions: Comet article if not finished, Veteran’s Day paper, Manitou flood paper. SWBAT: Evaluate their writing for corrections and additions: Comet article if not finished, Veteran’s Day paper, Manitou flood paper. MAP results Finished essays saved and placed into their newsletters Finished essays saved and placed into their newsletters Warm-Up: Show the video about space exploration. Warm-Up Warm-Up: Warm-Up S Warm-Up Warm-Up and Discuss Warm-Up and Discuss Warm-Up and Discuss Warm-Up and Discuss Warm-Up and Discuss Introduce Standard, Objective, and Agenda for the day. Introduce Standard, Objective, and Agenda for the day. Introduce Standard, Objective, and Agenda for the day. Introduce Standard, Objective, and Agenda for the day. Introduce Standard, Objective, and Agenda for the day. Lesson: Lesson: Lesson: Lesson: Lesson: Giggles 25 Grammar: rewrite the paragraph and define the vocabulary then correct Giggles 26 Grammar: rewrite the paragraph and define the vocabulary then correct Giggles 27 Grammar: rewrite the paragraph and define the vocabulary then correct Giggles 28 Grammar: rewrite the paragraph and define the vocabulary then correct Continue research on comets in prep for “The Comet” Newsletter for space night. Might skip Grammar to maximize time for Space Comet Project Review Paragraph structure and multi-paragraph essay structure Review Paragraph structure and multi-paragraph essay structure Organize information, plan, and draft multi-paragraph essay. Review Kid Friendly rubric Review Kid Friendly rubric Show mentor text Show mentor text Final Drafts are copied into one of 3 Publisher templates for display in prep for Space Night. Students write Students write Graphic Organizer for info collection in U drive, can’t attach See comet plan below See comet plan below Closure/Student Reflection Exit Ticket: Reflection regarding progress with task/s Exit Ticket: Reflection regarding progress with task Exit Ticket: Self reflection of MAP preformance Exit Ticket: favorite part of each paper Exit Ticket: favorite part of each paper Varied Learning Abilities Individual support Awesome SpEd and ESP support Circulation Individual support Awesome SpEd and ESP support Circulation Individual support Awesome SpEd and ESP support Circulation Individual support Awesome SpEd and ESP support Circulation Individual support Awesome Sped and ESP support Circulation Strategies/Activities: Anticipatory Set: Prior knowledge/Relevant to student’s lives Activities: Modeling High Level Thinking Organize information, plan, and begin drafting multiparagraph essay. Once this is complete, review and redo Thought Questions, read and AR test Motivation/Personal Connection/Inquiry Homework/Follow up Activities: 9th Period Materials Modeling Read aloud with group of students who want Printed version of grammar Modeling Read aloud with group of students who want Printed version of grammar Modeling Read aloud with group of students who want Printed version of grammar Modeling Read aloud with group of students who want Printed version of grammar Modeling Read aloud with group of students who want Printed version of grammar Personal reflection of performance on research and writing, or reading test Read at least 18 minutes Make-up/redo work Completion of Comet essay and publishing Data shows personal improvement Proficient writing for project Proficient writing for project Read 30 minutes Continued research Make-up/redo work Read 30 minutes Read 30 minutes Read 30 minutes Friday, Saturday, Sunday Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry Read and follow along with CD Students determine relevevant events in current section and compare to irrelevant ones. Completion determined by announcements starting at 30 or 40 minutes into class. Writing Assessment Part 2 Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry Read and follow along with CD Students determine relevevant events in current section and compare to irrelevant ones. Completion determined by announcements starting at 30 or 40 minutes into class Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry Read and follow along with CD Students determine relevevant events in current section and compare to irrelevant ones. Completion determined by announcements starting at 30 or 40 minutes into class Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry Read and follow along with CD Students determine relevevant events in current section and compare to irrelevant ones. Completion determined by announcements starting at 30 or 40 minutes into class Self-reflection, revise, second draft, edit . Daily Response Prompts Daily Response Prompts Giggles 25 vivian virtuous joined the gourp of 7 seventh graders as each member searched for their correct homeroom. when everyone had found their appropriate classroom the friends found that they had different homerooms appropriate Correct Vivian Virtuous joined the group of seven seventh-graders as each member searched for the correct homeroom. When everyone had found his or her appropriate classroom, the friends found that they had different homerooms. Appropriate – correct Giggles 26 when she arrived in her homeroom pauline purile whined at the unfairness of it all. Its not fair Pauline whimpered to herself. Its just not fair. Not only do i have to go back to school, but my worst nemesis is in homeroom to torment me first thing every morning whimpered nemesis torment Correct When she arrived in her homeroom, Pauline Puerile whined at the unfairness of it all. “It’s not fair,” Pauline whimpered to herself. “It’s just not fair. Not only do I have to go back to school, but my worst nemesis is in homeroom to torment me first thing every morning.” whimpered nemesis torment Giggles 27 orson odious whom indeed was in paulines homeroom grinned maliciously at her and lobbed a slimy spit wad in her direction. But Pauline ducked and she incurred the wrath of the homeroom teacher mr math martinet odious maliciously lobbed wrath martinet Correct Orson Odious, who indeed was in Pauline’s homeroom, grinned maliciously at her and lobbed a slimy spit wad in her direction. Pauline ducked, and she incurred the wrath of the homeroom teacher, Mr. Math Martinet. Daily Response Prompts Daily Response Prompts odious maliciously lobbed wrath martinet Giggles 28 stop fidgeting young lady and sit still he ordered pauline in a menacing tone of voice. sam sagacious ambled to his new homeroom a few doors down from paulines. as he entered the rooms portal he frose mid stride fidgeting sagacious ambled portal Correct “Stop fidgeting, young lady, and sit still,” he ordered Pauline in a menacing tone of voice. Sam Sagacious ambled to his new homeroom a few doors down from Pauline’s. As he entered the room’s portal, he froze mid-stride. fidgeting sagacious ambled portal Daily Response Prompts Daily Response Prompts Comets are…….Three well-known comets zoomed through our solar system in the past forty years. 1. Halley’s 2. Hale Bopp 3. Ison Many people know little about them. (Next Paragraph) Halley’s comet 1. Named after 2. Viewed a. Last seen b. Where c. Next seen d. My age 3. Astronomers reaction 4. People react a. Positive b. Not so positive Conclusion (Next Paragraph) Hale Bopp 1. Named after 2. Viewed a. Last seen b. Where c. Next seen d. My age 3. Astronomers reaction 4. People react a. Positive b. Not so positive e Conclusion (Next Paragraph) Ison 1. Named after 2. Viewed a. Last seen Daily Response Prompts b. Where c. Next seen d. My age 3. Astronomers reaction 4. People react a. Positive b. Not so positive e Conclusion Daily Response Prompts Daily Response Prompts Daily Response Prompts Name Date Halley’s Comet How did it get it’s name? When was it last seen? Which countries saw it? When will it be seen again? How old will you be when it passes Earth again? How did astronomers react? In what ways did people react? Hale Bopp Period Ison Name Date List of websites used (Google is not a website, it is a search engine. Write the websites you open to find the information. Period