
Multiple choice
Fill in the blank (NO word bank)
Short answer with labeling
What caused Galileo to accept the theory that the planets revolve around the sun?
What two forces keep the planets in orbit? How do they work together?
 Geocentric: Earth centered
 Heliocentric: sun centered
 Galileo: know that his 2 discoveries lead to the proof of the heliocentric theory (this answer is on the
KNOW the order of the 8 planets
Know characteristics of each planet using the bookwork, the study guide, and the planet video worksheets
Know what 2 forces keep a planet in orbit and what happens if one is missing (this is on the assessment)
Know rotation/revolution
Know the major moons of the planets
 Know the definition and location and movement for each (use the table from the study guide 16-5)
 Know the parts of the comet (be able to draw and label)
 Know the difference between meteor, meteoroid, and meteorite (multiple choice or short answer)
 Use your study guide and bookwork to study
proved the sun was the center of the solar system (heliocentric)
used a telescope
phases of Venus: proved that Earth can NOT be in center because if it was then we’d
see all of Venus all the time (no phases)
moons of Jupiter: proved not everything revolves around Earth
Solar System-
smaller systems within a system (planets & moons)
formed from a nebula /sun took 99% of matter
inner planets are rocky because when sun was forming its heat / energy pushed lighter particles
away but the heavier ones stayed closer  became inner planets
outer planets are gas because the lighter particles pushed further out  became outer gas giants
Two forces that keep planets balanced in orbit:
 gravity: sun’s gravity pulls planets in
 inertia: planet’s inertia pulls planets in straight line
if one force is missing, then:
 gravity: inertia would pull planet out in straight line
inertia: gravity would pull planet towards the sun
ball of ice & dust with long, stretched
elliptical orbit
always points away from sun
solar winds push tail away
pieces of comets & asteroids
asteroids—between Mars and Jupiter
planets— know book work & video notes
DO have to know the moons of planets—only major moons
Revolution & Rotation—
Revolution—moving around another object
365 days is one revolution around the sun = 1 year
Rotation—spinning motion of a planet around its axis
24 hours rotation is one day
Gas giants rotate faster than they revolve