Unit V: Conflict and Conflict Resolution Goal: Students will apply conflict resolution skills to various situations struggling with the many different types of conflict. Big Idea(s): Conflicts are long-term, deep-rooted problems that involve seemingly non-negotiable issues and are resistant to resolution. There are significant benefits to conflict. Conflict is often driven by a sense of grievance, be it scarcity, inequality, cultural or moral differences, or the distribution of power. Thereby, engaging in the conflict provides one means of addressing these concerns. Without conflict, attitudes, behavior, and relationships stay the same, regardless of whether they are fair. Conflict reveals problems and encourages those problems to be dealt with. Whether they are dealt with constructively or destructively depends on how the conflict is handled. Conflict has many costs including but not limited to human costs, economic costs, and organizational costs. People underestimate the costs of continuing the conflict, and overestimate their chances of winning. People know that the conflict is doing great harm, but they see no way out and they fear that the costs of resolving the conflict will be even higher. There are many nonviolent and violent strategies for resolving conflicts. Essential Question(s): What is conflict? Are conflicts ever helpful? What factors influence or change a conflict? What considerations should be weighed when resolving a conflict? Students will: Literacy 1. Define and apply key vocabulary/concepts. Suggested strategies: Paraphrase/summarize Compare/contrast Classify Categorize Discuss/explain Illustrate Demonstrate Reflect/relate Infer Identify conflict and its different forms: War o International o Civil Arguments o Man vs. Himself o Man vs. Society Physical fights o Man vs. Man Discussion Debate Learning Outcomes As evidenced by written, oral and/or performance: Vocabulary journals Narrative descriptions 2-3 Column Notes (i.e. term/definition/illustrate/paraphrase/relate) Lincs/Frayer Visual representation (i.e. concept diagram/map, graph, chart, drawing, poster, comic strip, cartoon) Discussion Oral presentation Short answer Essay Two Column Notes Venn Diagram Role Playing “Dilemma – Dispute – Conflict” activity and PowerPoint Presentation o http://msct.beyondintractability.org/gateways/msct/1conflicts/l1_problem_scenarios.pdf o http://msct.beyondintractability.org/gateways/msct/1conflicts/l1_drawing_a_conflict.pdf Man vs. Nature Evaluate the factors or influences that change conflict: Money Power Gender Age etc. Compare and contrast the positive and negative aspects of conflict. Think-Pair-Share Class Discussion Cost of Conflict jigsaw activity o http://msct.beyondintractability.org/essay/costs_benefits/ o http://msct.beyondintractability.org/gateways/msct/2harmful_helpful/l2_costs.pdf Iraq Case Study o http://msct.beyondintractability.org/gateways/msct/2harmful_helpful/l2_iraq.pdf Analyze the steps of Conflict Resolution Graphic Organizer Case Study Apply Conflict Resolution skills to real-life situations. PowerPoint Presentation discussing a: o Current conflict and the available options for resolution o Past conflict and the +/- consequences of the resolution Research Project Essay Resources: 1. http://msct.beyondintractability.org Common Formative Assessment(s) Teacher generated Summative District Assessment(s) To be determined