World Literature Essay 2 Due Thursday June 2

World Literature Essay 2
Due Thursday June 2
World Literature Works: The Stranger, Thousand Cranes, One Day in the Life of Ivan
Denisovich, The Plague
You must focus your essay on some aspect of a World Literature text not discussed in
World Literature Essay 1. You may write a comparative analysis of a World Literature
text and one of the “Language A1” works, which are A Tale of Two Cities, 1984, and
Song of Solomon.
All requirements apply regardless of whether you are a junior, a senior, or whether you
plan to take IB English 2. Students in IB English 2 will have an opportunity to revise
their work before the essay is submitted for external assessment.
To earn a grade of 85:
 The paper will meet MLA guidelines of format and citation
 The word count will fall between 1000 and 1500 words.
 The topic will meet IB requirements
 The essay will be written in standard English with a clear method of organization
To earn a grade of 92:
 The paper will meet MLA guidelines of format and citation
 The word count will fall between 1000 and 1500 words.
 The topic will meet IB requirements
 The essay will be written in standard English with a clear method of organization
 The essay will have few surface errors
 The essay will have a clearly identified thesis statement
 Each paragraph will have a clearly identified central idea
To earn a grade of 100
 The paper will meet MLA guidelines of format and citation
 The word count will fall between 1000 and 1500 words.
 The topic will meet IB requirements
 The essay will be written in standard English with a clear method of organization
 The essay will have no surface errors
 The essay will have a clearly identified thesis statement
 Each paragraph will have a clearly identified central idea
 Every central idea will be supported with documented evidence from the text.
 The essay will demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the work
Note: To be sure that your thesis statement and central ideas are “clearly identified” as
specified in the rubric, you may choose to highlight or underline them.