Emerging nationalism WS.doc

Advanced Placement American History I
Lesson 16-Handout 16 (page 1)
Name ________________________________________ _
Date __________________________ _
The Emerging Nationalism
'The peace following the War of 1812 had opened the way for a great surge of nation
building. Nationalism was more than pious rhetoric during an era when firm foundations were
being laid for economic growth •••• A new nation of great potential wealth and power was
Robert A. Divine. et el., America: Past and Present, Vol. I
(Glenview, lIIinois: Scott, Foresmen end Company, 1984), p. 240.
Part A
Indicate by a + (Plus) or - (minus) whether each item contributed to, or impeded, the development of the nationstate. Then state how each either helped or hurt the growth of national unity.
Clay's American System
John Marshall's decisions
Francis Scott Key
Washington Irving
Gilbert Stuart
Tariff of Abominations, 1828
Slavery in the Louisiana Territory
Strict interpretation of the elastic clause
Panic of 1819
Monroe Doctrine
Improvements in transportation
Advanced Placement American History I
Lesson I6-Handout 16 (page 2)
Name __________________________________________ _
Date ___________________________ _
Early Industrial Revolution
One-party system
., II
National Bank
Loose construction of the elastic clause
War of 1812