List of Books for Quotation for the Central Library of College of Medicine and Sagore Dutta Hospital Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Title, Author/Editor, Edition, Publisher, ISBN no. (Latest Edition of all books to be considered ) GENERAL MEDICINE Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Dan Longo, Anthony Fauci, McGraw-Hill Prof Med/Tech, 2011, 0071748903, 9780071748902, 18th Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine, Nicki R. Colledge, Brian R. Walker, Stuart H. Ralston, Stuart Ralston, Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier, 2010, 0702030856, 9780702030857, 21, illustrated Kumar & Clark's Clinical Medicine, Parveen Kumar, Michael L. Clark, Saunders Elsevier, 2009, 0702029939, 9780702029936, 7, illustrated Hutchison's Clinical Methods, Michael Swash, Michael Glynn, Saunders Elsevier, 2007, 0702027995, 9780702027994, 22, illustrated Macleod’s Clinical Examination , John Macleod, Graham Douglas, Graham Douglas (FRCPE.), E. Fiona Nicol, Colin Ernest Robertson, Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier, 2009, 9780443068485, 12, illustrated Bickerstaff’s Neurological Examination in Clinical Practice, John Spillane, Wiley-India reprint of Blackwell Science, 978-81-265-1557-8, 6th Bedside Clinics In Medicine, Parts I & II, Arup Kumar Kundu, Variety Book Depot, 8189781197, 9788189781194, 4th Brain's Diseases of the Nervous System, Michael Donaghy, Oxford University Press, 2009, 0198569386, 9780198569381, 12, illustrated Wintrobe’s Clinical Hematology, Vol 1 & 2, John P. Greer et al, Lippinkott Williams & Wilkins, 13:978-0-7817-6507-7, 10:0-7817-6507-2, 12th Manson’s Tropical Diseases, Gordon C. Cook & Alimuddin I. Zumla, Saunder’s Elsevier, 978-1-4160-4471-0, 22nd Braunwald's Heart Disease, Robert O. Bonow, Douglas L. Mann, Douglas P. Zipes, Peter Libby, Saunders, 2011, 1437703984, 9781437703986, 9, illustrated Crofton & Douglas’s Respiratory Diseases, Anthony Seaton, Douglas Seaton & A. Gordon Leitch, Blackwell Science, 978-81-265-1553-0, 5th Sherlock’s Diseases of the Liver & Biliary System, James S. Dooley, Anna SD. Lok, Andrew K. Burroughs, E. Jenny Heathcote, Wiley-Blackwell, 978-1-4051-3489-7, 12th Sleisinger & Fordtran’s Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, By Mark Feldman, Lawrence S. Friedman, Lawrence J. Brandt, Saunder’s Elsevier, 978-1-4160-6189-2, 9th Brenner & Rector's the kidney, Barry M. Brenner, Floyd C. Rector, Saunders Elsevier, 2008, 1416031057, 9781416031055, 8th Williams Textbook of Endocrinology, Shlomo Melmed, Kenneth S. Polonsky, MD, P. Reed MD Larsen and Henry M. Kronenberg, MD, Saunders Elsevier, 2012, 978-1-43770324-5, 12th 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 Kelley's Textbook of Rheumatology, 2-Volume Set, Gary S. Firestein, MD, Ralph C. Budd, MD, Edward D. Harris, Jr., MD, Iain B. McInnes, Shaun Ruddy, MD and John S. Sergent, MD, Saunders Elsevier, 2008, 978-1-4160-3285-4, 8th Marriott’s Practical Electrocardiography, Galen S. Wagner, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 0781797381, 9780781797382, 11th CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2012, McPhee, Papadakis, Rabow, Lange, 9780071763721 / 0071763724, Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Laurence Brunton, Bruce Chabner, Bjorn Knollman, McGraw-Hill, 9780071624428 / 0071624422, 12th Washington Manual® of Medical Therapeutics, Washington University School of Medicine Department of Medicine; Foster, Corey; Mistry, Neville; Peddi, Parvin F.; Sharma, Shivak, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1605470147, 9781605470146, 33rd Robbins Basic Pathology, Vinay Kumar, Abul K. Abbas, Nelson Fausto, & Richard Mitchell, Saunders, 9781416029731, 8th Park`s Textbook of Preventive & Social Medicine, K. Park, Banarsidas Bhanot, 9788190607995 Clinical Neuroanatomy, Richard S Snell, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009, 0781794277, 978-0781794275, 7th Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology [Paperback], Kim E. Barrett, Susan M. Barman, Scott Boitano, Heddwen Brooks, McGraw-Hill (LANGE Basic Science), 71780033, 9780071780032, 24th Medical Microbiology: A Guide to Microbial Infections: Pathogenesis, Immunity, Laboratory Diagnosis and Control [Paperback], David Greenwood , Richard C. B. Slack, John F. Peutherer, Michael R. Barer, Churchill Livingstone, 0443102090, 9780443102097, 17th Revised Harpers Illustrated Biochemistry [Paperback], Robert Murray, David Bender, Kathleen M. Botham, Peter J. Kennelly, Victor Rodwell, P. Anthony Weil, McGraw-Hill Medical, (LANGE Basic Science), 29th Textbook of Medical Laboratory Technology, Ramnik Sood, Jaypee, 9788180615917, 1st SURGERY Farquharsons - OperativeSurgery, 9th, HODDER ARNOLD,, 0-340-81496-9 Schwartz’s – Principles of Surgery, Editor-in-Chief, F. Charles Brunicardi, MD, FACS, 9th , McGraw-Hill Professional,, ISBN-10: 007154769X , ISBN-13: 978-0071547697 Doherty – Current diagnosis & treatment – Surgery, 13th, McGraw-Hill Companies, SRB’s Manual of Surgery, Author - Sriram Bhat M, JAYPEE BROTHERS MEDICAL PUBLISHERS (P) LTD., e-mail:,, 978-81-8448-551-6 BAILEY & LOVE’S SHORT PRACRTICE OFSURGERY, Editor – NORMAN S. WILLIAMS, CHRISTOPHER J. K. BULSTRODE & P. RONAN O’CONNELL, 25th, HODDER ARNOLD,, 978-0-340-939376 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Hamilton Bailey’s– Emergency Surgery, Edited by Brian W. Ellis & Simon PatersonBrown, 13th, HODDER ARNOLD, , JAYPEE BROTHERS MEDICAL PUBLISHERS (P) LTD., e-mail:, Maingot’s – Abdominal Operations, Editors – Michael J. Zinner,, Stanley W. Ashley, 11th, McGraw-Hill Companies,, ISBN- 13-978-0-07 144176-6, ISBN – 10-0-07-144176-x Zollinger’s – Atlas of surgical operatio McGraw-Hill Companies, mcgraw-9th ns, 978-0-07-160226-6 Hamilton Bailey – Physical signs, Editor - J. S. P. Lumley, 18th, HODDER ARNOLD,, ISBN-10: 0750616210 , ISBN-13: 978-0750616218 Norman Browse – Clinical methods, Editor- Norman L. Browse, John Black, Kevin G. Burnand and William E. G. Thomas, 4th, A Hodder Arnold Publication, ISBN13: 9780340815717, ISBN10: 034081571X Saha ML – Bedside clinics in surgery 2011, Author – Dr. Makhan Lal Saha, 1st, ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS, E-mail:, Website:, 81-87504-38-2 R. M. Kirk – General Surgical Operations, By R. M. Kirk, MS, FRCS, 5th, Elsevier: Churchill-Livingstone, ISBN 9780443101212 Sabiston – Text book of Surgery, Editors - Courtney M. Townsend, Jr., R. Daniel Beauchamp, B. Mark Evers, Kenneth L. Mattox, Elsevier, e–mail:, 978-1-4377-1560-6 : Charles Rob, Rodney Rob & Smith - atlas of General Surgery, Authors Smith, Publisher: Butterworth, 1981, 2nd, Publisher: Hodder Arnold; 2nd Revised edition(4 Sep 1998), , ISBN-10: 0407003770 , ISBN-13: 978-0407003774 Clinical Surgery; S Das; ISBN: 978-81 -905681-0-4 S.Das – A Concise Textbook of Surgery, 7th Published by Dr. S. Das, Email:, ISBN: 978-81-905681-2-8 Himanshu Roy – Short Text Book of Surgery, 1st, JAYPEE BROTHERS MEDICAL PUBLISHERS (P) LTD., e-mail:,, ISBN: 978-81-8448-993-5 SRB’s Clinical Methods in Surgery, JAYPEE BROTHERS MEDICAL PUBLISHERS (P) LTD., e-mail:,, ISBN: 9788184489255 Sunil Chumber – Essentials of surgery, 1st, JAYPEE BROTHERS MEDICAL PUBLISHERS (P) LTD., e-mail:,, 8180613453 Principles and Practice of Chemotherapy; Baig, 1st ed, 2012, 978-93-80704-79-1 Surgical Oncology: Fundamentals, Evidence based Approaches and New Technology; Bartlett; 1st Ed, 2011, 978-93-5025-051-08 Smith's General Urology - Tanagho; 18th Ed, 2012, 978-00-7014-714-0 Tips and Tricks in Trauma Management; Shah, 1st Ed, 2011; 978-93-5025-032-7 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 The SAGES Manual of Strategic Decision Making; Case Studies in Minimal Access Surgery; Scott Conner, 2009; 978-81-8489-224-6 Comprehensive Textbook of Surgery - Vyas, 1st Ed, 2012, 978-93-5025-052-5 Clinical Atlas of Burn Management - Sarabahi, 1st Ed, 2011, 978-93-5025-276-5 Principles and Practice of Wound Care - Sarabahi, 1st Ed, 2012, 978-93-5025-864-4 Fundamentals of Surgical Pathology - Shariff; 1st Ed, 2010, 978-93-80704-20-3 Clinical Signs and Symptoms in Surgery - Prabhu 1st Ed, 2011, 978-93- 5025-089-1 Long Cases in General Surgery - Rajamahendran; 1st Ed; 2008; 978-81-8448-178-5 Differential Diagnosis in Surgical Diseases - Rao; 1st Ed, 2010; 978-81-8448-902-6 Atlas of General Surgery - David Carter, Russel, Pitt,(Hodder Arnold) 4th Ed; 2011; 97893-5025-064-8 Atlas of General Surgery - Jain; 4th Ed; 2011; 978-93-5025-064-8 Practical Surgery: Long Clinical Cases Diagnosis and Viva Voce - Goel; 2nd Ed; 2010;978-81-8448-920-0 Interesting X-rays in General Surgery - Gupta; 1st Ed; 2010; 7 PAEDIATRICS Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics; Kliegman, Stanton,St Geme,Behrman; 19th; Saunders, Elsevier; 9781437707557 Manual of Neonatal care; John P. Cloherty; 7th; Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins; 978-160831-777-6 Forfar&Arneil’s Textbook of Pediatrics; Neil McIntosh; Peter Helms;Rosalind Smyth; Stuart Logan; 7th; Churchill- Livingstone; 978-0-443-10397-1 Avery’s Diseases of The Newborn; H. William Taeusch; Roberta A. Ballard; Christine A. Gleason; 9th; Saunders, Elsevier; 9781437701340 Diseases of Liver & Biliary System in Children; Kelly; 3rd; Wiley-Blackwell; 9781405163347 Pediatric Cardiology for practitioners; Myung K. Park; 5th; Mosby, Elsevier; 978-0-72160138-0 Srivastava, Bagga Pediatric Nephrology; 5th; Jaypee; 9789350252437 8 Haemoglibinopathies; Sachdev; 1st; Jaypee; 818061669X 9 IAP Textbook of Pediatrics;H Paramesh; 4th/5th; Jaypee; 9788184485806 10 11 12 13 14 Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology;Inamdar; Latest; Jaypee; 9788184485851 Oski’s Pediatrics;Principle & Practice; 4th; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 9780781716185 Care of the Newborn;Meherban Singh; Latest; Sagar; 81-7082-053-7 Medical Emergencies in Children; Meherban Singh; Latest; Sagar; 81-7082-070-7 Ghai Essential Pediatrics; 7th; CBS; 978-81-239-1777-1 15 Essentials of Tuberculosis in Children;Vimlesh Seth; 3rd; Jaypee; 81-8061-709-2 16 Practical Paediatric Neurology; VeenaKalra; 2nd; Arya; 978-81-7855-411-2 17 Nutrition & Child Development; K. Elizabeth; 3rd; Paras; 978-81-8191-058-5 1 2 3 4 5 6 18 20 IAP GuideBook on Immunization; IAP Committee on Immunization;2009-2011; IAP Committee on Immunization; 2009-2011; IAP; Nil The Harriet Lane Handbook; Jason W. Custer;Rachel E. Rau; 19th; Elsevier; 9780323079426 Growth And Development; Dilip Mukherjee; MKC Nair; 1st; Jaypee; 978-81-8448-294-2 21 Approach to Practical Pediatrics; Manish Narang; 3rd; Jaypee; 81-8061-495-6 22 25 The Short Textbook ofPediatrics; SurajGupte; 11th; Peepee Publishers and Distributors (P) Limited; 9788184484694 Textbook Of Pediatric Nutrition; SurajGupte; Latest; Peepee Publishers and Distributors (P) Limited; 9788188867745 The Development of The Infant and Young Child; Normal and Abnormal; Ronald S. Illingworth; 9th; Elsevier; 81-8147-261-6 Guha’s Neonatology; Principles & Practice; 3rd; Jaypee; 81-8061-448-4 26 Pediatric Clinical Methods; Meherban Singh; 4th; Sagar; 9788170820604 27 Macleod’s Clinical Examination; 12th; Churchill Livingstone; 0-443-06186-6 28 29 30 Hutchison’s Paediatrics; Goel Krishna M , Gupta Devendra K; 1st; Jaypee; 9788184485868 Crofton and Douglas's Respiratory Diseases (2000); 5th; Wiley-Blackwell; 0865428573 Manson’s Tropical Diseases; 22nd; Elsevier; 978-1-4160-4470-3 31 32 Swaiman’s Pediatric Neurology; Principles & Practice; 5th; Saunder’s; 978-1437704358 Drug Dosages in Children; Meherban Singh; 8th; Sagar; 81-7082-044-8 19 23 24 4 ORTHEPAEDICS Rockwood And Wilkins Fractures in Adults and Children (3vols) 7th Beaty 978-16-0913016-9 HoppenfeldOrthopaedic Neurology: A Diagnostic Guide to Neurologic Levels (Ex) 1st Hoppenfeld 978-07-8173-425-7 Koval Atlas of Orthopaedic (Ex) 1st koval 978-07-8170-X01-6 Surgery *(multimedia) ReferenceSurgery *(multimedia) Reference Mast Planning and Reduction Technique , Fracture Surgery 2nd Mast 978-35-4078-120-2 5 6 Cambells Operative Orthopaedics 11th Elsiever 9780323033299 JPBMckee Orthotics in Rehabilitation 1st JPB 1000000389 7 Paley Principles of Deformity Correction 5th JBP 978-81-8489-063-1 8 9 Schatzker The Rationale of Operative Fracture Care 3rd Springle 978-81-8128-391-7 Scuderi Minimally Invasive Surgery in Orthopedics 1st Springle 978-03-8776-607-2 10 11 Skinner Lange Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Orthopedics 4th Lange 978-00-7110451-7 Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures 7th Solomon 978-03-4094-205-5 12 Strobel Manual of Arthroscopic Surgery 4th JBP 978-81-8489-082-2 13 Turek’sOrthopaedics (2 Vols) 4th 978-81-8473-339-6 1 2 3 14 15 19 Whiteside Revision Total Knee ArthroplastyAaos 1st Springle 978-08-9203-307-2 Mast Planning and Reduction Technique in Fracture Surgery 1st Springle 978-35-4078120-2 Levitt Treatment of Cerebral Palsy and Motor Delay 4th Springle 978-14-0513-310-4 Kingston Understanding Joints: A Practical Guide to their Structure & Function 1st JBP 978-07-4875-399-4their Structure & Function 1st JBP 978-07-4875-399-4 Golyakhovsky Operative Manual of Ilizarov Techniques: Principles and Techniques 4th JBP 1000000223 Colton Atlas of Orthopaedic Surgical Approaches 1st Springle 978-17-5061-338-2 20 Charnley The Closed Treatment of Common Fractures 4th JBP 978-18-4110-168-2 21 Briggs Operative Orthopaedics the Stanmore Guide 1st JBP 978-03-4098-500-7 22 24 Tuli Tuberculosis of the Skeletal System, (Bones, Joints, Spine and Bursal Sheaths) 4th JBP 978-81-8448-836-4 Sarmiento, Latta The Nonsurgical Treatment of Fractures in Contemporary Orthopaedics1st JBP 978-81-8448-907-1 Pandey Clinical Orthopaedic Diagnosis 3rd JBP 978-81-8448-418-2 25 Mazumdar Essential of PaediatricOrthopaedics 1st JBP 978-81-8448-033-7 26 Pandey The Clubfoot Revisited 1st JBP 978-81-8448-435-9 27 28 Kulkarni Textbook of Orthopaedics and Trauma (4 Vols) 2nd JBP 978-81-8448-242-3 Gopalan Handbook of Orthopaedics 1st JBP 978-81-8061-764-5 29 Ebnezar Textbook of Orthopedics 4th JBP978-81-8448-744-2 30 Joshi Step by Step Management of Clubfoot by JESS 1st JBP 978-81-8448-887-6 31 32 ESSENTIAL ORTHOPAEDICS, BY: J MAHESWARI, 978-81-8465-542-1 ORTHOPEDICS READY RECKONER; BY: RM SHENOY, DEEPAK PINTO, VIVEK MAHAJAN; 978-81-8448-881-4 33 34 ORTHOPAEDICS TITBITS; BY: DD TANNA; 81-8061-969-9 PRACTICAL ORTHOPEDICS; BY: SUBHASH KAKKAD; 978-93-80704-85-2 Gynaecology 100 clinical cases in gynecology; S.N.DAFTARY, 1st ed. 9788131216484, Elsevier, new delhi Ten teachers – gynecology, 18ED. Book power, chennai Gynecology- prep. Manual for ug; V .G PADUBIDRI & ELA ANAND.1 Ed. 8181475623, Elsevier, new delhi Jeffcoate’sPrinciples of gynecology; PRATAP KUMAR & NARENDRA MALHOTRA. 7Ed. 9788184482881 J.P brothers, new delhi Practical guide to the care of the gynaecologic & obstetric patient; G.T.DANAKAS. 2Ed.Elsevier, new delhi Practical gynecology & obstetrics ; V.G PADUBIDRI, 1 Ed. 9788172252373, B.I PUB, new delhi 16 17 18 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Gynecology- self assessment review; S. ARORA, 3 Ed. 9789350250877 Arora pub ltd Shaw’s text book of gynecology; V.G PADUBIDRI &S.N DAFTARY, 15 Ed. 9788131225486. Elsevier, GURGAON Text book of gynecology ; K.A RAO, 1 Ed. 9788131215265 ,Elsevier, NOIDA Text book of gynecology; D.C DUTTA, 5 Ed. 8173810419 .New central book agency, kolkata OBSTETRICS. Text book of obstetrics and gynecology; DEWHURST, 8 Ed. 100 clinical cases in obstetrics; S.N.DAFTARY, 1 Ed. Elsevier, new delhi Clinical case record for midwives; MOLLY BABU & SHOBHA GUSAIN. 1Ed., Kumar pub house, delhi Text book of obstetrics; D.C DUTTA .7Ed. New central book agency, Kolkata .9788173811425 Fetal & neonatal secrets; R.A. POLIN& A.R. SPITZER, 2 Ed. Elsevier, noida Hacker & moore’s Essentials of obstetrics & gynecology; N.F.HACKER, 5 Ed. Elsevier, new delhi, 9788131224052 Practical guide to high risk pregnancy & delivery- a south asian perspective.; F. ARIAS.3Ed. Elsevier, new delhi High risk pregnancy management options; D.K JAMES. Elsevier, new delhi, 4 Ed. 9788181479259 Ian donald’s Practical obstetric problems ; RENU MISHRA. 6Ed. B.I PUB, new delhi.9788172252380 Manual of high risk pregnancy delivery- ; E.S.GILBERT. 5Ed.Elsevier Manual of obstetrics; S.N DAFTARY & S CHAKRAVARTI. Elsevier 3Ed., 9788181478436 Multiple choice questions in obstetrics; V.G PADUBIDRI . 1Ed. Elsevier, new delhi, 9788131200759 Ten teachers – obstetrics1 8Ed, Book Power , Chennai Obstetrics for undergraduates- the five fingers; S.K. CHATTOPADHYAY& M NARAYANSWAMY, B.I.Pub, New Delhi, 8172252285 prep. Manual for ug obstetrics; S.N DAFTARY & N.S JANI 1 Ed. Elsevier, NOIDA. 9788181478573 OBSTETRICS - self assessment review; S. ARORA 4. Ed. Arora pub ltd, new delhi 9789350250860 Ultrasonography in obstetrics and gynecology; P.W CALLEN. 5d., Elsevier, NOIDA, 9788131212837 Williams obstetrics; F.G CUNNINGHAM. 23d., Mcgraw- hill med’ newyork, 9780071497095 Smart study series, Obstetrics & gynecology; P.S BHOJANI-.1 Ed. Elsevier, gurgaon, 9788131222270 8 ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY Contemporary perspectives on assisted reproductive technology; G.N ALHABADIA & R . MERCHANT. 1 Ed., Elsevier, newdelhi, 9788181477828 Practice of fertility control – a comprehensive manual; S.K CHAUDHURY, 7 Ed. Elsevier, newdelhi Reproductive medicine secrets; P.T.K CHAN, M GOLDSTEIN, & Z ROSENNWAKS . 1Ed., Elsevier, newdelhi, 9788131203644 Ophthalmology Anatomy of the Eye and Its Adnexa : H. V. Nema, V.P. Singh, :817179694X, Jaypee Brothers Adler’s Physiology of the Eye- Clinical application: P.L.Kauman & Albert Alm.10th ed. 2009.,Elsevier, NOIDA Ocular Therapeutics Handbook: A Clinical Manual: Onofrey B E Skorin L 3rd.ed, 978160547952 Manual of Ocular Pathology : Biswas Jyotirmay, Krishnakumar S, Ahuja Shweta, 1st.ed, Jaypee Brothers Ocular Pathology: Yanoff M Sassani J W 6th.ed, : 9780323042321 Clinical Ophthalmic Pathology: Harry & Mission Theory & practice of optics & refraction: A.K.Khurana, 2nd.ed Elsevier, - 978 81 312 1132 8 Duke-Elder’s Practice of Refraction 10th.ed, Elsevier 9 Signs in Ophthalmology: Kanski J J 1st. ed : 9780723435488 10 Clinical examination in Ophthalmology : P.K. Mukherjee, Elsevier,1st.ed 11 Clinical Ophthalmology: A Systematic Approach, : KanskiJJ, Bowling B ,7th.ed, 9780702040931 Atlas of clinical Ophthalmology : Spalton, Hunter, Hitchings Parson’s Diseases of the Eye. Edited by- R.Sihota & R.Tandon. 21st.ed Elsevier Text book of Ophthalmology-H.V.Nema & Nitin Nema. , 5th.ed, J.P.BrothersMed.Pub.Pvt.Ltd. New Delhi, Albert & Jakobiec's Principles & Practice of Ophthalmology : Albert D M : 9781416000167 Elsevier Comprehensive Ophthalmology : A. K. Khurana, 4th.ed, Anshan Publishers, ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1905740786 ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781905740789 Ophthalmology: Yanof & Duker, 3rd.ed, MOSBY, Elsevier Moorfields Manual of Ophthalmology : Jackson T L, 1st.ed, : 9781416025726 Oxford Textbook of Ophthalmology : Easty & Sparson Essential Ophthalmic surgery : Alexander J.E.Foss , Butterworth-Heinemann, ISBN-10: 0750641975 ISBN-13: 978-0750641975 Ophthalmic surgery- Principles & Practice: Spaeth Ocular trauma : Singleton 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ocular Trauma-James Banta SAUNDERS ISBN 10: 1-4160-2559-6ISBN 13: 978-14160-2559-7 Otorhinolaryngology Disease of the Nose, Throat and Ear, Logan Turner, 10th, 8180619478 Diseases of the Ear, Harold Ludman, 6th, 8180619338 Diseases of Ear Nose and Throat, P L Dhingra, 5th, 8131223642 Scott-Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Scott-Brown, 7th, 9780340808931 Shambaugh Surgery of the Ear, Glasscock-Shambaugh, 6th, 9781607950264 Anatomical Principles of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, Renuka Bradoo, 1st, 8180613461 Dermatology Lever's Histopathology of the Skin; Walter Frederick Lever, David E. Elder; 10th edition; ISBN: 0781773636, 9780781773638 Manual of Dermatologic Therapeutics; Kenneth A. Arndt and Jeffrey T.S. Hsu; 7th Edition; ISBN: 9788189836542 Rook's Textbook of Dermatology; Tony Burns, Stephen Breathnach, Neil Cox, Christopher Griffiths; 8th edition- 2010, 4 vol, ISBN: 978405161695 Fitzpatrick's Dermatology in General Medicine, vol 1; Thomas Bernard Fitzpatrick, Irwin M. Freedberg,; 7th edition, 2008; ISBN: 0071380663, 9780071380669 Andrew's Diseases of the Skin E-book: Clinical Dermatology By William D. James, Timothy Berger, Dirk Elston; 11th Edition, 2011; ISBN: 9781437703146; international ISBN: 9780808924177 Paediatric Dermatology; Lawrence A. Schachner, Ronald C. Hansen; 4th edition, 2011 Anaesthesiology Miller’s Anaesthesia; Ronald D. Miller, Lars I. Eriksson, Lee A. Fleisher, Jeanine P. Wiener-Kronish, and William L. Young,; Ronald D. Miller; Elsevier; 13:9780443069598, 7th ed Clinical Anesthesia (Clinical Anesthesia (Barash) ; Paul G. Barash , Bruce F. Cullen , Robert K. Stoelting , Michael Cahalan , M. Christine Stock; Paul G. Barash; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 13: 978-0781787635; 6th Ed Stoelting's Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease: 6Ed ; Roberta L. Hines, Katherine Marschall ; Elsevier; 13: 978-1416039983; 6th ed Clinical Anesthesiology; G. Morgan, Maged Mikhail, Michael Murray; McGraw-Hill Medical; 13: 978-0071423588; 4th ed Pharmacology and Physiology in Anesthetic Practice;; Robert K. Stoelting (Author), Simon C. Hillier; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 13: 978-0781754699; 4 th Ed Drugs & Equipment In Anaesthetic Practice by Arun Kumar Paul ; Elsevier Health Sciences; 13:978-8181475428 Lee's Synopsis of Anaesthesia ; Nicholas J. H. Davies , Jeremy N. Cashman; Nicholas J. H. Davies , Jeremy N. Cashman; Elsevier Health Sciences; 13: 978-0750688345, 13Ed Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Management: Current Perspectives ; Rashmi Madan (Author), G. P. Dureja , H. L. Kaul; G. P. Dureja , H. L. Kaul; B.I. Churchill Livingstone Pvt. Ltd; 13: 978-8170421566 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Smith's Anesthesia for Infants and Children, 7 Ed ; Peter J. Davis (Author), Franklyn P. Cladis (Author), Etsuro K. Motoyama (Author); Peter J. Davis , Franklyn P. Cladis, Etsuro K. Motoyama ; Elsevier Mosby; 13: 978-0323066129; 8th ed Chestnut's Obstetric Anesthesia: Principles and Practice ; David H. Chestnut , Linda S Polley , Lawrence C Tsen , Cynthia A Wong; Elsevier Mosby; 13: 978-0323055413; 4th ed Thoracic Anesthesia, 3 Ed; Joel A. Kaplan , Peter D. Slinger ; Churchill Livingstone; 13: 978-0443066191; 3rd ed Handbook of Obstetric Anesthesia ; Mark C. Norris; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 13: 978-0781718592; 2nd ed Anesthesiologist's Manual of Surgical Procedures ; Richard A. Jaffe; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 13: 978-0781766708; 4th ed Textbook of Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management; Admir Hadzic; McGrawHill Professional; 13: 978-0071449069; 1st ed Understanding Anesthesia Equipment ; Jerry A. Dorsch, Susan E. Dorsch ; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 13: 978-0781776035; 5th ed Ward's Anaesthetic Equipment, 5 Ed; Andrew J Davey (Author), Ali Diba ; Saunders; 13: 978-1416025580; 5th ed Basic Physics & Measurement in Anaesthesia; Paul D. Davis; Elsevier Health Sciences; 13: 978-0750648288; 5th ed Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials [Paperback] ; John B. West ; Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 13: 978-1609136406; 9th ed The Little ICU Book ; Paul L. Marino; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 13: 9780781778237; 1st ed Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia ; Keith Allman, Iain Wilson ; Oxford University Press; 13: 978-0192632739; 3rd ed Yao and Artusio's Anesthesiology: Problem-Oriented Patient Management ; Fun-Sun Yao , Manuel L. Fontes , Vinod Malhotra; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 13: 9780781765107; 7th ed Textbook of Anaesthesia ; Alan R. Aitkenhead , Graham Smith , David J. Rowbotham ; Churchill Livingstone; 13: 978-0443100789; 5th ed A Practical Approach to Regional Anesthesia ; Michael F. Mulroy), Christopher M. Bernards , Susan B. McDonald , Francis V. Salinas; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 13: 978-0781768542; 4th ed Radiodiagnosis (all latest editions) 1 2 3 4 Musculoskeletal and Breast Imaging, Manorama Berry Hepatobiliary Imaging, Manorama Berry Chest Imaging, Manorama Berry Spiral CT Protocol - A Practical Approach, Manorama Berry 5 6 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 CT Scan of Brain, Lee and Rao Textbook of Colour Doppler and Imaging, Bhargava RADIOTHERAPY Cancer, De Vita,Hellman& Rosenberg, Wolters Klibwer,Health/ Lippincott,Williams,Wilkins, 9th PSYCHIATRY Kapan& Sadock’s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry(2 vol), 9th, Benjamin Sadock, Virginia Sadock, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 0-683-30128-4 Synopsis of Psychiatry Behavioral Sciences Clinical Psychiatry . Kaplan & Sadock 0683-04529-6. 6th Kaplan & Sadock Concise Textbook of Psychiaty Kaplan & Sadock 0-443-05198-4J.P. Indian Edition Clinical Psychiatry for Medical Students, 2nd, Alan Stoudemire, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 0-397-51338-0 Companion to Psychiatric Studies, 5th, Churchill& Livingstone, 0-443-04668-9 New Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry, M.G.Gelder, Juan J. Lopez , Nancy C. Andreasen, Oxford University Press, VolI 0-19-852818-3, Vol II 0-19852819-1 Short Textbook Of Psychiatry, J.M.Byas, New Central Book Agency Pvt. Ltd, 81-73815364. Short Textbook Of Psychiatry, Bhatia Problem Based Psychiatry, Ben Green, Churchill Livingstone, 0-443-05198-4 Rutter's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Sir Michael Rutter, Dorothy Bishop, Daniel Pine ,Steven Scott , Jim S. Stevenson , Eric A. Taylor ,Anita Thapar, 5th, WileyBlackwell, 2010978-1405145930 Kaplan and Sadock's Concise Textbook of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Benjamin James Sadock , Virginia Alcott Sadock, 1st, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008, 9780781793872 Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: Neuroscientific basis and Practical Application, Stephen M Stahl, 3rd, Cambridge, 2008, 978-0-521-74578-9 New Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry (2 Volume Set), Michael G. Gelder, Juan J. LópezIbor , Nancy Andreasen, 1st, Oxford University Press, USA, 2003, 978-0198528104 Sims' Symptoms in the Mind: An Introduction to Descriptive Psychopathology , Femi Oyebode, 4th, Saunders, 2008, 978-0702028854 Lishman's Organic Psychiatry: A Textbook of Neuropsychiatry, Anthony David, Simon Fleminger, Michael Kopelman, Simon Lovestone , John Mellers, 4th, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, 978-0470675076 Neuropsychological Assessment, Muriel Deutsch Lezak , Diane B. Howieson, Erin D. Bigler, Daniel Trane, 5th, Oxford University Press, USA, 2012, 978-0195395525 Dementia, David Ames , Alistair Burns, John O'Brein, 4th, CRC Press, 2010, 9780340987278 Principles of Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology, M. Marsel Mesulam, 2nd, Oxford University Press, 2000, 978-0195134759 1 PATHOLOGY Robbins and Cotran's Pathologic Basis of Disease; Kumar; 8th; 2011, Elsevier Health; ISBN 978-1-4160-3121-5 2 3 4 Practical Pathology; P Chakraborty; CBS; ISBN 81-7381-332-9 An Essential Guide to Pathology; M. K. Chowdhury; CBS Basic Pathology; Robbins; 9th; 2008; Elsevier Health;ISBN 978-1-9160-2973-1 5 Textbook of Pathology; Harsh Mohan; 6th; 2010; Elsevier Health; ISBN 978-81-8448702-2 Dacie and Lewis Practical Haematology; Lewis; 11th; 2011; Churchill Livingstone; ISBN 13:978-81-312-0367-0 Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques; Bancroft; 6th; 2011; Churchill Livingstone; ISBN 10:81-312-0367-0 Ackerman's Surgical Pathology (2 vol); Rosai; 10th; 2011; Mosby; ISBN 978-0-32301342-0 Pathology Illustrated; Govan, McFarlane, Reid; 6th; 2005; ISBN 0443056358 6 7 8 9 11 Sternberg's Diagnostic Surgical Pathology (2 vol); Mills; 5th; 2010; Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Principle and Practice of Surgical Pathology and Cytopathology; Silverberg; 4th; 2008 12 Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology; Orell; 5th; 2011; Churchill Livingstone 13 14 Wintrobe's Clinical Haematology (2 vol); Greer; 12th; 2009; Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; ISBN 13:978-0-7814-6507-7 Diagnostic Cytology and Its Histopathologic Basis (2 vol); Koss; 5th; 2006 15 Diagnostic Cytopathology; Gray & Kocjan; 3rd; 2010; Churchill Livingstone 16 17 19 Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumours (2 vol); Fletcher; 3rd; 2007; Churchill Livingstone Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry: Theranostic and genomic Application; Dabbs DJ; 3rd; 2010; Saunders Colour Atlas of Clinical Haematology; Hoffbrand; 4th; 2010; Mosby; ISBN 1-563-755920 Blood cells: A Practical Guide; Barbara Bain; 4th; 2006, Wiley-blackwell 20 Comprehensive Cytopathology; Bibbo; 3rd; 2008 21 Clinical Haematology; De Gruchy; 5th; 1989; ISBN 0195625676 22 Williams's Haematology; Kenneth kaushansky; 8th; 2010; McGraw Hill 23 Companion to Haematology; Williams; 8th; 2011 24 Biopsy interpretation of Liver; Geller; 2nd; 2009 25 Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine; Hillyer; 2nd; 2007; ISBN 0-443-06542-2 26 Bladder Biopsy Interpretation; Reuter; 2nd; 2010 27 28 Immunology; Roitt; ISBN 13-978-1-4051-6066-7 Forensic Pathology; Knight; 3rd; 2004 29 Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology; Kocjan; 2006 10 18 30 General pathology; Walter & Israel; 7th; 1996; ISBN 0443042969 31 32 33 Essentials of Haematology; Kawthalkar; Jaypee Atlas and Text of Haematology; Tejinder Singh; Histopathology of Skin; Lever; 10th; 2009; ISBN 13:978-81-8473-098 34 35 Robbins and Kotran Atlas of Pathology; Klatt; 2nd; 2010; ISBN 13:978-0-7817-7363-8 Robbins and Kotran Review of Pathology; Klatt; 3rd; 2010 36 Essentials of Rubin's Pathology; Rubin; 5th; 2009; ISBN 0-7216-5032-5 37 38 Thyroid Cytopathology: Atlas & Text; Kini; 2008 Pathology and Genetics of Tumours of Head & Neck (IARC WHO Classification of tumours); Barnes, 3rd; IARC Press Pathology and Genetics of Skin Tumours (IARC WHO Classification of tumours); Leboit; 3rd; IARC Press Pathology and Genetics of Tumours of Endocrine Organs (IARC WHO Classification of tumours); Delellis; 3rd; IARC Press Pathology and Genetics of Tumours of Haematopoietic and lymphoid Tissue (IARC WHO Classification of tumours); Jaffe; 4th; IARC Press Pathology and Genetics of Tumours of Soft Tissue and Bone (IARC WHO Classification of tumours); Fletcher; 3rd; IARC Press Pathology and Genetics of Tumours of Breast & Female Genital Organ (IARC WHO Classification of tumours); Tavassali; 3rd; IARC Press Pathology and Genetics of Tumours of Digestive Systems (IARC WHO Classification of tumours); Hamilton; 4th; IARC Press Pathology and Genetics of Tumours of Lung, Pleura, Thymus & Heart (IARC WHO Classification of tumours); Travis; 3rd; IARC Press Pathology and Genetics of Tumours of Urinary System & Male Genital organs (IARC WHO Classification of tumours); Eble; 3rd; IARC Press Pathology and Genetics of Tumours of Central Nervous System (IARC WHO Classification of tumours); 4th; IARC Press Enzinger & Weiss' Soft Tissue Tumours; Weiss, Goldblum; 4th; 2001; Mosby 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Medical Laboratory Technology (3 vols); Kanailal Mukherjee; McGraw Hill Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods; McPherson & Pincus; 22nd; 2011; Saunders 51 52 53 Medical Laboratory Technology; Sood Medical Laboratory Technology; Cheesbrough; 1991 Gastrointestinal Pathology; Morson & Dawson; 4th; 2003 54 Endometrial biopsy; Kurman; 2nd; 2005 55 Blaustein's Pathology of Female Reproductive Tract; Kurman; 6th; 2011 56 Haines & Taylor's Obstetric and Gynaecologic Pathology; Fox; 5th; 2003 57 Lymph node Pathology; Ioachim; 4th; 2009 58 Leukemia diagnosis; Barbara Bain; 4th; 2010 59 Bone marrow Pathology; Barbara Bain; 4th; 2010; Wiley-blackwell 60 The Bethesda System for Reporting Cervical Cytology; Diane Solomon; 2nd; 2004; Springer Verlag 61 62 63 64 65 Pathology and Law; Gregory G Davis; Springer Verlag Handbook of Renal Biopsy Pathology; AJ Howie Recent advances in Histopathology 22; Underwood, Pignatelli; RSM Endocrine Pathology; Thompson; 2006 Principles of Infectious Diseases; Mendel; 7th; Churchill Livingstone 66 Atlas of Haematology; Anderson; 1st; 2003 67 68 Robbins and Cotran’s Pathology companion work book; Klatt; 2011; Elsevier Breast Pathology Needle Core Biopsy, Rosen, 3rd, 2010, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Essential Haematology, Hoffbrand, 5th, 2006 Head & Neck Pathology, Thompson, 1st, 2011 Atlas of Lever's Histopathology of Skin, Lever, 2nd, 2007 Postgraduate Haematology, Hoffbrand, 5th, 2008 AJCC Cancer staging Handbook/Manual, 7th, 2010 Surgical Pathology of GI tract, liver, Biliary tract and Pancreas, Goldblum, 2nd, 2009 Handbook of Autopsy Practice, Ludwig, 4th, 2009 Principles of Transfusion Medicine, Rossi, 4th, 2009 Transfusion Manual, WHO Tumour Diagnosis: Practical Approach and Pattern Analysis, Awatif I, 2005 Washington Manual of Surgical Pathology, Humphrey, 2nd, 2012, Saunders The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytology: Definition, Criteria & Explanatory Notes, SZ Ali, 2010, Elsevier Health Surgical Pathology dissection: An Illustrated guide, WH Westra, 2nd, 2003 McSween's Liver Pathology, McSween, 6th, 2012, Elsevier Genetics, Emery Molecular Pathology in Clinical Practice: Oncology, D G Leonard, MacGraw Hill Pathology of Pediatric Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, Pierre Russo, Springer Verlag The Practice of Surgical Pathology: A beginner's Guide to the Diagnostic Process, DW Molavi, Springer Verlag Rosen's Breast Pathology, Rosen, Springer Atlas of Liver Pathology, Kanel, Korula, Lipincott williams and wilkins Autopsy Pathology: A Manual & Atlas, Finkbeiner, Churchill Livingstone Wintrobe's Atlas of Clinical Haematology, Tkachuk, saunders Cytology: Diagnostic Principles and Clinical Correlates, Cibas, 3rd, 2009, Jaypee Colour Atlas of Haematology, Theml, 2nd, 2004, Elsevier 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 MICROBIOLOGY Ananthanarayan & Panikar, Textbook of Microbiology, Universities Press, Orient Blackswan, 8th ed, ISBN: 978-81-7371-674-4 D R Arora, Textbook of Microbiology, CBS publishers, 3rd ed, ISBN 13:9788123915494 S C Parija, Textbook of Microbiology & immunology, Elsevier, 1st ed, 1st ed, 9788131221631 P Chakraborty, A textbook of Microbiology, 2nd ed, ISBN 13: 9788173810817 Brooks, Carroll, Medical Microbiology, Lange, 25th ed, ISBN-13: 9780071742719 Greenwood, Slack, Medical Microbiology, Churchill Livingstone, 17thed, ISBN-13: 9780443102103 Murray, Rosenthal, Medical Microbiology, Mosby- Elsevier, 6th ed, ISBN-13: 9780323054706 Murray, Manual of Clinical Microbiology, ASM Press, 9th ed, ISBN-13: 9781555814670 Harvey, Lippincott’s Illustrated review Microbiology, Lippincott, 2nd ed, ISBN-13: 9781608317332 K D Chatterjee Parasitology CBS publishers, 13th ed, ISBN-13: 9788123918105 D R Arora, Medical Parasitology, CBS publishers, 3rd ed, ISBN-13: 9788123918501 S C Parija, Textbook of Medical Parasitology, All India Publishers & Distributors, ISBN13: 9788185502076 Ichhpujani, Bhatia Medical Parasitology Jaypee, 3rd ed, ISBN-13: 9788171799022 Osborne, Kuby’s Immunology, W H Freeman, 6th ed, ISBN-13: 9780716767640 Male, Brosstoff, Roitt’s Immunology, Mosby, 7th ed, ISBN-13: 978-0323033992 Abbas Basic immunology, Elsevier, 3rd ed, ISBN-13: 9788131226131 Collee, Fraser, Marmion, Mackie & Mckartney’s Practical Medical Microbiology, Elsevier, 14th ed, ISBN:9788131203934 Mandell, Mandell, Douglas, Bennett’s Principles and Practice of Infectious Disease(VOL I & II), Churchill- Livingstone, 7th ed, ISBN-13: 9780443068393 Garcia, Isenberg’s Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook(VOL I & II), ASM Press,, 3rd, ISBN-13: 9781555815271 Winn, Allen, Janda, Koneman’s Color Atlas & Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology, Lippincott Williums & Wilkins,, 6th ed, ISBN-13: 9780781730143 Forbes, Sham, Weissfeld, Bailey & Scott’s Diagnostic Microbiology, Mosby- Elsevier,, 12th ed, ISBN-13: 9780323047807 Nagoba , Microbiology & Parasitology Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates, Elsevier,, ISBN:9788131228067 S C Parija, Quick review series Microbiology, Elsevier, 1st ed, ISBN-13: 9788131219713 Randhawa, Practicals & Viva in Microbiology, Elsevier, 2nd ed, ISBN 9788131221969 Kettering, Fletcher, Pre Test Microbiology, McGraw-Hill, 13th ed, ISBN-13: 9780071313353 Warren Levinson, Review of Medical Microbiology & Immunology, Lange,, 11th ed, ISBN-13: 9780071742689 27 28 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Monica Cheesebrough, District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries, Cambridge, 2nd ed Derek, Ed. Wakelin, Topley & Wilsons Microbiology& Microbial infections, ASM Press, 10th ed, ISBN-13: 978-0340885680 David M. Knipe, Field’s Virology , Lippincott Williums & Wilkins5th ed, ISBN-13: 9780781760607 PHARMACOLOGY (Current edition of all books to be supplied) Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics; 12th Ed/2010; McGraw-Hill Medical; 9780071624428 Basic and Clinical Pharmacology by Bertram Katzung, Susan Masters and Anthony Trevor; 12th Ed /2011; McGraw-Hill Medical; 978-0-07-176401-8 Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology; 4th ed/2009; Lipincott Williums & Wilkins; 13:978-0-7817-7155-9; &-10-0-7817-7155-9 Rang & Dale's Pharmacology; 7th ed/2011; Elsevier Essentials of medical pharmacology – KD Tripathi; 7th if not published then; 6th; Jaypee Clinical Pharmacology by - By P. N. Bennett & Morris J. Brown; 10th/2008; Elsevier; 9780443102448 PRINCIPLES OF PHARMCOLOGY by H.L.SHARMA & KK Sharma; 2nd/2011 Paras med. Publisher; 9788181913562 Brody's Human Pharmacology-By Lynn Wecker, Lynn Crespo, George Dunaway, Carl Faingold and Stephanie Watts; 5th/2010; Elsevier; 978-0-323-05374-7 Katzung & Trevor's Pharmacology Examination and Board Review; 9th; M Gr .w- Hll Med; 0071701559 | 2010-06-22 Avery's Drug Treatment: Principles and Practice of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics; 2011 Fundamentals of experimental pharmacology; 2007;Scientific Book Agency; 9780864710369 Applied Pharmacology-Stan Bardal, Jason Waechter, BSc, and Doug Martin; 2011 Principles of Pharmacology: The Pathophysiologic Basis of Drug Therapy by David Golan, Armen H. Tashjian, Ehrin J. Armstrong and April Armstrong;3rd/ 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1608312704 Core Concepts in Pharmacology ) by Leland Norman Holland; 3rd/2010; Prentice Hall; : 013507759 Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology, 7e by Marilyn W. Edmunds;7th; Elsevier 9780323073981 Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Concepts and Applications by Malcolm Rowland and Thomas N. Tozer; 4th/2011; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 9780781750097 The Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy (Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy (Sanford)S72) by David N. Gilbert, Robert C. Moellering and George M; 2012 Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies: From Bench to Clinic by Zhiqiang An; 2009; John Wiley & Sons; 978-0-470-11791-0 19 Pharmacology And Pharmacotherapeutics- Satoskar; 21st; Popular Prokasan,301 Mahalaxmi chamber,22 Bhulabhai Desai Road,Mumbai-400026; 978-81-7991-527 20 Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference; 37th; Pharmaceutical Press; 13: 9780853699330 Pharmacology for 2nd Professional students by M.M. Das; Current Edition 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Antimicrobial chemotherapy by Greenwood; 2007; Oxford University Press; 9878-0-19857016-5 ETHICAL GUIDELINES FOR BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH ON HUMAN PARTICIPANTS; ICMR Pharmacovigilance by Mann & Andrews; 2007; John Wright & Sons Ltd; ISBN-10: 0470018038 | ISBN-13: 978-0470018033 Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine; 18th; Mc Graw Hill; 9780071748896 Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine; 21st/2010; Churchill Livingstone; 978-07020-3085-7 Robbins Basic Pathology by Abul K. Abbas, Vinay Kumar, Richard Mitchell and Nelson Fausto;8th; 13: 978-1416029731 Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology, 23rd Edition (LANGE Basic Science) by Kim E. Barrett, Susan M. Barman, Scott Boitano and Heddwen Brooks; 2012; 13: 9780071780032 Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry; 28th;Mc Graw Hill company; 978-0-07-162591-3 CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment; 51st/2012; Mc Graw Hill; 0-07-176372-1 Nelson’s text book of paediatrics; Current Ed(2011) William’s Obstetrics; Current Edtn Novak’s Gynaecology; Current Edtn. Basic Undergraduate Pharmacology; 1st edition (2010); Academic Publishers; 9788189781866 Clinical Pharmacology and rational Therapeutics; Current edition;Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. Fundamentals of Experimental Pharmacology; M N Ghosh; 3rd Ed, SK Ghosh & Others, 109, College Street, Kolkata - 12 Drugs for Heart; Lionel H. Opie; 7th Ed; Elsevier, ISBN-10: 1416061584, ISBN - 13: 978-1416061588 Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2013, Paperback, 52nd Ed; McGraw Hill Company; ISBN-10: 007178182X, ISBN-13: 978-0071781824 Essentials of medical pharmacology – KD Tripathi; 7th; Jaypee Fundamentals of experimental Pharmacology, M N Ghosh, 5th edi, 2011, Hilton and Company, kolkata, 81-902965-0-7 Pharmacological experiments on isolated preparations , E &S Livingstone, 2nd edi ,1971, Churchil Livingstone, 978-0443007309 Experiments on intact preparation, E &S Livingstone, 1970, Churchil Livingstone, 97804430073016 Clinical Pharmacokinetics Concepts and applications, Malcom Rowland,4th edi, 2011, Lippincott Williams & wilkins, 978-0-7817-5009-7 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pharmacoepidemiology., Brain L Strom, 5th edi, 2012, Wiley Blackwell Publishers, 9780470654750 Elsevier’s Integrated Pharmacology. Mark Keters, 2nd edi 2011 , Elsevier’s, 9780323074452 Conns Current Therapy.Edward T Bope, Rick D Kelleman. 1 Har/Psc,2012, , Elsevier’s Saunders, 978-1455707386 Modern Pharmacology with clinical application, Craig R Charlges, Stitzel E Robert, 6th edi,2004, Lippincott Williams & wilkins, 978-0781737623 Brody’s Human Pharmacology, LynnWecker,Lynn Crespo,5th edi, 2009, Mosby Elsevier, 978-0323053747 Drugs for the Heart, Lionel H Opie, Bernard J Gersh, 7th edi, 2008, Elsevier’s Saunders, 978-1416061588 Antibiotic Essential, Burke A. Cunha, 11th edi, 2012, Johnes & Bar tlett Learning, 97881449679514 Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Roger Finch, Peter Darey, Mark wilcox, William Irving , 6th edi,2012, Oxford, 978-0199697656 Prescribing in pregnancy, Peter C Rubin, Margaret Ramsay, 4th edi, 2008 , Blackwell Publishing, 978-1405147125 Neonatal & Paediatric pharmacology, therapeutic principles in Practice, S. J. Yaffe, J. V. Aranda, 4th edi, 2010, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 978-0781795388 Undergraduate Pharmacology, K.Mukhopadhyay, 1st edi, 2010, CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, 978-81-239-1909-6 Conceptual Pharmacology, Dr. P.Jagadish prasad , 1st edi 2010, Universities press, 9788173716799 Prep Manual for Undergraduate: Pharmacology, Tara V Shanbhag,2008, 1st edi, 1st edi, 978-81-312-1153-3 Basic Undergraduate Pharmacology, Dr Sudeb Mondal, 1st Ed Forensic Medicine Practical Aspect of Forensic Medicine; Dr. Gorea, Dogra ,Aggrawal; Jaypee; 978-818448-994-1; 1st Practical Forensic Medicine Dr.Nagesh kumar rao jaypee 81-8061-944-3 3rd Practical Manual of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Dr. C.p.bhaisora, s.k roy NCBA 81-7381-585-2 81-7381-585-2; 1st Fundamentals of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Dr R.Basu Books and Allied (P) Ltd 81-87134-69-0 2nd Principles of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Dr. A.Nandy NABA 81-7381-064-8 3rd Comprehensive Medical Toxicology Dr.V.V.Pillay Paras Publication 978-81-8191-226-8 1st Jaypee gold standard Mini Atlas of Forensic Medicine Dr.Ashesh Gunwantrao Wankhede jaypee 978-81-8448-208-9 1st 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Dr.J.B.Mukherjee, edited by Dr. R N Karmakar Jaypee 978-81-89781-40-8 3rd Review of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Dr.Gautam Biswas Jaypee 978-81-8448717-6 1st Forensic Medicine and Toxicology,Oral,Practical,Mcq Dr.R.N.Karmakar Academic Publication 978-81-89781-38-5 3rd Text book of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Dr.Krishna Vij Elsevier 978-81-3121129-8 4th Essentials of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Dr.K.S.Narayan Reddy k.suguna devi publication 20 Forensic Medicine and Toxicology G Aggarwal Elsevier 1st 9788131217122 Forensic Medicine Solved Question Papers Singi Yatiraj Jaypee 5th 9789380704586 Forensic Nursing V A Lynch J B Duval Elsevier Latest Forensic Pathology Practical Aspect of Criminal & Forensic Investigations Dominic D. Maio & Vincent J M Di Maio CRC Press Latest Forensic Investigation & Management of Mass Disasters M I Okoye & C H Wecht Lawyer & Judges Publishing Co. Inc Latest Forensic Photography Importance of Accuracy S L Weiss Prentice Hall Latest Forensic Dentistry D R Senn CRC Press 2nd Post Mortem Techniques Handbook M T Sheaff & D J Hopstei Springer 2nd Basic of DNA Evidence Issue Krishna VIJ Jaypee 1st Modi”s Medical Juripudence and toxicology modi Lexis Nexis Butterworths wadhawa Nagpur latest Procedure of Medicolegal Report Writing by Dr. R N Karmakar, Academic Publishers, Latest Edition Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, Vol 1 & 2; McGraw Hill Medical Publishing Division, July’2011 Ed. Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine; March’2010 Ed Bailey & Love’s Short Practice of Surgery; Hodder Arnold Publishers, 25th Ed Undergraduate Surgery; A K Nan, Academic Publishers, 6th Edition Robbin’s Basic Pathology; Elsevier Saunders, 9th Ed Textbook of Microbiology; Paniker, Orient Black Swan University Press, 8th Ed William’s Obstetrics; McGraw Hill Medical Publishing Division, 23rd Ed. Textbook of Gynaecology; Dr. D C Dutta, New Central Book Agency, Latest Ed Textbook of Obstetrics; Dr. D C Dutta, New Central Book Agency, Latest Ed Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology; Tata McGraw Hill Lange, 24th Ed Gray’s Anatomy; Arcpubb Publishers, 40th Ed Human Anatomy Vol 1 – 3 ; Dr. Samar Mitra Nelson’s Textbook of Paediatrics; Bherman Publishers, 19th Ed 37 38 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics; Goodman & Gillmann, McGraw Hill Medical Publishing Division, 12th Ed. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology; Katzung, Lange Publishers, Latest Ed. Community Medicine R. Ahuja- Social problems in India., 2nd, 2000, Rawat publication,, 978-8170331568 Eddleston, M— Oxford hand book of Tropical Medicine, 2nd, 2004, Oxford University Press,, 978-0198525097 R.Nath—Health & disease- role of Micronutrients & trace elements, 2000, S. B. Nangia & A. P. H. Pub.Corp ,, 81-7648-125-4 Davidson- Principle & practice of Medicine, 21st , 2010, Churchill Livingstone,, 978-0702030857 O.P.Ghai— Essential preventive medicine : Clinical and Applied Orientation, 1999-11, Vikas Publishing house,, 978-8125906339 Park—Text book of preventive & social medicine, 21st , 2011, Banarasi Das Bhanot,`, 978-8190607995 A.R.Jonsen- A Short history of Medical ethics, 2008, Oxford University Press,, 978-0195369847 U.Khopkar- Skin diseases & Sexually transmitted infections, 6th, Bhalani Publishers,, 978-8190843324 Bharadwaj, M—MCQs in PSM, Paras pub Vidya Ratan— Hand book of Preventive & Social Medicine, 9th , 2002, JP Brothers,, 978-8171793808 B.K.Mahajan—Text book of PSM, 3rd , 2005, JP Brothers,, 978-8180610707 J.H.Abrahamson- Research Methods in Community Medicine : Surveys, Epidemiological Research, Programme Evaluation, Clinical Trials, 6th , 2008, John Wiley & Sons,, 978-0470986615 Harrison’s Principle of Internal Medicine, 2 Vols., 18th , 2011, Mcgraw-hill Medical Publishing,, 978-0071748896 Sundar Lal—Text Book of Community Medicine: Preventive & Social Medicine, 3rd , 2011, CBS, delhi@cbspd.cob, 978-8123920320 Prabhakara- Policies & programmes of health in India, 1st, 2005, Jaypee,, 978-8180614200 Hiremath, D.A.- Essentials of Community Medicine- a practical approach, 1st , 2006, Jaypee,, 978-8180613449 K.P.Neeraja- TB of Sociology for Physiotherapy students, 1st , 2008, Jaypee,, 978-8180614644 B.K.Mahajan-Methods in Statistics for med. Students & res.workers, 7th , 2010, Jaypee,, 978-8184487138 D.K.Taneja- Health policies & programmes in India, 9th , 2011, Doctors Pub., 81-85975- 08-6 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 G.N.Pravakar- Short TB of Preventive & Social Medicine, 2nd, 2010, Jaypee,, 978-9380704104 Lewellyn-Danee, R— Hospital planning & administration, 1st, 1995, Jaypee,, JPB1000000160 Denis Anthony– Understanding Advanced Statistics: A Guide for Nurses and Health Care Researchers, 1998, Churchill Livingstone,, 978-0443059339 Nancy J. Peckenpaugh- Nutrition essentials & diet therapy, 11th , 2009, W.B.Saunders,, 978-1437703184 Michael Porter — Psychology and Sociology Applied to Medicine: An Illustrated Colour Text, illustrated edition , 1998, Churchill Livingstone,, Leon Polnay — Manual of Community Paediatrics, Churchill Livingstone,, 978-0443053528 Donald E. Lighter – Principles and Methods of Quality Management in Health Care, illustrated edition, 2000, Aspen Publishers, 978-0834218611 Gormley, K— Social policy & health care, 1st, 1999, Churchill Livingstone,, 978-0443057472 Michael Siegel – Marketing public health, 1st, 2004, Jones And Bartlett Publishers, Inc.,, 978-0763726515 W.H.O.—AIDS Prevention through Health Promotion, 2010, B.I. Churchill Livingstone, Kesab Mukhopadhyay- Question & Answer Exam oriented PSM, 2005, 9788123912455 J.Kishore- Practical & viva in Community Medicine, 1st, 2010, Century Publications,, 9788188132195 Abatt F R- Teaching for better learning- a guide for teachers of Primary health care staff, 2nd , 1992, World Health Organization, 978-9241544429 Goldstein- Medical Informatics 20/20: quality & electronic health recordings through collaboration open solution & innovation, 2007,Jones & Bartlett Publishers,, 978-0763739256 A H Suryakantha- Community Medicine with recent Advances, 2nd, Jaypee,, 9789380704319 Lahariya- A Review of Preventive & Social Medicine, 1st , 2008, Jaypee,, 978-8184483505 Rao- Biostatistics: A manual of statistical methods for use in Health, Nutrition & Anthropology, 2nd , 2009, Jaypee,, 978-8184480559 Das Ranjan- Biomedical Research methodology: Including Biostatistical Applications, 2011 Jaypee,, 978-9359250174 Rahim-Principles and practice of Community Medicine, 1st , 2008, Jaypee,, 978-8184481723 Leon Gordis: Epidemiology , 4th , W.B. Saunders Company,, 9781416040026 40 Wallace- Maxcy-Rosenau- Last Public Health & Preventive Medicine15th , 2007, Mcgraw-hill Medical Publishing,, 9780071441988, 9780071441988 41 2 D.S.Abraham- Laws on Hospital Administration, 1st , 2008, BI Pub. Pvt.Ltd. Chennai, 9788172253806 B.T.B. Thappa- Administration & management Manoj Kumar Mahapatra- Methods in Clinical research, 1st, 2010, Paras Medical Publisher, Hyderabad,, 9788181913180 Dr. M Swaminathan, Advanced Textbook on Food and Nutrition Vol I-II,; Bangalore Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd, B'lore - 560018 Essentials of Food and Nutrition: An Advanced Textbook Epidemiology and Management for Health Care for All: - P V Sathe and A P Sathe, Popular Prakashan, Mumbai, 2nd Ed; ISBN: 8171548423 Physiology Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine; Fauci et al; McGraw Hill; 18th; 007-1466339&cat=4 Textbook of Medical Physiology; Guyton; Elsevier; 12th; 1416-0457-40(48) 3 R.L. Bijlani; ; Jaypee; 4th, ; 978-93-80704-81-4 4 Berne & Levy Review of Medical Physiology; W.F. Ganong; McGraw Hill; 23rd; 007-160-5673 42 43 44 45 46 1 6 Textbook of Physiology Vol. I & II; A.K. Jain; Avichal Publishing Company; 4th; 817739-222-0 Textbook of Medical Physiology; Indu Khurana; Elsevier; 1st; 978-81-8147-850-4 7 Principles of Physiology; D. Pramanik; Academic Publishers; 3rd; 978-81-89781-87-3 8 9 Essentials of Medical Physiology; A.B.S. Mahapatra; Current Books International; 3rd; 81-86793-69-0 Essentials of Medical Physiology; K.Sembulingam; Jaypee; 5th; 978-81-8448-704-6 10 11 Physiological Basis of Medical Practice; Best and Taylor, Elsevier, 13th ed Vander's Human Physiology; Weidmaier, Ralf & Strang; McGraw Hill; 11th ed 5 1 2 3 4 BIOCHEMISTRY Primer of Water, Electrolytes & Acid-Base Balance, Jeffrey M. Brensilver, the late Emanuel Goldberger, Lea & Febiger Philadelphia, Indian Edition: K.M.Varghese Company. (Probably outdated) 803600542 Essential Medical Statistiics , Kirkwood BR, Sterne, Oxford Lewin’s Gene X, Jocelyn E. Krebs, Elliol S. Goldstein, Stephen T. Kilpatrik, Jones & Bartlett Publishers Subsidiary Massachusests Metabolic & Molecular Bases of Inherited Diseases Vol.1 - 4-, 8th Ed. ( or recent), Charles R. Scriver,Arther L. Beaudet, William S. Sly, David Valle, Mc. Graw Hill, Medical Publishing Division, 0 07 913035 6, 0 07 136319 X (VOL 1), 0 07 136320 3 (VOL 2), 0 07 136321 1 (VOL 3), 0 07 136322 X (VOL 4), International Edition:, 0 07 116336 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Sl.No Emery & Rimoin’s Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics, Vol I-III, 4th edition (or recent) Eds: David L Rimoin, J Michael Connor, Reed E. Pyeritz, Bruce R. Korf Churchill Livingstone, 0 44 3064342 Fundamentals of Biochemistry, John Wiley & Sons inc., 0 471 58650 1, Teitz Clinical Guide to Laboratory Tests , 4th edition, Alan H.B. Wu, Saunders Elsevier Scientific Foundations of Biochemistry in Clinical Practice, David L Williams, 2nd ed, Vincent Marks, Butterworths Heinmann, 0 7506 4221 1 Emery’s Elements of Medical Genetics,10th ed. (or recent), Robert F Mueller, Ian D Young, Churchill Living stone Biochemistry A case Oriented Approach 6th ed(or recent), Rex Montgomery, Thomas W Conway, Arthur Spector, Mosby Modern Genetic Analysis, Antony J.F. Griffiths, William M Gilbert, Jeffry H Miller,Richard C Lewontin, W H Freeman& Company, i)Text Book: 0 7167 3118 5, ii)Text Book& CD ROM Package: 0 7167 3597 0 Cell biology, 2nd ed., Thomas D Pollard, William C Earnshaw, Saunders Elsevier Clinical Chemistry Technique Principle & Correlation, Bishop ML Principles of Physical Biochemistry, 2nd ed,2006, Kensal E. Van Holde, W Curtis Jhonson, P Shing Ho, Pearson Prentice Hall, 0 1332017724 X Molecular Cloning, A Laboratory Manual Vol I-III 3rd ed., Joseph Sambrook, David W. Russel, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press A textbook of Biophysics, R.N.Roy, New Central Book Agency Medical Biochemistry & Biotechnology, Amanulla, New Central Book Agency Molecular Techniques in Biochemistry & Biotechnology, Shrivastava, New Central Book Agency A concise note on Medical Laboratory Technology, C.R. Maiti, New Central Book Agency Objective questions (MCQ) in human Biochemistry, New Central Book Agency Human Nutrition & Dietetics ,10th ed., 2001, J S Garrow, WPT James, A Ralph, Churchill Livingstone, 0 4430 5627 7 Cell & Molecular Biology, 8th ed, FDP De Robertis,, EMF De Robertis, B.I Waverly Pvt. LTd., 81 7431 011 8. Clinical Chemistry , 5th Ed. Lippincott Williams & Willikins, 0 7817 6286 3 Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.Seventh Ed. Edittors: Keith Wilson And John Walker.Cambridge University Press. ISBN no. Author/Editor, Title, Edition, Year (Latest Edition of all books to be considered ) Hospital Administration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 978-81-8448-732-9 Basarkar Hospital Waste Management 1/e 2009 978-81-8448-420-5 Bhardwaj Opportunities in Hospital & Health Care Administration Plus Directory Of Hospitals 1/e 2008 978-81-7179-888-9 Dave, Gupta Emergency Medical Services and Disaster Management 1/e 2001 978-81-8061-314-2 Francis Medical Ethics 2/e 2007 Reprint 978-81-7179-721-9 Francis Hospital Administration: A Ready Reference 3/e 2004 Reprint 978-93-5025-755-5 Garala Hospital Administration: A Ready Reference 1/e 2012 978-81-8061-047-9 George The Hospital Administration 1/e 2008 Reprint 978-81-8448-602-5 Gupta Hospital Administration & Management 1/e 2009 978-81-7179-740-0 Gupta Hospital Stores Management: An Integrated Approach 1/e 2007 Reprint 978-93-80704-41-8 Gupta MCQS in Management & Hospital Administration 1/e 2010 978-81-7179-631-1 Gupta Hospital and Health Care Administration Appraisal and Referral Treatise 1/e 2004 978-81-8061-612-9 Gupta Modern Trends in Planning and Designing of Hospitals Principles and Practice with CD-ROM 1/e 2007 978-81-8448-676-6 Joshi Hospital Administration 1/e 2009 978-81-8448-488-5 Joshi Quality Management in Hospitals 1/e 2009 978-93-5025-502-5 Joshi Safety Management in Hospitals 1/e 2012 978-81-8061-546-7 Kapur A Complete Hospital Manual of Instruments & Procedures for Medical Students Hospitals and Nursing Homes 1/e 2006 Reprint 978-81-8061-245-9 Khan Sana’s Guidelines for Hospital Infection Control 1/e 2004 978-81-8448-624-7 Kulkarni Financial Management for Hospital Administration 1/e 2009 978-93-80704-26-5 Mittal Kundan Prehospital Life Support Manual 1/e 2010 978-81-7179-802-5 Mogli Medical Records Organisation and Management 1/e 2006 Reprint 978-93-5025-069-3 Nagaraja Hospital Sterilization 1/e 2011 Parmar Menmonics in Hospital Management 1/e 2012 978-81-8061-777-5 Patwardhan Hospital-Associated Infections: Epidemiology, Prevention and Control 1/e 2006 978-93-5025-354-0 Prakash Medical Audit 2/e 2011 978-81-8448-632-4 Sakharkar Principles of Hospital Administration and Planning 2/e 2009 978-81-8061-585-6 Sasidharan Doctors Pocket Companion 1/e 2007 Reprint 978-81-8061-078-3 Sharma Essentials for Hospital Support Services and Physical Infrastructure 1/e 2010 Reprint 978-81-7179-976-3 Sharma Hospital Waste Management and Its Monitoring 1/e 2005 29 30 31 32 33 Reprint 978-81-8448-820-3 Sharma Step by Step Hospital Designing and Planning (Dr Malhotra Series) with Photo CD-ROM 2/e 2010 978-93-5025-554-4 Singh Biomedical Waste Disposal 1/e 2012 978-93-5025-906-1 Singh, Gupta Hospital Infection Control Guidelines : Principles and Practice 1/e 2012 978-81-8061-154-4 Tabish Hospital and Nursing Homes Planning, Organisation and Management 1/e 2005 Reprint JPB1000000160 Davies Hospital Planning and Administration 1/e 1995 The last date for submission of the quotation has been extended to 12.11.2012 A soft copy in excel format of the quotation must be included in the sealed envelope.