Essay Topics 1. “Success has killed more men than bullets.” (Texas Guinan) Discuss this quote OR treat the topic “Success” in any manner you like. 2. “Killing a human being is sometimes not a crime or a sin but morally right.” Discuss. 3. “Children need more models than critics.” Discuss this topic also in view of your own experience and observation. 4. “Mankind is coming together, but growing apart.” Discuss. 5. “Marriage is a thing of the past.” Discuss. 6. Should 16-year-olds be given voting rights? Take a position. 7. Discuss the benefits and / or dangers of immigration to Switzerland. Take a position. 8. “A man has to make his own way – has to look after himself.” (Birling) “We don’t live alone. We are responsible for each other.” (Inspector) From An Inspector Calls Discuss these contrasting views on responsibility. 9. “Everyone wants to ride with you in the limo, but what you need is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down. “ (Oprah Winfrey) What is meant by this? Do you think people could live without friends? Why (not)? 10. “The media is now the real source of power.” (Susan Faludi) “People used to throw Christians to the lions. Now they just throw them to the press.” (Tammy Faye Bakker) “The freedom of the press works in such a way that there is not much freedom from it.” (Princess Grace of Monaco) Taking these quotes as a starting point, discuss the role of the media in 21st century society. 11. What’s the worst advice you have ever been given? 12. Are girls and women more obsessed with their body than boys and men? Why (not)? 13. Famous people like Victoria Beckham, Keira Knightley and Kate Moss are often accused of being bad role models for young girls. Do you think that’s right? Why (not)? 14. “How to be unhappy as a student”: Write a guide to new students at your school. 15. Discuss and compare the concepts of family in two novels that we have read in class. 16. Write a story containing the following sentence. “No matter what we did, the door simply refused to open.” Give your text an appropriate title. Eliane Suter 1/2 More quotes to be discussed 1. “Nothing can be really enjoyed at top speed, especially life.” (Rachel Ferguson) 2. “You cannot be really first-rate at work if your work is all you are.” (Anna Quindlen) 3. “In the space age, the most important space is that between the ears.” (Anne Armstrong). What is meant by this? Do you agree? 4. “Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back.” (Katherine Mansfield). 5. “I’ve always thought women were much more dangerous than men.” (Tina Howe) 6. “Rumours hurt even when they’re true.” (Dolly Parfon) Eliane Suter 2/2