
1 頁共 1頁
答說明: 每個主題(essay theme)都要作答(5x10%=50%), 請精簡具體作答, English或中文均可絕對不影
響分數, 為節省時間, 人名、地名與專門術語等不須再翻譯. Hints係提供作答方向或作答要點參考,
不具強制性。Please discuss the below essays in concise and concrete words. Hints are only for your answer
reference. Your answers are not compulsorily limited by the hints.
◎E◎Essay Theme 1: Define the terms of research and studies in etymology and academics.
What are different publishing policies of AMJ and AMR? As a candidate of PhD, how
will you do for your works to hold others’ (journal editors, supervisors,…) attention,
based on the article by Bartunek, Rynes and Ireland (2006AMJ)?
More Hints: Why is management research distinctive? What makes it (management research)
interesting? Briefly explain differences between research methods and methodology. What is
the debate between Ph.D. degree in Management and D.B.A.? What is the term “theory” in
etymology and academic? How to identify and prove a management theory?What are four
methods of knowing ( Kerlinger&Lee, 2000, 或黃營衫譯本)?
◎Essay Theme 2: Show how multimethod research for synthesizing the four research
styles is applied. What is term “triangulation” in etymology and academics?
More Hints: What constitutes good, useful and worthy management theory? Show the
interplay or co-evolution between theory and method? What is term “plagiarism” in
etymology and academics and how is it related to co-authorship and citations in research
publishing practices? List major types of validity (Kerlinger&Lee, 2000或黃營杉譯本)?
◎Essay Theme 3: State your views on the maturity of a research disciplines. How is it
examined that the evolution of management interrelated with other disciplines? How do
Agarwal and Hoetker (2007) examine a diffusion of knowledge? Is it good for the
paradigm development of management to be viewed as multidisciplinary tent?
More Hints: Who is Faust? What is a Faust bargain? How to identify Faustian bargain by
scientometrics (informatics or bibliometrics)? Why Mintzberg (1978) disagreed but Morgan
(1979) agreed at the management paradigm in ASQ? How will you utilize the Internet and
various search engines for doing a comprehensive literature overview then review?
◎Essay Theme 4: How to identify paradigm shift by scientometrics (informatics or
bibliometrics)? Based on Easterby-Smith et al. (2008), summarize and discuss two
extreme paradigms (philosophical traditions) of management research? OK
More Hints: What is paradigm in etymology and academics? What is paradigm shift? Why is
theory first or data first the key of generic issues of two traditions (paradigms) of
management research design? How to make uses of computer and software
quantitative-like in making sense of qualitative data? What is meta-analysis
(Kerlinger&Lee, 2000, 或黃營杉譯本)?
◎Essay Theme 5: How can a beginner of knowledge workers (like a PhD1 student)
efficiently get to know the academic structure of a field of inquiry? OK
More Hints: When confronting endless frontier of management research, can “mapping the
science and technology” be helpful. Illustrate some advantages and disadvantages when
making use of non-reactive online databases. Give an example showing how a scholar can
start-up his or her research stream in career using online databases? ( The End ) ※備註:試卷隨題交回