Science Unit Plan: Ecosystems & Peru - Grade 9


Created by Allana Rumble with Adaptations from an Exemplar Unit Plan Available on the


MYP unit planner

Unit title


Subject and grade level

Time frame and duration

From Cradle to Grave

Rumble and Reed

Science Gr. 9 (MYP 4)

8 weeks (August - September)

Stage 1: Integrate significant concept, area of interaction and unit question

Area of interaction focus

Which area of interaction will be our focus?

Why have we chosen this?

Significant concept(s)

What are the big ideas? What do we want our students to retain for years into the future?

Environment Ecosystems (and cultures) can be both fragile and resilient. Ecosystems and societies are connected.

MYP unit question

Of what significance is it for Peru to be one of the “cradles of civilization” in the world? Is Peru currently “digging it’s own grave?”


What task(s) will allow students the opportunity to respond to the unit question?

What will constitute acceptable evidence of understanding? How will students show what they have understood?

1) Criteria D - Students will carry out a scientific investigation of their own design which examines the relationship between a chosen abiotic and biotic factor within the school campus.

Criteria A and B

2) Students will write a one world essay from 10 possible choices of topic including; i) How will the city of Lima, Peru be affected if Peru’s tropical glacier completely melt by the year 2022? ii) Are current fisheries practices in Peru sustainable? iii) How might the El Nino/El Nina effect be altered by global climate change and how would this impact on

Peru? iv) What environmental concerns occur during an earthquake in an urban center and what readiness measures may be planned in advance to help remedy these problems? v)

Lima is considered to be one of the world’s largest desert cities. What unique problems does the city

Created by Allana Rumble with Adaptations from an Exemplar Unit Plan Available on the

OCC face as a result of this and what solutions may be proposed to address this problem? vi)

Lima’s air quality is considered to be one of the worst in the world. How does this impact the life of

Lima’s inhabitants? How can this problem be remedied? vii) Peru is considered to be one of the most bio-diverse nations on Earth. What does this statement mean and why should the preservation of this biodiversity be of importance to the people of Peru? viii) The International Potato Center is in Lima. Why? Why is the preservation of the potato important to

Peru, and to the world? ix)

How did Peru’s ancient civilizations view the world/environment? How does today’s Peruvian Society view the world? What consequences does this shift in environmental value systems have on the environment today? How might this value system be shifted once again? x)

Should logging and mining be permitted in Peru’s rainforests? If yes then who should have the rights to access these resources, what methods should be employed and who should benefit? Who should regulate this process? Why?

3) Unit test – major topics include: biospheres (atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and their interconnections); food webs and food pyramids; bioaccumulation (in fish and humans); abiotic and biotic factors; nutrient cycles (mention of carbon and water emphasis on nitrogen); fertilizers and eutrophication (school turtle pond); population growth; biodiversity – how we value it, how we destroy it, species at risk (from endangered to extinction); pollution – air poulltants/air quality, water pollution

(local water quality), resource exploitation and the concept of natural capital and sustainability.

Criteria C

4) Students Produce their own Food Web using Prezi software and answer a series of questions.

Criteria C

5) Students produce a poster (online-Glogster) that summarizes the basic components of ecosystems and then compares and contrasts various types of ecosystems through a combination of images and text.

-Criteria B

6) Students explore a type of pollution/pollution event in small groups and present their summaries through video and text in a presentation

Criteria A, and F

Which specific MYP objectives will be addressed during this unit?

A: One World

Describe and evaluate the benefits and limitations of science and scientific applications, as well as their effect on life and society

• Discuss how science and technology are interdependent and assist each other in the development of technological applications, and how they interact with social, economic, environmental, and ethical factors

B: Communication in Science

• Communicate scientific information using a range of scientific language and appropriate modes of communication, and present scientific information in a variety of formats, acknowledging sources as appropriate

• Demonstrate honesty when handling data and information and use a range of ICT applications to access, process, and communicate them

C: Knowledge and Understanding of Science

Recognize and recall, explain and apply, analyse, discuss and evaluate scientific information

D: Scientific Inquiry

• Define the problem or research question to be tested by a scientific investigation, include variables and controls, materials/equipment, a method to be followed, data to be collected and suggestions for its analysis

• Formulate a hypothesis and explain it using logical scientific reasoning

Evaluate the method, commenting on its reliability and suggest improvements

E: Processing Data

Collect and record data using appropriate units of measurement

• Organize and transform data into numerical and diagrammatic forms, including mathematical

Created by Allana Rumble with Adaptations from an Exemplar Unit Plan Available on the

OCC calculations and visual representation

• Present data in a variety of ways using appropriate communication modes and conventions

Analyse and interpret data by identifying trends, patterns and relationships

• Draw conclusions supported by scientific explanations and a reasoned interpretation of the analysis of the data

F: Attitudes in Science

• Carry out scientific investigations using materials and techniques safely and skillfully

Work effectively as members of a team, collaborating, acknowledging and supporting others, as well as ensuring a safe working environment, showing respect for themselves and others

Which MYP assessment criteria will be used?

A, B

– one world essay – choice from one of ten local environmental issues.

A, F

– Pollution Case study Presentation

B- Online poster assignment on structure of an ecosystem


– unit test – Ecosystems and Society

C- Prezi Food Web

D, E, F –Abiotic and Biotic Factors Planning Lab

Stage 2: Backward planning: from the assessment to the learning activities through inquiry


What knowledge and/or skills (from the course overview) are going to be used to enable the student to respond to the unit question?

What (if any) state, provincial, district, or local standards/skills are to be addressed? How can they be unpacked to develop the significant concept(s) for stage 1?

Knowledge and Skills:

Students will need to identify relevant biotic and abiotic factors on campus.

Students will have to use appropriate equipment/sampling techniques to collect relevant data.

Students will need to display/present data in a meaningful way to show interactions between living and non-living factors.

IB Content Areas/Concepts Covered:

Personal, Social and Global Awareness

The concept of sustainable development and the capacity of human society to maintain the delicate balance between man and the natural environment

The use and management of natural resources (air, water and solar energy) and their transformation into human capital, goods, tools and machines.

The roles and responsibilities of individuals and societies in the sustainable use and exploitation of natural resources.

The analysis of social, economic, political, cultural and ethical aspects in relation to sustainable development initiatives

Controversial issues (see Essay topics for the unit)

The concept of change

Natural cycles: the occurrence of natural cycles. Seasons/Weather (El Nino, El Nina), life cycles, geological cycles, nutrient cycles can be explored to develop the idea of regularity and consistency.

The concept of energy

Energy flow in an ecosystem

Living systems

 Effect of atmosphere heating and it’s link to climate change

Created by Allana Rumble with Adaptations from an Exemplar Unit Plan Available on the


The concepts of structures, patterns and systems

Chemical substances and reactions in everyday life and their environmental significance

(combustion reaction and contributions to air pollution)

Biological diversity within and across species

Structure of the Earth and conditions for life

Atmospheric phenomena, heat energy, and the water cycle, and their effect on global climate

Conditions for life on Earth including the atmosphere, sun radiation and the water cycle.

Approaches to learning

How will this unit contribute to the overall development of subject-specific and general approaches to learning skills?

Transfer Making connections

– including using knowledge, understanding and skills across subjects to create products or solutions, applying skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations.

Learning experiences

How will students know what is expected of them? Will they see examples, rubrics, templates?

How will students acquire the knowledge and practise the skills required? How will they practise applying these?

Do the students have enough prior knowledge? How will we know?

Teaching strategies

How will we use formative assessment to give students feedback during the unit?

What different teaching methodologies will we employ?

How are we differentiating teaching and learning for all? How have we made provision for those learning in a language other than their mother tongue? How have we considered those with special educational needs?


Scientific investigation: Students are expected to carry out a scientific investigation of their own design which compares measured biotic and abiotic factors.

Students will receive assessment rubrics that will communicate the specific expectations of the task. Students also are provided with a checklist and the task is preceded by modelled use of sensors and methods of collecting abiotic and biotic factors.

Brainstorming sessions will allow for limited guidance to prevent overly ambitious investigations or investigations that might be unsafe or likely to result in poor data. An exemplar of data collection and presentation from a Y5 lab will be posted on blackboard for their perusal.

The one world essay is presented with a rubric, along with a checklist of open-ended points for their consideration to help scaffold student writing. Starter websites for general knowledge on the topics (pros and cons) are included to kick start the research process.

The unit test is preceded by an explanation of the different levels of questioning involved in

MYP testing.

Group review via the course Moodle page which contains a forum where students contribute to is encouraged. Formative assessments in the form of quizzes also

Formative Assessment i) Assess labs leading up to planning lab for key elements – feedback ii) Quizzes iii) See visible thinking routines below (informal assessment) iv) Give feedback on data collected when modelling use of sensors and sampling techniques

Teaching Methods i) Lecture/Notes ii) Inquiry

– questioning, critical thinking, problem solving iii) Project-based learning – focused on developing a product, solving hands-on, real-world problems iv) Resource-based learning – have learners select resources from a wide range of materials. They are responsible for selecting resources and using a wide range of materials to investigate subject material. v) Collaborative learning – learners placed in groups or pairs for the purpose of achieving a common academic goal vi) Constructivism

– teachers focus on openended questions and promote extensive dialogue among learners. Learners are encouraged to analyse, interpret, and predict information.

Differentiated Instruction i) Identifying and correcting misconceptions

Created by Allana Rumble with Adaptations from an Exemplar Unit Plan Available on the

OCC precede the test.

Learning Experiences:

Moodle page definitions of common ecological terms, students contribute. Will form basis of review sheets.

Interactive online vocabulary quizzes

Food web activity – independently, students will create food webs for a jungle ecosystem.

Discussion on how to deal with organisms that belong to different trophic levels.

Video/Media presentations on species interactions

–commensalism (anemone and clownfish),mutualism (caterpillar and ant), predation (eagle vs. goat), parasitism (fluke and snail).

WebQuest- activities based on websites highlighting endangered species and their conservation.

Forum postings on a bioengineering challenge.

Colour and creativity in students designing their own species and discussing habitat, population size, species at risk, conservation and the importance of biodiversity

Skill building/Investigation

– sampling techniques, sensors and analog probes

(dissolved oxygen, pH, soil and water temperature, flow rate sensors, light meters, turbidity), quadrat sampling, aquatic sampling,etc.

Research: Preparation for one world essay.

Discussion: Anthropocentric vs. intrinsic value systems as they pertain to biodiversity

. What role do humans play in the destruction of the priory of species?

Are we really “above it all” or are we connected to the web of life?

Video presentation

– acid rain, plastics, oil spills.

Discussion, research and video production:

Bioaccumulation and plastics in the

Great Pacific Gyre

– How are we contributing to the problem?

algae use up oxygen during eutrophication; global warming is caused by ozone depletion; humans are not a part of the web of life, they control it; fossil fuel combustion is the primary source of greenhouse gas emissions globally; there is nothing we can do to reverse/slow down climate change, etc. ii) Offering choice in A, B essay – carbon offsets essay or eutrophication essay iii) Offering choice in D, E, F planning lab.

Students can choose which abiotic or biotic factors they will compare and contrast between the three communities. iv) Offering choice in unit test

– level 5/6 questions v) Monitoring progress with visible thinking routines a) Headlines

– Students write a headline based on the main concept delivered; teacher checks for understanding.

Celebrate exemplars. If common misconceptions are present, revisit the method of delivery or highlight aspects which need to be reinforced/corrected. b) 3-2-1 Bridge

– Students respond initially to a topic with three thoughts/ideas, two questions, and one analogy. Once the topic has been completed students repeat the exercise. They then BRIDGE the two sets of responses and identify connections/changes between the two. c) Connect, Extend, Challenge

– A routine for connecting new ideas to prior knowledge. How are the new ideas connected to what students already know? What new ideas did students find that extended or pushed their thinking in new directions? What is still challenging or confusing for you to get your mind around? What questions do you now have?


What resources are available to us? How will our classroom environment, local environment and/or the community be used to facilitate students’ experiences during the unit?

Sensors – dissolved oxygen, temperature, light meters, quadrats, pH meters, etc - Brickworks Evergreen Website

Text: Science 9

– Nelson. 2008

Webquest sites: - food chains/energetics - nitrogen cycle on a beef farm

Created by Allana Rumble with Adaptations from an Exemplar Unit Plan Available on the

OCC - carbon cycle movie - Abiotic/biotic factors review - Ecosystem simulation


Biodiversity webquest :

Climate Change Webquest Ocean Pollution webquest

International Potato Institute :

Urban versus rainforest ecologists:,8599,1908533,00.html

Ongoing reflections and evaluation

In keeping an ongoing record, consider the following questions. There are further stimulus questions at the end of the “Planning for teaching and learning” section of

MYP: From principles into practice.

Students and teachers

What did we find compelling? Were our disciplinary knowledge/skills challenged in any way?

What inquiries arose during the learning? What, if any, extension activities arose?

How did we reflect

—both on the unit and on our own learning?

Which attributes of the learner profile were encouraged through this unit? What opportunities were there for student-initiated action?

Possible connections

How successful was the collaboration with other teachers within my subject group and from other subject groups?

What interdisciplinary understandings were or could be forged through collaboration with other subjects?


Were students able to demonstrate their learning?

How did the assessment tasks allow students to demonstrate the learning objectives identified for this unit? How did I make sure students were invited to achieve at all levels of the criteria descriptors?

Are we prepared for the next stage?

Data collection

How did we decide on the data to collect? Was it useful?

Student-initiated action: The hope is to foster a sense of stewardship – that small individual actions are all that is needed to bring about major change. By focusing on Peru’s unique qualities it is hoped students will become more invested in their work in recognizing that what they do locally has impacts locally. Changes need to start at home first.

Discussions of local air, water and soil pollution, possible solutions, connections to economics, politics and culture should provide opportunities for lifestyle changes and discussions around the dinner table at home.

Possible connections:

*Check to see if this holistic learning approach can be broadened outside of the connections to the sciences to the cultural/historical (Humanities/History) perspective of changes in environmental values systems from Peru’s ancient civilizations to today. Potential field trip to Museo Larco??

Created by Allana Rumble with Adaptations from an Exemplar Unit Plan Available on the


*Co-ordination with Art teachers to see if students can do two ceramic pieces 1 to reflect the environmental values systems of the ancient civilizations and the second to reflect their own current environmental values.

*Connections to health (the adverse effects of pollution on respiratory systems, increased incidences of


*Connection to CIP/the potato as Peru’s national symbol.

Figure 12

MYP unit planner
