January Book Report Options

Name: _______________________________
Due Date: Tuesday, Oct. 30th
(Be prepared for the presentation!)
October Book Report
Topic: Fantasy
Fantasy is a genre that has magic, secondary worlds, mythical creatures, and quests in most of the books.
Common elements in the genre are dragons, unicorns, talking animals, and imaginary characters. Some
books have minimal fantastic elements, but anything that is not possible in the real world is considered
Fantasy. (http://www.suite101.com/lesson.cfm/17284/2862)
Choose any fantasy book. Remember, your book should be at least 90 pages.
Part 1: November is the month for elections, so we are going to have an election experience in
connection with our book report. Complete the following steps and check each one off when you
are done:
____ 1. Choose a character from your book that would make a great president.
Become that person’s campaign manager.
____ 2. Make a list of 5 to 10 qualities your candidate has that would make
him or her a great president (list on page 4 of this report).
____ 3. Create a campaign poster on 14”x22” poster board (not larger please) for your
candidate to advertise her/his candidacy. The poster should include a slogan and
a drawing of some kind.
Part 2: Written report (see back side).
Part 3: Present your campaign to the class. You will be allowed up to 2 minutes to give your
presentation and convince the class that your character would make the best president. You
will only have this one chance to present, so make sure you are ready so that you receive
presentation points. A preliminary vote will be held on the day of presentations, and then you
will later vote on the finalists using a ballot.
Your book report will be graded on the quality and neatness of your poster, your class
presentation, and completion of your written report. Do your very best work using precise
cursive handwriting.
Written Report (cursive)
List of qualities (cursive)
Campaign poster
to the Class
Points Possible
Points Earned
Written Report
*Remember to use precise cursive handwriting, complete sentences, and punctuation
1. Book Title: ___________________________________________________
2. Author: ____________________________
3. Number of Pages: ______
4. Is this book a Narrative, Informative, or Informative-Narrative?
5. What is the setting? _______________________________________________
6. Who are the characters? ___________________________________________
7. What is the main character's name:_____________________________________
A character description is also called a character sketch. Just as an artist uses paint,
or ink or some other medium to draw a detailed picture, so a writer uses words to
sketch (or to paint) a word picture of the characters in the story. How did the author
describe the main character in your book?
8. List five adjectives to describe your character (Use a thesaurus to find colorful
1. ________________________________________
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________
9. Give a physical description of your character:
What color is his/her hair? ______________________________________
What color are his/her eyes? _____________________________________
Is he/she big, small, tall, short, thin, fat, athletic, or a couch potato? Use
complete sentences to describe him/her in detail:
10. Use complete sentences to tell your character's likes, dislikes, things they do, etc.
11. What is your character's greatest strength? (Complete sentences)
12. What is your character's greatest weakness? (Complete sentences)
13. Summarize the main events (plot) of the book from beginning to end. Write as
many complete sentences as you need to accomplish this (at least 5).
14. What was your favorite part in the book? Why? (Complete sentences)
List of Qualities
Use the space below to list 5-10 qualities your candidate has that would make him or
her great president. Use this information to help you make a campaign poster.
Which character are you campaigning? _______________________
Now, make a colorful, catchy poster on 14” x 22” poster board detailing the
qualities your candidate has that would make him/her a fabulous president. You
should make up a slogan, such as “Vote for Hardy, he’s a smarty.” Be sure to
include an illustration. Please use regular poster board. Do not use the thicker
poster board that can’t be stapled to the wall. Each student’s poster will be
displayed in the hall; therefore they must be the right size and thickness.