“A View from the Bridge” by Arthur Miller Critical Essay Question and Plan Task: Choose a play which underlines how one person's flaw(s) can have a significant impact on other people as well as on himself or herself. Explain briefly the nature of the flaw(s) and then, in detail, assess how much the character and others are affected. Introduction Title, author, type of text, words of task. Summary: Eddie – Italian American – his relationship with his niece – his wife’s cousins come from Italy – illegally stay and work in America. Flaw – The inappropriate feelings he has for his niece - The themes revealed – the destructive force of jealousy, the importance of the Italian code of honour and inappropriate love. Statement of intent – Miller uses various techniques to illustrate that Eddie’s flaw causes him to act in a way that has severe and far reaching implications for not only himself, but also for several other characters. Plan – middle paragraphs Para 2 - Eddie is seen as an honest character that follows the code of honour that exists among the Italian immigrants in Red Hook. (Include discussion of the theme of the Italian code of honour here) Eddie’s view of providing a home for the illegal immigrants/“submarines”(p.8) The story of the fourteen year old boy (p13-14) Alfieri’s comments on Eddie’s character (p15) Para 3 – Eddie’s inappropriate feelings for his niece develop throughout the play and this has severe consequences for him as he loses the respect of his family, the community and ultimately his life. Discuss how Catherine’s reaching sexual maturity affects Eddie (Comment on use of symbolism here and Include discussion of the theme of inappropriate love) Discuss how Rodolpho and Catherine’s relationship causes Eddie to be jealous and frustrated (Comment on the key scene of the boxing match here and discuss the theme of the destructive nature of jealousy) Para 4 – Eddie’s feelings for Catherine cause him to act in a way that profoundly affects other characters. (Discuss the theme of the destructive nature of jealousy here) Use the example of Marco and how Eddie’s actions affect him and his ability to look after his family. Use the example of Beatrice and how their physical and emotional relationship is affected Use the example of Catherine and Rodolpho’s relationship Conclusion – In conclusion, refer to task, sum up the main points of your argument, which aspect of the text did you find most appealing/convincing? Para 5 – Stage prop – telephone booth (if in view); Alfieri – like chorus in traditional Greek tragedy – he points out Eddie’s motivations/ desires and in addresses to audience stresses the inevitability of Eddie’s downfall and his own helplessness. Para 2 – Eddie as an honest/honourable character Firstly, Eddie is seen as an honest character who follows the code of honour that exists among the Italian immigrants in Red Hook Eddie’s view of providing a home for the illegal immigrants/“submarines”(p.8) The story of the fourteen year old boy (p13-14) Alfieri’s comments on Eddie’s character (p15) Para 3: Eddie’s growing jealousy Eddie begins to only speak to Marco – growing dislike for Rodolpho, as early as first meeting (p.18) Eddie’s reaction to Rodolpho’s singing and Catherine’s admiration of it – Eddie’s “iron control…smile” and comment about Catherine’s heels (symbol of her being a woman – men finding her attractive) (p.21) Alfieri’s comment – p.22 Eddie’s conversation with Beatrice about ~Rodolpho (bottom of p.23) Boxing match – Eddie hits Rodolpho p41 Para 4: Eddie’s self denial T. S = Linkword +TASK + Eddie’s self-denial over his feelings towards Catherine. Beatrice’s mention of it – p.23, p.30 Eddie’s denial of it – p.34 Eddie’s criticisms of Rodolpho – p.28, p.33 Para 5: Stage devices T. S = Linkword +TASK + – the stage devices prepare us for the decision Eddie makes. The telephone booth – p.3 Alfieri – his talk of the inevitability of Eddie’s situation and his own helplessness. P.31, p.35, p.48, p.49 Conclusion In conclusion, words of task Sum up main point(s) of each paragraph State your overall praise of the text.