Novel Unit The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom

Heavenly Nice Notes: The Five People You Meet in Heaven
by Mitch Albom
Instructor: Ms. Sabrina Fox
Novel Unit
The Five People You Meet in Heaven
There are 2 parts to this unit.
1. Online Assignment.
2. Unit Exam: Literary Essay
The Online Assignment consists of a series of short answer and paragraph
response questions.
1. Point value for each question is indicated in brackets at the end of each
2. Paragraph answers should be written in "body" paragraph structure.
3. See "Resources" for a powerpoint review of body paragraph structure.
4. If you have any questions, feel free to email and or drop by and ask. I'd
love to hear from you.
5. This is a fantastic and intriguing book that leaves one feeling glad to have
read it.
6. Answer all questions using COMPLETE and CORRECT
7. Please check out the links included with the unit.
8. There are quicktime videos with Mitch Albom himself discussing the
book!!!! See the link.
Look at the
See "About Eddie"
See "Reading Group Guide" for Video Discussion of the Novel
9. Read the book. Answer the questions.
10. Enjoy the process.
Chapter by Chapter Questions
1. What was the impetus for Albom to write this book? (1)
2. What is your first impression of Eddie? Why? What kind of a person does he seem to
be? Provide 3 important adjectives and explain how they describe Eddie. (3)
3. The technique of saying "50 minutes before his death" he did this and "40 minutes
before his death" he did that, creates a certain feeling for the reader. What is it? (1)
4. What were Eddie's final words? Once you've read the whole book -- look back and see
if you think these words are somehow symbolic. (2)
5. This book begins with an ending. p. 1. Once you have read the first 18 pages, answer
this question: Why does this story begin with the ending? (2)
6. p.27 What three things does Eddie notice when he wakes up the day after the accident?
How are these important? (1)
7. Paragraph Response: p.32-50 In a well-organized body paragraph, discuss what Eddie
learns from his encounter with the Blue Man. That is, how is meeting with the Blue Man
important in terms of how Eddie is to come to terms with his life and his death. (6) Hint:
State your main idea in the topic sentence and then use specific details from the novel to prove and support
your idea.
8. p.52-54 What is revealed about the character of Eddie's mother in this scene? Explain.
9. p. 56-96 Paragraph Response: Discuss the themes that the Captain brings to Eddie as
Eddie experiences the second person he meets in heaven. What themes about life are
revealed? How are these shown to Eddie? Why are these important for Eddie? Discuss
only the novel (8)
10. p.98 - 120 What kind of a Dad was Eddie's dad? Give evidence and explain.
11. p.120 -143 Why does Ruby need to meet Eddie? What 2 messages does she share
with him? How are these messages important for Eddie and his peace of mind? (4)
12. Under what circumstances does the fourth person Eddie meets, greet him? Who is it
and why does she use this circumstance? (2)
13. p.155- 159Marguerite reveals many ideas to Eddie. All of which are the sorts of
questions one wonders about the hereafter and heaven. Provide 2 pieces of specific
information she reveals to him about how information is passed between heaven and
earth (2).
14. p.160-175 What does the "random act" of two 17-year olds suggest about life? How
does their random act impact Marguerite and Eddie's life? (2)
15. What is shocking about the fifth person Eddie meets in heaven? (1)
16. How does Eddie know Tala? (1)
17. Paragraph Response: How is Tala's lesson the necessary one that finally freed
Eddie? Write a topic sentence which states the lesson and then tracing back through the
novel, show how Eddie's life has indeed been purposeful and meaningful. Be specific to
the novel. This is NOT AN ESSAY. This may be organized in one long paragraph or
two shorter ones. (12 marks possible).
____/52 = ____%
Come in and write your NOVEL UNIT EXAM.
I look forward to seeing you!
:-) Sabrina