Julius Caesar Character List: Play Summary & Descriptions


Julius Caesar Character List

Flavius and Marullus – punished for removing decorations from Caesar’s statues

Julius Caesar – emperor of Rome, easily flattered, superstitious but doesn’t listen to warnings, ambitious to become king of Rome, has physical faults

Casca – conspirator, first to stab Caesar

Calpurnia – wife of Caesar, unnatural events make her fear for Caesar’s safety, dream foreshadows Caesar’s death, barren (cannot have children)

Mark Antony – friend and devoted follower of Caesar, athlete, womanizer, skilled orator, avenged Caesar’s death, forms Second Triumvirate

Soothsayer – warns Caesar “Beware the Ides of March”

Marcus Brutus – judicial magistrate of Rome, noble, honorable, respected, fears Caesar will become a tyrant, joins conspiracy for the good of Rome, naïve, idealistic

Cassius – brother in law of Brutus, organizes conspiracy against Caesar, jealous

Cicero – senator, famous orator of Rome, speaks Greek, conspirators consider asking him to join, Second Triumvirate put him to death

Cinna – conspirator, urges Cassius to involve Brutus in conspiracy, places forged letters for Brutus to find

Lucius – Brutus’s young servant, sings soothing songs for Brutus

Decius Brutus – conspirator who persuades Caesar to attend the Senate by flattering him

Metellus Cimber – conspirator, distracts Caesar by requesting brother’s banishment be repealed

Trebonius – conspirator who lures Mark Antony out of the Senate house

Portia – wife of Brutus, stabs thigh to prove strength, suffers breakdown when Brutus tells her of conspiracy, commits suicide by swallowing hot coals

Caius Ligarius – final member of conspiracy, will do anything Brutus asks

Publius – elderly senator who arrives with conspirators to escort Caesar to the capitol(not a conspirator)

Artemidorous – teacher who gives Caesar a letter naming the conspirators

Poplilus Lena – senator who wishes Cassius well in his “enterprise”

Cinna the Poet – caught in riot, mistaken for Cinna the conspirator, killed for his bad verses

Octavius Caesar – nephew and adopted son of Caesar, his heir, forms Second Triumvirate

M. Aemilius Lepidus – joins Antony and Octavius to form Second Triumvirate, weak, used to run errands

Lucilius – loyal servant of Brutus, impersonates Brutus when captured

Pindarus – servant of Cassius, tells Cassius incorrect information about Titinius causing

Cassius to kill himself, helps Cassius to die

Titinius – officer in army of Brutus and Cassius, one Cassius believed to be captured

Messala – soldier in army of Brutus and Cassius

Varro and Claudius – servants of Brutus, asked to help Brutus die

Young Cato – nephew of Brutus, soldier in army of Brutus and Cassius

Clitus and Dardanius – servants of Brutus, asked to help Brutus die

Volumnius – friend of Brutus, soldier under his command

Strato – loyal servant to Brutus, helps him kill himself
